Q4 2015 Staffing Industry Pulse презентация

Highlights © 2015 CareerBuilder

Слайд 1
Survey Findings to Give You The Edge You Need For 2016


Q4 2015 Staffing Industry Pulse

Слайд 2Highlights

© 2015 CareerBuilder

Слайд 3Key objective from 2015 that staffing firms will still be focusing

on going into 2016: #1 - Building a Talent Pipeline

© 2015 CareerBuilder

In Sept. 2015, CareerBuilder surveyed 300 staffing industry professionals from across the nation.
To participate in future research efforts, contact us at staffing@careerbuilder.com.

Слайд 4© 2015 CareerBuilder

What can we do to get ahead for 2016?

Get ahead of the game by setting key goals for your firm now. Q4 is a great time to set goals not only for the end of the year, but to start preparing for the year ahead. Mobile strategies, social media and talent pipelines are just some of the areas of engagement that are crucial to building a reliable stream of talent. These areas of focus are showing where the most competitive staffing and recruitment organizations are looking to improve, and where you’ll need to upgrade your own strategies in order to stay relevant and competitive. Check out: http://corporate.careerbuilder.com/talentnetwork

Слайд 5Staffing firm’s biggest challenge going into 2016: #1 - Sourcing
© 2015 CareerBuilder

Sept. 2015, CareerBuilder surveyed 300 staffing industry professionals from across the nation.
To participate in future research efforts, contact us at staffing@careerbuilder.com.

Слайд 6© 2015 CareerBuilder

What can we about our sourcing challenge? Explore talent sourcing

upgrades. Overwhelmingly, respondents answered that they struggle to find more qualified candidates and do so more efficiently and effectively. The top three answers make up 85 percent of the responses, sending a loud and clear message that sourcing is a continuous challenge for most staffers. A key part of helping clients find qualified candidates is using your resources — not only looking in your own existing database, but also using the help of software technology to better source and match. There are solutions to do that, as well as new tools for finding the hidden gems of talent that you’re having trouble sourcing. Check out: http://edge.careerbuilder.com/about http://corporate.careerbuilder.com/careerbuilder1

Слайд 7How the staffing industry feels about the year ahead. #1 Majority-

feel positive about the year ahead, but also voice challenges in regards to the economy, the candidate-driven marketplace and rising competition. 

© 2015 CareerBuilder

“Moving into 2016, I predict that the staffing industry will continue to see a positive upswing of opportunities as companies continue to struggle to attract top talent in a market that is primarily candidate driven for the first time in years. Many companies are struggling to stay up to date with their staffing and marketing strategy to best vie for top talent. Staffing agencies can play a powerful role in aiding these companies in their search. I believe that we will continue to see a market flooded with openings, however we will be faced with challenging timeframes and expectations from clients due to this lack of education about the current market.”
“The market is moving to a candidate-centric environment, meaning, there is more competition for companies in attracting and retaining prospects and employees.”
“Even if you’re a 100-year-old company, it doesn’t make you the best. I believe we need to focus on the client experience and how to integrate this into our company.”

In Sept. 2015, CareerBuilder surveyed 300 staffing industry professionals from across the nation.
To participate in future research efforts, contact us at staffing@careerbuilder.com.

Слайд 8© 2015 CareerBuilder

What do these sentiments have in common? It’s time to

bring attention to candidates and user experience. 2016 is approaching quickly, so getting ready for the New Year by preparing this fall means that you’re among the leaders of the staffing industry pack — well positioned for the year ahead. What opportunities could your firm be missing out on that could help improve your candidate and client experience? Check out: www.opportunitiesinstaffing.com

Слайд 9Additional Findings

© 2015 CareerBuilder

Слайд 10How did your average number of open job orders change from

last quarter to the current quarter?

© 2015 CareerBuilder

In Sept. 2015, CareerBuilder surveyed 300 staffing industry professionals from across the nation.
To participate in future research efforts, contact us at staffing@careerbuilder.com.

Слайд 11How do you anticipate your average number of open job orders

will change from the current quarter to next quarter?

© 2015 CareerBuilder

In Sept. 2015, CareerBuilder surveyed 300 staffing industry professionals from across the nation.
To participate in future research efforts, contact us at staffing@careerbuilder.com.

Слайд 12In Q4, 2015 does your company plan to increase, decrease or

make no change to its number of full-time internal sales, recruiter, and managerial talent?

© 2015 CareerBuilder

In Sept. 2015, CareerBuilder surveyed 300 staffing industry professionals from across the nation.
To participate in future research efforts, contact us at staffing@careerbuilder.com.

Слайд 13If a candidate declines an offer, what reason is most commonly


© 2015 CareerBuilder

In Sept. 2015, CareerBuilder surveyed 300 staffing industry professionals from across the nation.

Слайд 14When candidates have received another offer, is it more likely to

be an offer directly from an employer or from another staffing company?

© 2015 CareerBuilder

In Sept. 2015, CareerBuilder surveyed 300 staffing industry professionals from across the nation.

Email Staffing@CareerBuilder.com
For More Staffing Resources Visit: http://corporate.careerbuilder.com/staffingresources
© 2015 CareerBuilder

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