Religion and The Walking dead презентация


Слайд 2The Walking Dead Synopsis
Sheriff's deputy, Rick Grimes, awakens from a months-long coma

to confront a new, apocalyptic world overrun by flesh-eating zombies.
Grimes reunites with his family and becomes the leader of a group he forms with some of the many other survivors whom he encounters in his quest for a safe haven.
Together they are forced to survive and adapt in a world filled with the zombies (aka walkers) and certain humans who are even more dangerous than the zombies themselves.
The first season takes place in the Atlanta metropolitan area, and the second through fourth seasons are set in the surrounding countryside of northern Georgia.

Слайд 3The Walking Dead Season Five (2015): Popularity
The special 90-minute season five

finale (March 29, 2015) of “The Walking Dead” was the highest-rated finale in series history, delivering 15.8 million viewers and 10.4 million adults 18-49. The episode capped the show’s strong fifth season with all 16 episodes ranking in the top 20 entertainment telecasts across all of television this broadcast season among adults 18-49.

Слайд 4The Walking Dead Season Four: Popularity
Season 4, had extremely high television

ratings with over 16 million people watching the premier.

The Walking Dead had a rating of 8.2 from people from the age of 18-49 which makes it the most popular show for that demographic.

Слайд 6Concept of Zombie and Haitian Vodou
Zombies are rooted in Haitian Vodou

Many different spellings (Vodou, Voodoo, Vodoun, and Hoodoo)
Meaning of Vodou
No scriptures or set of orthodoxy
"Goal" of Vodou

Слайд 7Haitian Vodou
Haiti said to be 85% Catholic, 15% Protestant, and 100%

In Haiti, there are three lines of African influence
Vodou is a syncratic religion
Most songs, sayings, and religious terms are from the Creole language

Слайд 9Haitian History
Haiti located on Hispaniola
Was originally a Spanish colony

Domingue (now Haiti) was given to the French in 1697
French imported an unprecedented number of slaves
On August 11 1791, "Bois Caiman" occurred
Important ceremony for Vodou as it launched the African slaves revolution on the plantation houses.
The French were driven out in 1803.
Haiti was the second New World country to gain independence and the first run by former slaves.

Слайд 10Adam McGee, Haitian Vodou and Voodoo: Imagined Religion and Popular Culture

black Africans and their New World descendants liberated themselves from the French, they sent a shockwave throughout the Western hemisphere. In their struggle for independence, revolutionary blacks in St Domingue committed considerable violence against white colonists. This was the darkest nightmare of all slaveholders, sprung to life: violent delights come to violent ends. Those fleeing from the Haitian Revolution were treated as though they carried a dangerous disease. Many places, including New Orleans, attempted to control the influx of blacks from Haiti, who, like pathogenic agents, might spread the spirit of rebellion. It is not surprising, then, that Vodou would become a fixation in the white imagination, a site for expressions of both fear and denigration.

Слайд 11Haitian History
In 1846, Faustin Soulouque crowned himself emperor
Soulouque was a practitioner

of Vodou
Vodou became entrenched in Haitian culture
Vodou was so subtly syncretized with Catholicism

Слайд 12Haitian History
Around 1915, Haiti had a negative reputation around the Western

From 1920 National Geographic article commented upon the U.S. occupation: "Here [meaning Haiti], in the elemental wilderness, the natives rapidly forgot their thin veneer of Christian civilization and reverted to utter, unthinking animalism, swayed only by fear of local bandit chiefs and the black magic of voodoo witch doctors.“
The U.S. seized control stating they were protecting it from the Germans.
In 1941, the U.S. Marines took control and attempted to stamp out Vodou
After US left Vodou flourished

Слайд 13Haitian History
In 1957, Dr. Francois Duvalier (aka Papa Doc), another Vodouist

was elected
Duvalier dies in 1971 - his son Jean-Cluade (Baby Doc) took control
In 1990, a former Catholic Priest, Pere Jean-Bertrand, was elected - ruled the country according to its Constitution which states religious freedom

Слайд 14Haitian History
Currently (2015), President Michel Martelly was elected
Since January 2015,

most Parliamentarians terms have expired and, without the possibility of quorum, parliament is no longer functioning.
President Martelly is left to rule the country by decree with an interim Government.
August 2015 Haiti is set for another election.

