Saint-Petersburg презентация

Cathedrals 1. The Smolny Cathedral 2. The Church of the Savior on Split Blood 3. The Peter and Paul Cathedral 4. St. Isaac’s Cathedral 5. The Kazan Cathedral 6. The Holy

Слайд 1Saint-Petersburg
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Слайд 2Cathedrals
1. The Smolny Cathedral
2. The Church of the Savior on Split

3. The Peter and Paul Cathedral
4. St. Isaac’s Cathedral
5. The Kazan Cathedral
6. The Holy Trinity Alexander Nevsky Monastery

Слайд 5The Smolny Cathedral
It was built in 1748-1764 by architect Rastrelli. It

is a huge five-domed cathedral 85 metres high. It was built in style Rococo. Now the cathedral is used as a concert hall for choral church music and for exhibitions.

Слайд 7The Church of the Savior on Split Blood
This church is situated

not far from Nevsky Prospect on the Griboyedov Canal Embankment and next to the State Russian Museum.

It was built between 1883 and 1907 after the project of the frchitect Alfred Parland. This church was constructed on the place where the Emperor Alexander II was mortally wounded by a bomb.

Слайд 9The Peter and Paul Cathedral

It is situated on the ground of

the Peter and Paul Fortress and was built in 1733 by the Italian architect Domenico Trezzini. The cathedral is 122.5 metres high. It was built in the style of Peter’s baroque. The bell-tower is crowned with a gilded spire. A weather-vane in the form of an angel with a cross is on the top of the cathedral. All the Russian tsars beginning from Peter I were buried here.

Слайд 12St. Isaac’s Cathedral
The cathedral is situated not far from the Neva

River on St. Isaac’s Square.
St. Isaac was considered to be Peter’s I patron saint. Cathedral was built between 1818-1858 by the French architect Montferrand, who designed the project. The cathedral is 101.8 metres high. It’s decorated with 112 granite monolithic columns, bronze sculptures, mosaics, paintings.

Слайд 14The Kazan Cathedral
The cathedral was erected between 1801 and

1811 by a Russian architect Andrei Voronikhin. It is situated in Nevsky Prospect. The cathedral contains trophies of the War of 1812 and served as a monument to victory over Napoleon. The colonnade of cathedral consists of 96 columns in 4 rows. Each column is 12.37 metres high. Since 1932 the cathedral has housed the museum of the History of Religion and Atheism. Now services are once again held in the cathedral.

Слайд 16The Holy Trinity Alexander Nevsky Monastery
In 1710 Peter I ordered to

build a monastery named in honour of the Saint Trinity and Saint Alexander Nevsky. Domenico Trezzini made the design of the first temple. Between 1776 and 1790 on its place the new cathedral was erected after the design of the architect Ivan Starov. The Holy Trinity Cathedral was designed in the style of Russian classicism.

Слайд 17Vocabulary
Cathedral – собор
Fortress – крепость
To erect – создавать, сооружать
To be

situated – быть расположенным
Baroque – барокко
Bell-tower – колокольня
To crown – увенчивать
Spire – шпиль
Tsar – царь
To bury – хоронить

Dome - купол
Choral – хоровой
Exhibition – выставка
Savior – спаситель
To construct – строить, сооружать
Embankment – набережная
Emperor – император
Mortally – смертельно
To wound – ранить

Слайд 18Vocabulary
Patron saint – святой покровитель
Monolithic – монолитный, единый
Temple – храм
Holy Trinity

– Святая Троица

Trophy – трофей
To serve – служить
Victory – победа
Religion – религия
Atheism – атеизм
Service – служба
In honour – в честь

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