shredding exercise collection презентация


Слайд 1shredding exercise collection
© Victor N. Simkin 1994-2005

Слайд 2Ex. 1 Where does the author direct the reader who is interested

in... ?

*Further reading section
** p. 3

Слайд 3Ex. 2 The boy in the bedroom...
A. called his mother because it

was dark.
B. could not sleep because of the storm outside.
C. was glad that the soldiers had come.
D. was glad because his father had gone away.

Слайд 4Ex. 3
He went to see her because she...

A. had asked him to

do so.
B. had her birthday.
C. needed him.
D. was ill.

Слайд 5Ex. 4
What is the writer’s opinion about violence on TV?

A. He

considers it dangerous for young people’s development.
B. He is not interested in this phenomenon.
C. He never watches television.
D. It is a fact that it has increased crime.

Слайд 6Ex. 5
“... His remark was typical of the men and the

women who serve on board this vessel of mercy. The doctors and nurses, whose salaries are far less than they would command in private practice, have contributed literally millions of dollars’ worth of skilled medical care to suffering people. Aboard the SS Hope, pride and devotion meet the pay-roll.”

Слайд 7Ex. 5 a/b
5a What is concluded in this paragraph?
A. That doctors

and nurses aboard the SS Hope are not paid any salaries.
B. That millions of dollars have been saved by not paying doctors and nurses.
C. That terms of employment aboard the SS Hope are not satisfactory.
D. That all those who are working aboard the SS Hope money is only a secondary consideration.
5b ‘pride and devotion meet pay-roll’ means
A. doctors and nurses do not even want to be on the pay-roll.
B. only those who show real devotion to their work will be paid.
C. pride prevents doctors and nurses from accepting any money for their services.
D. the satisfaction doctors and nurses get out of their work makes up for small salaries.

Слайд 8Ex. 6
Why did mother go to the kitchen?

A. Because Peter had

asked her to do so.
B. Because the cat was eating the pie.
C. To get the sugar.
D. To put the kettle on.

Слайд 9Ex. 7
John . . . flowers to the party last night.

carries B carried C lifts D lifted
The woman . . . to the same shop every week.
A go B goes C have gone D am going

Слайд 10Ex. 8a
Why did John start his own travel agency?

A. His friends

in Spain made a badly organised trip.
B. His friends in Spain organised a trip badly.
C. His friends made a badly organised trip to Spain.
D. His friends organised a trip to Spain badly.

Слайд 11Ex. 8b
Why did John refuse to visit his grandmother?

A. Because his

mother had told him that his grandmother did not like him.
B. Because his mother had told him that his grandmother was angry with him.
C. Because his mother had told him that his grandmother was having company.
D. Because his mother had told him that his grandmother was ill.

Слайд 12Ex. 9
Why did John go home early?

A. Because his father would

be there.
B. Because his mother had told him to.
C. Because she needed him.

Слайд 13Ex. 10
10 Downing Street is the residence of the

A. British Foreign

B. British Prime Minister.
C. Mayor of London.
D. Queen of Great Britain.

Слайд 14Ex. 11
At which airport will the Russian delegation arrive?

A. Gatwick B. Heathrow

Luton D. Stansted
Who will meet the Russian delegation at Heathrow?

Слайд 15Ex. 12
What is the meaning of ‘exceed the speed limit’?

A. break

the speed record.
B. drive as fast as possible.
C. drive faster than one is allowed.
D. go faster than the car can go.

Слайд 16Ex. 13
Someone who designs houses is a _______ .

A. designer B. builder

architect D. plumber

Слайд 17Ex. 14
Who gets food from trees?

A. Only man
B. Only animals
C. Man

and animals

Слайд 18Ex. 15
Согласно диалогу, женщина _________ .

