Public Speaking презентация

What is Public Speaking? As the name suggests :p DO you people agree?

Слайд 1
Public Speaking
Vishal Dhona
+91 9836555823
Making things easier and a lot more


Слайд 2What is Public Speaking?

As the name suggests :p

DO you

people agree?

Слайд 3Simple, yet Difficult

Слайд 4The Phobia
A fear most common: next to death ;
The underlying feelings:


-lack in confidence
-what people will comment
- unprepared

“Knowing answer of all questions is no big deal, big deal lies when you are ready to face the questions inspite of knowing that you do not know all the answers!!”

Слайд 5Is it to late?
Its too late now to go and learn

the basics
It should have been taught to us in our school days

STOP giving EXCUSES and work for a better future

“its never late to start fresh”

Слайд 6WHO needs to SPEAK in PUBLIC?
Nope not only politician or entrepreneur

or teachers!!
We all do public speaking at different levels, points & time:
After all: Public Speaking is a
Public Affair…

Слайд 7Relevance to Professionals
Its not only about speaking in front of public

at large
Presentation in front of Share Holders, board meetings, annual general meeting
Conduct field research
Business Communication
Speaking in front of strangers, or during first meeting

“Remember, people who are your friends today earlier they were also unknown to you.”

Слайд 8Handy Tips
Just Relax: Aal iz Well!!
Don’t be nervous: If you

are, don’t show!
Don’t be afraid of anyone’s comment: Shed off “Log kya kahenge?” fear…
Eye Contact with the audience
Good Body Language
Prepare, Practice, Present
Material facts, supported with reasoning
Visualize yourself while speaking
People want you to be interesting, ask the participants to participate

Слайд 9Don’ts
Do not read directly from screen, notes etc. (Though u may

cheat from mini xerox ) ;)
Do not talk too fast or to slow
Turn back on audience and it shall on you.
Slouch, hands in pockets
No nervous gestures, um, ah, you knows

Слайд 10Ten Successful Tips “Be a GURU”
Come early & Know the place

easier to speak to friends than to strangers hence talk & greet to the audience before hand
Preparing your content nicely shall lead to confidence and not to nervousness
Close your eyes take deep breaths and have water to relax yourself
Visualize giving your speech from start to finish.
The audience wants you to do well
Don’t let them know your nervousness, or else you’ll only be calling the audience’s attention to mistakes
Concentrate and Focus on the message you are trying to convey
Turn nervousness into positive energy and enthusiasm
Gain experience to build confidence, which shall lead to effective public speaking

Слайд 11Before the Presentation

Слайд 12After the Presentation!!

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Что такое

Это сайт презентаций, докладов, проектов, шаблонов в формате PowerPoint. Мы помогаем школьникам, студентам, учителям, преподавателям хранить и обмениваться учебными материалами с другими пользователями.

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