Start-up Innovation Culture презентация


Location, Location, Location People, People, People

Слайд 1Start-up Innovation Culture
Building it Right From Day One

Слайд 2Location, Location, Location
People, People, People

Слайд 3Start-up is Like Rafting

Слайд 4You Need Everyone Firing on All Cylinders

Слайд 5Every Turn Presents New Challenges

Слайд 6Everyone Must Have Solution Mindset

Слайд 7- One Lucky Idea - Market Timing - Infusion of Capital

Outsider’s Perspective on Start-up Success

Слайд 8
Execution of Thousands of Little Ideas

Слайд 9Every Idea Pushes the Product inch Closer to Success

Слайд 10Successful Products are Collection of Ideas
which When Executed Together

Create Compelling Value for Customers

Слайд 11Company Culture
You’ll get one – whether you want it or


Слайд 12Culture Trumps Strategy. – Drucker

Слайд 13Didn’t Like the Culture I Got the First Time
I was

Determined to Do it Right Next Time

Result = $1.2Billon

Tony Hseih

Слайд 14Every New Hire Influence’s Culture
10th Employee = 10% of Workforce

Слайд 15Hire for the Right Mindset

Слайд 16Build a Culture of Idea Hunters

Слайд 17Infuse Innovation in the DNA
From the Beginning

Слайд 18Approaches to Internal Innovation

Слайд 19Hackathons
Best When the Problems and Outcomes are Known

Слайд 20Dabble Time
Best When Employees are Entrepreneurial and You
can Afford

Experimentation Time

Слайд 21Kaizen
Best When Every Enhancement Matters and Tight on Resources (a.k.a. Start-Up)

(Continuous Improvement)

Слайд 22No Idea is too Small
Everything can be Improved
Innovation is

Everyone’s Job
Relentless Focus on Value Creation

Kaizen (Continuous Improvement)

Слайд 23Employees are the Best Source of Ideas

Слайд 24

Your Next Billion $$$ Feature
You Never Know Which Employee Idea…

Слайд 25“Let the Thousand Flowers Bloom” – Eric Schmidt (Google)

Слайд 26Teach Employees to Spot, Nurture, and Develop Ideas

Слайд 27 Employees Often Have Ideas, but
Don’t Know How to Channel


Слайд 28A Well Designed
Innovation Program Encourages More Ideas
Ideas are Contagious

Слайд 29M.A.S.T.E.R. Innovation Program

Слайд 306-Step M.A.S.T.E.R. Innovation Program
Mobilize Toward a Mission
Amass Ideas in

a Central Repository
Support and Educate Employees
Triage Ideas for Validity
Execute Valid Ideas
Recognize Employees for their Contributions

Слайд 31Step 1 – Mobilize Toward a Mission
What is the Mission

& Vision of the Program?
What Kind of Ideas You Are Looking for?
Which Business Aspects/Challenges to Focus?
How to Evaluate an Idea?
Who can Participate?

Слайд 32Step 2 – Amass Ideas
Easily Accessible System to Capture Ideas

Слайд 33Step 3 – Support Employees

Time to Experiment

Seed Capital to

Test Ideas

Ongoing Encouragement

Слайд 34Sep 4 – Triage and Refine Ideas

Build Teams to

Triage Ideas and Encourage Participation

Слайд 35Step 5 – Execute Ideas
Develop Plans and Allocate Resources to

Implement Ideas

Слайд 36Step 6 – Recognize Employees


Wall of Fame


of intrinsic and extrinsic rewards… Emphasize intrinsic rewards

Слайд 37MASTER Bottom-up Innovation Program
Methodology for Bringing Out the Innovator in


Слайд 38Results
Bottom Line Profits

Слайд 39Powered by Employee Ideas…

Слайд 40A Step-by-Step Guide for Creating
Bottom-up Innovation Program
Read The Bright

Idea Box to Learn More…

Слайд 41Thank you!

Jag Randhawa


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