Reported Speech презентация

Sequence of Tenses Правило согласования времен Если в главном предложении сказуемое выражено глаголом в прошедшем времени, то и в придаточном оно должно употребляться в одном из прошедших времен. Действует

Слайд 1Reported Speech
Косвенная речь

Слайд 2Sequence of Tenses Правило согласования времен
Если в главном предложении сказуемое выражено глаголом

в прошедшем времени, то и в придаточном оно должно употребляться в одном из прошедших времен.
Действует в придаточных предложениях,
чаще изъяснительных (дополнительных).

Слайд 3Правило не действует
1. В определительных, причинных и сравнительных придаточных предложениях.
She told

me about the book which you are reading now.
He didn’t go to the disco as he will have an exam tomorrow.
It was not so cold yesterday as it is today.
2. Когда глагол выражает общеизвестный факт.
Galileo proved that the earth moves round the sun.
3. В сослагательном наклонении.
It is (was) necessary that he send us the document.
4. Не изменяются глаголы must, should, ought.
I told him that he should consult a doctor.

Слайд 4Глаголы косвенной речи
В утвердительном предложении

said, told, thought, reported, agreed, admitted, replied,

answered, insisted, denied,

В косвенном вопросе

asked, wondered,
was interested,

Слайд 5Говорим о настоящем (происходящем одновременно с действием в главном предложении)

“I go

to school”.

“He is reading now”

“She has done her homework”.

“We have been watching TV for 2 hours”.

He said (that)
he went to school.

he was reading at that moment.

she had done her homework.

they had been watching TV for 2 hours.

Слайд 6Говорим о будущем

“I will go to school”

“He will be reading

at 2 o’clock tomorrow”

“She will have done her
homework by 2 o’clock

“We will have been watching
TV for 2 hours tomorrow”

He said (that)
he would go to school.

he would be reading
at 2 o’clock next day.

she would have done her home-
work by 2 o’clock next day.

they would have been watching
TV for 2 hours next day.

Слайд 7Говорим о прошлом (действии предшествующем действию главного предложения)

“I went to school


“He was reading
at 2 o’clock yesterday”

“She had done her homework by 2 o’clock yesterday”.

“We had been watching TV for 2 hours yesterday”.

He said (that)
he had gone to school
the day before.
he had been reading
at 2 o’clock the day before.

She had done her homework
by 2 o’clock the day before.

they had been watching TV for 2 hours the day before”.

Слайд 8Алгоритм перевода специального вопроса в косвенную речь
Вопросительное слово становится союзом.
Меняется порядок

слов (подлежащее, потом сказуемое).
Согласовывается время глагола.

Слайд 9Специальный вопрос в косвенной речи

“What is your name?

With whom did you

go there?

What book will you read tomorrow?

He asked
(1) what (2) his name (3) was.
with whom she had gone there.

what book they would read next day.

Слайд 10Общий вопрос в косвенной речи (следуем предыдущему алгоритму, но с союзом


“Is he a student?”

“Will she go to school tomorrow?”

“Have you been to London?”

He asked
if he was a student.

if she would go to school next day.

if I had been to London.

Слайд 11Повелительное наклонение в косвенной речи
Stand up!

Go to the blackboard!

Give me a

book, please.

He told me to stand up.
Он велел мне встать.
She told him to go to the
Она велела ему идти к доске.
I asked her to give me a book.
Я попросила ее дать мне книгу.

Слайд 12Передай диалог в косвенной речи
Mum: Tom, wake up! It’s time to

go to school.
Tom: I have already woken up, mum. I’m washing in the bathroom.
Mum: Did you do you homework yesterday?
Tom: Tim helped me to do it. I think I’ll get a five today.
Mum: Hurry up! You mustn’t be late. How many lessons do you have today?
Tom: Five. Can I take the book which you are reading now?
Mum: You would better read it at home in the evening.
Tom: Bye-bye, Mum.

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