(А) объясняет, как доехать до Третьяковской

(Б) спрашивает, как доехать до Третьяковской галереи
(В) рассказывает, как дойти до метро
(Г) предлагает пойти с ней в Третьяковскую галерею

Слайд 19Ex. 16
a. Мужчина позвонил, чтобы _______ .
(А) отменить встречу
(Б) извиниться и

отменить встречу
(В) перенести встречу
(Г) назначить свидание

b. Согласно диалогу, женщина _______ .
(А) согласилась
(Б) обрадовалась
(В) отказалась
(Г) расстроилась

Слайд 20Ex.17
Насколько обоснованны столь часто звучащие сегодня утверждения о падении нравственности и

духовной деградации нашей молодежи? Глядя на тонны детективно-криминально-эротической макулатуры в глянцевых переплетах, коей завалены все книжные прилавки, нельзя не чувствовать тревоги за духовное будущее нации. На этом фоне результаты социологического опроса, проведенного среди московской молодежи, не могут не вызвать изумления.
Что же читают молодые? Самым популярным из всех романов оказался “Мастер и Маргарита” Булгакова. На втором месте - “Архипелаг ГУЛАГ” Солженицина, на третьем - Библия, на четвертом - “Война и мир” Толстого. Возможно, многих может огорчить, что Библия всего лишь на третьем месте, но молодежь есть молодежь. Молодость по-прежнему романтична. Кстати, роман “Война и мир” можно назвать Библией русской интеллигенции двух веков. А разве интерес молодежи к столь нелегкому документальному исследованию Солженицина не говорит о том, что все разговоры о якобы легкомысленной беспамятной молодежи весьма далеки от истины?

Слайд 21Ex. 17.1
Результаты проведенного опроса ___________ .

(А) разочаровывают
(Б) тревожат
(В) обнадеживают
(Г) огорчают

Слайд 22Ex.17
Насколько обоснованны столь часто звучащие сегодня утверждения о падении нравственности и

духовной деградации нашей молодежи? Глядя на тонны детективно-криминально-эротической макулатуры в глянцевых переплетах, коей завалены все книжные прилавки, нельзя не чувствовать тревоги за духовное будущее нации. На этом фоне результаты социологического опроса, проведенного среди московской молодежи, не могут не вызвать изумления.
Что же читают молодые? Самым популярным из всех романов оказался “Мастер и Маргарита” Булгакова. На втором месте - “Архипелаг ГУЛАГ” Солженицина, на третьем - Библия, на четвертом - “Война и мир” Толстого. Возможно, многих может огорчить, что Библия всего лишь на третьем месте, но молодежь есть молодежь. Молодость по-прежнему романтична. Кстати, роман “Война и мир” можно назвать Библией русской интеллигенции двух веков. А разве интерес молодежи к столь нелегкому документальному исследованию Солженицина не говорит о том, что все разговоры о якобы легкомысленной беспамятной молодежи весьма далеки от истины?

Слайд 23Ex. 18
В тексте слово ‘ripen’ означает

1) зреть
2) созревать
3) делать зрелым
4) зрелый

Слайд 24Ex. 19
Robin Hood was a . . . man .

1) weak

3) brave
4) lazy

Слайд 25Ex. 20
The flag is the combination of the banners of England,

Scotland and Ireland. The flag is known as the Union Jack.

1) Canada 2) Australia
3) New Zealand 4) Britain

Слайд 26Ex. 21
Выберите нужное

Turn . . . the radio, because I want

to listen to the songs.

1) on 2) in 3) off 4) into

Слайд 27Ex. 22
Выберите предложение, соответствующее содержанию текста

1) Columbus studied arithmetic and geography

at a famous school.
2) Columbus studied arithmetic and geometry at a famous school.
3) Columbus studied arithmetic and geometry at a village school.
4) Columbus studied arithmetic and history at a Genoa school.

(from the text...
“... Columbus went to a famous school near Genoa and studied arithmetic and geography.”)

Слайд 28Ex. 23
Укажите правильный ответ на вопрос

What did Columbus want to reach?


He wanted to reach Australia.
2) He wanted to reach Spain.
3) He wanted to reach India by a westward voyage.
4) He wanted to reach India by a eastward voyage.

(In the text
“He wanted to reach India by a westward voyage...”)

Слайд 29Ex. 24
Подруга предлагает купить кофе и булочку. Ответьте согласием

1) Thank you

very much.
2) Yes, why not.
3) That’s all right.
4) Well done!

