Reported Speech презентация

Пояснительная записка Данная презентация разработана для ознакомления с косвенной речью и практики в употреблении косвенных утверждений, команд и вопросов для УМК Enjoy English 5 М.З. Биболетовой и др., однако может с

Слайд 1Reported Speech
Presented by L.A.Zapekina
School №83
Novokuznetsk 2009

Слайд 2Пояснительная записка
Данная презентация разработана для ознакомления с косвенной речью и практики

в употреблении косвенных утверждений, команд и вопросов для УМК Enjoy English 5 М.З. Биболетовой и др., однако может с успехом использоваться как с другими УМК, так и для систематизации материала в старших классах
Презентация рассчитана на работу в группе с невысоким уровнем обученности, поэтому предлагает подробное пошаговое изложение материала с последовательной отработкой полученных знаний и навыков.
В соответствии с задачами, стоящими перед учащимися, порядок слайдов может меняться, например:
быстрое повторение всех правил - слайды №№3,4,7,8,12,13,18
все упражнения без ключей – №№5,9,11,14,16,19,21
все ключи в конце презентации - №№6,10,12,!5,17,20,22

Слайд 3

Mr Rule: Hello,
Boys and Girls!
Let`s Start.

Слайд 4Direct and Reported Speech (Понятие о прямой и косвенной речи )
Прямая речь

- это речь, переданная дословно, без изменений. Перед прямой речью или после нее стоит предложение, вводящее в прямую речь:

Лена говорит Нине: «Я хочу обедать»
Lena tells Nina, “ I want to have dinner.”

Косвенная речь - это способ передачи чужой речи. Она представляет собой придаточное предложение, которому предшествует главное или следует за ним.

Лена говорит Нине, что хочет обедать. Lena tells Nina that she wants to have dinner.

Слайд 5Reported Statements

The girl
The girl

Слайд 6 Practice Reported Statements Ex.1 (Настоящее время в главном предл.)

Robert says, “ The

film is funny.”
“I am starting a new job next week,” she says.
Bob says to Mum, “I don`t like this jacket.”
“I may come late tonight,” her sister says.
Manager says, “ I will phone them tomorrow.”
Father explains,“It is late to go shopping.”

Слайд 7Key Ex.1
1. Robert says (that) the film is funny.
2. She says

that she is starting a new job next week.
3. Bob says Mum that he doesn`t like this jacket.
4. Her sister tells that she may come late tonight.
5.Manager says that he will phone them tomorrow.
6. Father explains that it is late to go shopping.

Слайд 8Замена обстоятельств времени и места, указат.местоимений (прошед. время в главном предл.)

today –

that day
tonight – that night
yesterday – the day before
tomorrow – the next day
a week ago - a week before
last year – the year before

next year- the following year
this evening – that evening
now – then
this – that
these – those
here - there

Меняются и модальные глаголы

Shall – should
Will - would

Can – could
May – might
Must – had to
Have - had

Слайд 9Согласование времен (прошедшее время в главном предл)

Слайд 10Глаголы говорения

Слайд 11Practice Reported Statements Ex.2 (Прошедшее время в главном предл.)

She said,

“I wasn`t happy when I smoked.”
“I got my exam results last week,” Dan said.
“We won`t be late again,” boys said.
Dad said, ”There is too much violence on TV.”
“I am going to a party tonight,” she told her Mum.
“I have never done it,” she said.

Слайд 12Key Ex.2
She said that she wasn`t happy when she smoked.
Dan told

that he had got his exam result a week before.
The boy said (promised) that they won`t be late again.
Dad said that there was too much violence on TV
She told her Mum that she was going to a party that night.
She told she had never done it.

Слайд 13Reported Statements. Ex.3
Jack told the policeman, “I have lost my passport.”

said to me, “I didn1t take your car.”
Mary said, “I don`t to wear my old dress.”
My friend told me, “We have a lot of time.”
I said to my sister, “George has written me a long letter.”
Kate said to me, “I feel very bad.’’

