Pre calculus in-class test 1: exam procedures and instructions презентация


Слайд 1NUFYP Mathematics & Computing Science Pre Calculus module
Pre Calculus In-class test

Exam procedures and instructions

Dr. Richard Harrison

Foundation Year Program


Слайд 2Important
Follow any instructions in this slideshow carefully.

YOU are responsible for complying

with exam regulations (see “Venue_Regulations.pdf”).

YOU are responsible for being in the right place at the right time for your test. See the notice board.

Ask your tutor BEFORE the test if you are not sure about anything in this slideshow.

Foundation Year Program


Слайд 3First things first - get the information about your exam room

etc here:

Foundation Year Program


Слайд 4Go to the notice board outside the admin office on the

2nd floor of CPS and collect five pieces of information:

Your 4 digit candidate number, e.g., 0816
Your test session: session 1 or session 2
Your exam venue, e.g., 5.103, 2.302
Your waiting area, e.g., 2nd floor CPS
The time you must be at your waiting area; Session 1:13:30-13:45 or
Session 2: 14:30-14:40

Foundation Year Program


Слайд 5Test Date
Tests take place in two sessions on the afternoon of

Wednesday 30th September

CPS will be off-limits to students from 13:15 until approx 16:10 You can only come in to CPS building for your test session.

Foundation Year Program


Слайд 6This rest of this slideshow is divided into three parts
Part 1:

What to bring and what not to bring to the test.

Part 2: Arriving for the test and leaving the test.

Part 3: In the exam room

Foundation Year Program


Слайд 7

Part 1
What to bring and what not to bring to

the test

Foundation Year Program


Слайд 8You MUST bring
Foundation Year Program
NU ID Card

No ID = No entry

to exam

Слайд 9You MUST bring
Foundation Year Program

Слайд 10You must NOT bring
Leave these items in your lockers. You cannot

bring these items into the CPS building or the waiting areas.

Foundation Year Program


Слайд 11Are you in Session 1?
Bring a coat. You will be leaving

the CPS via the fire exits at the end of your test. You won’t be able to come back into the CPS building until after approx. 16:10.

You can leave your coats on tables outside of the exam rooms but must collect them before you leave.

Foundation Year Program


Слайд 12

Part 2
Arriving for the test and leaving the test

Foundation Year



Слайд 13Arriving for the test: (Time and locations)
The tests will be held

on Wednesday afternoon on 30th September 2015.

There will be two test sessions. You will attend ONE of these sessions.

Get the information about what session you are in, the exam room and waiting area/time from the exam noticeboard outside admin office on CPS floor 2.

Foundation Year Program


Слайд 14Important

You will not be admitted to the exam room after the

test has started.

You will be collected from your waiting area by the lead invigilator and taken to the exam room. Don’t be late when arriving at your waiting area.

Foundation Year Program


Слайд 15Waiting areas - 5103

Foundation Year Program

Слайд 16Waiting areas – 327, 407, 507

Foundation Year Program

Слайд 17Waiting areas – 302, 307 (2nd floor)

Foundation Year Program

Слайд 18Exit procedures – are you in session 1?
At the end of

session 1 tests, you will leave CPS via the fire exit stairwells (or according to the directions for 5.103). The invigilator will give you instructions and escort you at the end of the exam. Follow the invigilator from the exam room.

You will go down the stairs to the ground floor and leave the CPS building through the fire exit doors.

You cannot come back in to the CPS building through an intermediate floor or through the main entrance.

Bring a coat. Put it on the table outside the exam room and collect it before you leave. You can come back in to the CPS building after approx. 16:10.

Foundation Year Program


Слайд 19Exit procedures at end of session 1 CPS building example

Foundation Year



Слайд 20Exit procedures at end of session 1 room 5.103

Foundation Year Program

Слайд 21Exit at end of session 2
Students may use the normal exit

routes at the end of session 2.

CPS building is available to all students as usual at the end of session 2, after approx 16:10

Foundation Year Program


Слайд 22

Part 3
In the exam room

Foundation Year Program

Слайд 23Entering the exam room
Your ID will be checked as you enter:

No ID = No entry to exam

No talking at any time in the exam room, before, during or after the exam.

Go to the desk with your candidate number on it and sit down quietly at that desk.

Do not open the question booklet.

Wait for instructions to be given by the invigilators.

Foundation Year Program


Слайд 24About the question paper
The question paper will contain 20 multiple choice

questions with 5 possible answers. Choose ONE answer for each question.

You will be allowed 45 minutes to do the test.

There is no choice of questions.

You should attempt as many of the questions as you can in the 45 minutes.

DO NOT GUESS AN ANSWER. If you are not sure of the answer, leave a blank space in the response sheet.

Foundation Year Program


Слайд 25The question booklet (Front cover)
Foundation Year Program
READ the front cover –

see the pdf “Front_Cover”

The question booklet will contain blank pages at the back.

You may detach the blank pages and use them for working out.

Слайд 26The question booklet (Inside front cover)
Foundation Year Program
Contains instructions for filling

in the multiple choice response form and answering the questions – see the pdf “Front_Cover”

Слайд 27The response sheet
The response sheet is where you mark (shade-in) your

responses (answers) to the question.

You must fill out the response sheet in black PENCIL. Use “HB” or softer “B” or “2B” pencils. If you do not have these pencils, get at least two of them, a sharpener and an eraser.

Foundation Year Program


Слайд 28You MUST bring
Foundation Year Program

Слайд 29The response sheet

You can’t borrow pencils, erasers or sharpeners from another

student during the exam.

Foundation Year Program


Слайд 30The response sheet
Write in your candidate number in the space for

your name. Do not write your name anywhere.

You must enter your ID NUMBER in the space provided and shade-in the digits of the ID number as shown on the next slide.

Foundation Year Program


Слайд 31The response sheet
Foundation Year Program
Pencil in, then shade-in your ID number


Слайд 32The response sheet
Foundation Year Program
Pencil in your candidate number and test

1A/1B here

Слайд 33The response sheet
Foundation Year Program
Shade-in your answers here

Слайд 34The response sheet
Shade-in the boxes, so they look like small black


If you make an error, erase the shaded-in box completely and shade-in the desired box.

If you don’t know the answer, leave the boxes blank.

If you shade-in more than one box for any answer you will score 0 marks for that answer.

Foundation Year Program


Слайд 35The response sheet
You must mark the boxes heavily in black pencil

– but it may be difficult to erase if you make a mistake.

Make sure you are shading in the right box!

You can make a note of your answers and transfer them to the response sheet later but you won’t be allowed extra time for this.

Foundation Year Program


Слайд 36Procedures in the exam room
You cannot leave to go to the

toilet unless it is urgent (e.g., vomiting, nose bleed).

Follow the instructions given by the invigilators at the beginning of the exam, during the exam and at the end of the exam.

If you have any questions in the exam room, raise your hand.

Foundation Year Program


Слайд 37Is there anything you are not sure about?

Ask your Pre Calculus


Foundation Year Program


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