Слайд 152010: Earthquake and Cholera Outbreak
McGee explains following the earthquake of 12

January 2010, Haitian culture and religion fell, once again, under the focus of the international media and opinion makers.
Recycling of stereotypes about Haitian Vodou.
David Brooks’s New York Times opined that Haitian Vodou was the cause of many of Haiti’s woes.  
“Haiti, like most of the world’s poorest nations, suffers from a complex web of progress resistant cultural influences. There is the influence of the voodoo religion, which spreads the message that life is capricious and planning futile. . . . We’re all supposed to politely respect each other’s cultures. But some cultures are more progress-resistant than others, and a horrible tragedy was just exacerbated by one of them.”
 McGee states “the implication was that, in a country rife with superstition, our well-meaning efforts would succeed only in wasting dollars, as Haiti would inevitably backslide into its heathen ways.”
NY Times Opinion Pages:

Слайд 17Vodou as Religion
A priest is called a Houngan and a Priestess

is called a Mambo
Primary responsibilities
Temple called a Houmfor
Creator god named Maori
Bondye (Mawu-Lisa) created the universe, the Loa, humanity, etc.
Vodou theology eventually mingled this thought with Catholicism.
Loa: basically, the Vodou spirits or gods.
Loas are numerous and most exhibit various personalities and characteristics.
They are an archetype of moral principles that he or she represents. Like people, however, they have strengths and weaknesses.

Слайд 18Vodou’s “Other Side”
Bocor, a witch doctor, practices black magic
Baka, A demon

in an animal's body
Zobops, Grotesque monsters conjured up by sorcerers
All priests and priestesses countered black magic
Bocors operate in secret

Слайд 19Bocors and Zombies
The most popular concept is the Zombie
Embodied the

fear of slavery and forced servitude
Created from bocor magic
Bocor reanimates a corpse and makes them a mindless slave
Critics claim these "zombies" appear to display various symptoms of mental deficiency or illness

Слайд 20Wade Davis: Ethnobotonist
Anthropologist Wade Davis discovered a numbing poison that can

induce a death-like state.
Davis claims that in order for someone to be subject to zombification, they must first be found to have broken some specific social norm, such as stealing someone's spouse, and thus it exerts a positive social control.
In Haiti, Zombies are not feared, but are rather objects of pity.

Слайд 21Vodou in North America
Largest Vodou diasporas in North America are located

in New Orleans and New York.
Marie Laveau, also known as the Vodou Queen of New Orleans and Zora Neale Hurston
Created a safe haven for Vodou
The sites of Laveau's ceremonies are sacred
After her death, Vodou went underground due to the federal, state, city government officials, and American Protestant leaders attempts to destroy African-diasporic folk religion in Louisiana

Слайд 23McGee: Vodou and Popular Culture
Voodoo Kitsch, “its historic roots in mass

“They appeal because they evoke voodoo.”
Response can be one of curiosity, awe, fear, shock, good-natured humor or derision.
Spice Girls’ song ‘‘Voodoo’’
Portland’s Voodoo Donuts

Слайд 24Voodoo is Imagined Religion
McGee states, “I would argue that there is

a distinct religion called by the nearly identical name of ‘‘voodoo’’—which is made no less real for the fact that it has no actual practitioners and, for all intents and purposes, does not exist except in the imaginations of millions of people who have been exposed to American popular culture.”
Inspired loosely by actual encounters with African-derived religious practices but does not attempt to realistically represent them.
Voodoo exists as a receptacle for centuries of anxieties caused by Colonialism and slavery

Слайд 25Voodoo and Zombies in Film
Voodoo is adds flavor and induces a

particular mood to horror films
Voodoo’s depictions of horror first depicted in travel journals
Human sacrifice

Слайд 27Thematic Analysis of Voodoo and Zombies in Film
Touch upon some films

starting in 1930’s to present
Not a comprehensive analysis, but certainly a selective one
Sexualizing Women and Control
Voodoo and Satanism
Colonialism and Voodoo
Zombie-less Voodoo
Voodoo and Blackness
Disease Anxieties
Zombie Apocalypse
Zombie Post-Apocalyse

Слайд 28Sexualizing Women and Control
White Zombie (1932)

Слайд 29Voodoo = Satanism
I Walked With a Zombie (1943)

Angel Heart (1987)

Слайд 30Colonialism and Voodoo
The Serpent and the Rainbow

Слайд 31Zombie-less Voodoo
The Skeleton Key (2005)

Слайд 32Voodoo and Blackness
The Princess and the Frog (2009)

Слайд 33Disease Anxieties
Zombi 2 (1979)

Слайд 34 Zombie Apocalypse
World War Z (2013)

Слайд 35Zombie Post-Apocalyptic
28 Days Later (2002)

I am Legend (2007)

Слайд 36Themes in The Walking Dead
Based upon the selection of films:
Are zombies

in TWD connected to voodoo?
Are the zombies connected to Satanism?
Are the zombies connected to black magic?
Do you think that TWD sexualizes women?
How is blackness represented?
Is colonialism present in TWD?
Is there a disease anxiety?
Is the show apocalyptic or post-apocalyptic?

Слайд 37Socio-Cultural Context to The Walking Dead
Does The Walking Dead reflect societies

past or current anxieties?

How do religious themes, motifs, tropes, etc … in The Walking Dead create discourse to conceptualize the socio-cultural context?

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