Слайд 14Key Ex.3
Jack told the policeman (that) he had lost his passport.

told me (that) he hadn`t taken my car.
Mary said she didn`t wear her old dress.
My friend told me that we had a lot of time.
I told my sister that George had written me a long letter.
Kate told me that she felt very bad.

Слайд 15Reported Commands

The leader
the children
straight to the north.”
The leader
the children
straight to the




Слайд 16Practice Reported commands.Ex.4
“Come to me at 7p.m.,” she said to Ann.

the text once more,” the teacher advised.
He offered, “Take my pen. It is OK.”
“Help me, please,” the girl asked.
Mother asked Kate, “Don`t see this film.”
Jane asked brother, “Bring me a book.”

Слайд 17Key Ex.4
She told Ann to come to her at 7p.m.
The teacher

advised to read the text once more.
He offered to take his pen. I was OK.
The girl asked to help her.
Mother asked Kate not to se that film.
Jane asked brother to bring her a book.

Слайд 18Reported Commands. Ex.5
I said to Jack, “Please give me your book.”

said to her secretary, “Take the letter to the Post office, please.”
The teacher said to Tom, “Collect the papers and put them on my table”.
Grandpa said to the girl, “Don`t run across the street.”
Jack said to the policeman, “Tell me the time please.”
My friend said,”Wait for me at the cinema, please”.

Слайд 19Key Ex.5
I asked Jack to give me his book.
Mary asked her

secretary to take the letter to the Post office.
The teacher wanted Pete to collect the papers and put hem on his table.
Grandpa asked the girl not to cross the street.
Jack asked the policeman to tell him the time.
My friend asked to wait for him at the cinema.

Слайд 20Reported Questions
“Can you consult me?” he says.

He asks if I can

consult him.

Слайд 21Practice Reported Questions. Ex.6
Use asks/ asked, wants/wanted to know, wondered

boy – mother: “Can you do sums?”
Teacher – pupils: “ Are you ready for the lesson?”
Arthur – Kate: “Do you always do your maths yourself?”
I – my friend: “Would you like to see this film?”
Doctor - the patient: “Have you taken the medicine I gave you?”
The boy – a teacher: “May I open the window?
Tom – his sister: “Did you come late yesterday?”
They – us: “Will you celebrate New Year together?”

Слайд 22Key Ex6
1.The boy asks mother if she can do sums.
2. The

teacher wants to know if pupils are ready for the lesson.
3.Arthur asked Kate if she always did her maths herself.
4. I asked my friend if she would like to see that film.
5. The doctor asked the patient if she had taken the medicine that he had given her.
6.The boy asked the teacher if he might open the window.
7. Tom wanted to know if his sister came home late yesterday.
8. They asked us if we would celebrate New Year together.

Слайд 23Practice Special Questions. Ex.7

I asked my friend, ”How do you feel

after holidays?”
Ann asked Mary, “What do you usually have for breakfast?”
The teacher asked Bob, “When did you learn to swim?”
I asked her, ‘Who gave you this watch?”
I asked Tim, “Why didn`t you answer my letter?’
I asked him, “What are you looking at?”
Tom asked the teacher, “Where is this town located?”
The police officer said, “When did you see the thief?”

Слайд 24Key Ex7
1. I asked my friend how she felt after holidays.

Ann asked Mary what she usually had for breakfast.
3. The teacher asked Bob when he had learned to swim.
4. I asked her who had given her that watch.
5. I wondered why Tim hadn`t answered my letter.
6. I asked him what was he looking at.
Tom wanted to know where that town was located.
The police officer asked when they had seen the thief.

Слайд 25Литература
Биболетова М.З.и др.Enjoy English. Учебник и книга для учителя. Обнинск:

Титул, 2005.- 78с.
Кауфман К.И.и др. Совершенствуй свой английский.Ч.3. Обнинск: Титул, 1998.- 49с.
Миловидов В.А. Английские глаголы, артикли, союзы: правила и упражнения. Москва: АСТ, Астрель, 2004.-105, 139с.
Угарова Е.В. Все времена английских глаголов. Москва: Айрис Пресс, 2007.-56, 64с.

Слайд 26Well Done, Boys and Girls! See You later!

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