Слайд 30Ex. 25
Выберите наиболее удачный заголовок для прочитанного рассказа

А. Good Friends
B. Lonely

C. Two Cowards
D. Night Adventure
E. Dangerous Meeting

Слайд 31Ex. 26_1
  In 1970, the second year that the Nobel Prize

in economics was awarded, it went to an American, Paul Samuelson. It was in recognition of his outstanding work in constructing economic models. According to the Nobel Prize citation: “ By his many contributions, Samuelson has done more that any other contemporary economist to raise the level of scientific analysis in economic theory” . . .

Слайд 32Ex. 26_2
1. The Nobel prize in economics was awarded in:        

1970;        b) 1917; c) 1968.

2. P. Samuelson got the Nobel prize for:        
a) his outstanding work in constructing economic models;
b) his outstanding work in economic planning
c) his outstanding work in developing American economy

Слайд 33Ex. 27
She looked at me _____ , but didn't say _____


1. kindly, anything
2. kind, something
3. kindly, nothing
4. kind, anything

Слайд 34Ex. 28 Тест к тексту “Rockwell Kent”
1. Rockwell Kent is a


American scientist.
English musician.
English statesman.
American artist.

2. R. Kent did not graduate from Columbia University because…

he had to earn his living.
he decided to become a painter.
he was expelled from it.
he started for a voyage.

Слайд 35Ex. 28 Тест к тексту “Rockwell Kent”
3. R. Kent is characterized


his realism.
his abstract manner of painting.
his romanticism.
his cubistic manner of painting.

4. Choose the necessary figure given below for each sentence.
Rockwell Kent was born in…
R. Kent was awarded the International Lenin Peace Prize in…
R. Kent first exhibition was held in…
R. Kent presented the Soviet people with a great number of his paintings and drawings in…

1967 1961 1882 1902

Слайд 36Ex. 28 Тест к тексту “Rockwell Kent”
5. Автором какого из нижеперечисленных

произведений является Р.Кент?

It’s Me, Oh Lord
Ten Days That Shook the World
Three Men in a Boat
Uncle Tom’s Cabin

6. The main idea of the text is:

Kent’s first exhibition was held when he was 20 years old and it made him famous.
Kent’s landscapes show the beauty of nature and the hard life of the people in the Far North.
Kent presented the Soviet people with 900 of his paintings and drawings.
Kent, a famous American painter, writer and a public figure was a great friend of the Soviet people.

Слайд 37Ex. 28 Тест к тексту “Rockwell Kent”
7. Расположите вопросы в логической


What did Kent write about in his books?
Why did R.Kent present the Soviet people with his works?
When and where was R.Kent born?
What do his landscapes show?
What made R.Kent famous when he was 20?
What was R.Kent for more than 10 years?

Слайд 38Ex. 29
На каком языке обсуждали политические проблемы Александр I и Наполеон

I при личной встрече в 1807 году?

На французском, каковой язык был основным языком русского дворянства начала XIX века;
Через переводчика;
На английском, поскольку это был язык нейтральной державы;
На немецком, как было положено по дипломатическому этикету, так как эта встреча происходила на территории Пруссии.

Слайд 39Ex. 30
Ниже перечислены в хронологическом порядке повести, включенные в роман М.Ю.

Лермонтова «Герой нашего времени»:
А) «Тамань»
Б) «Княжна Мэри»
В) «Бэла»
Г) «Фаталист»
Д) «Максим Максимович»

Укажите правильный порядок следования повестей в романе.

Б, В, А, Г, Д
В, Д, А, Б, Г
А, Б, Д, Г, В
Д, А, Б, В, Г

Слайд 41А3
Uh-hmm. I used to be very close to my younger brother

Robert who died when he was 10. My other younger brother and sister are almost 13 years my junior. So I was more of a baby-sitter to them than a friend. But we all get along well now. I always help them, when necessary, and give advice. Relations in my family between my own children are very different. I sometimes envy them.

Слайд 42
Kevin’s brother and sister
are his close friends
often need his support*
envy him

very much

Слайд 44
Acting is cool. I’m an entertainer and every time I start

a new film I can’t say how well I’ll be able to do my job. Every film is a new character and a new test of “Can I do it”. Sometimes it difficult to pass this test successfully. Anyway, it’s always unusual, so I’m never bored.

Слайд 45А2
The actor thinks his job is
quite boring

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