Mobile Revolution: презентация


#DxMASummit @MatthewDR Follow the Golden Rule of Twitter Phone Friendly

Слайд 1
Mobile Revolution:
Are you on the guest list?

Слайд 2#DxMASummit
Follow the Golden Rule of Twitter
Phone Friendly

Слайд 3Matthew Donegan-Ryan
Director of Mobile Strategy,
CrowdCompass by Cvent

Слайд 4
Relation to Diagnostics?

Слайд 6
1. It’s an app attack!

2. Money on my mind

3. Nobody likes me


We’ve come a long way since pong

7. Psychic powers

5. Go native or go home

6. One-stop- shop

8. Location, location, location


Слайд 7It’s an app attack!

Слайд 8Source: Gartner

Слайд 9Global app usage grew 115% in 2013

Слайд 10102 billion
Apps downloaded in 2013
(By 2016, Gartner estimates that there will

be more than 300 billion apps downloaded annually)






Слайд 11Checking email
Social networking
Videos / photos

Слайд 12Source: ShoreTelSky
Source: ShoreTelSky
Source: ShoreTelSky

Source: ShoreTelSky
Source: ShoreTelSky

Being productive is going mobile

Слайд 13eMarketer 
Mobile apps
Mobile web
Year 2013
People prefer mobile apps

Слайд 14The Telegraph

Слайд 1595% of marketers use
smart devices

Слайд 16Mobile is still new

Слайд 17Everyone is using smart devices

Слайд 18And having more fun

Слайд 19Time on mobile has nearly eclipsed TV
Source: Flurry, 2013

Слайд 20
1. It’s an app attack!

2. Money on my mind

3. Nobody likes me


We’ve come a long way since pong

7. Psychic powers

5. Go native or go home

6. One-stop- shop

8. Location, location, location


Слайд 21Money on my mind

Слайд 22Is mobile marketing worth it?

Слайд 23
Digital Ads will overtake traditional ads in 2015


Слайд 24In-app advertising increases…
Brand awareness
Brand favorability
Purchase intent
…2x higher than general

mobile advertising

Слайд 25Investing is Valuable

Слайд 26Increase your marketing ROI

Слайд 27Send timely and relevant notifications
Keep them updated and informed
Get them excited

to engage

Leverage Push

Слайд 28
Expect no second chances

Слайд 29Gain more insight

Слайд 30Cut back on printing costs

Слайд 31Create a more sustainable image that engages your audience

Слайд 32
1. It’s an app attack!

2. Money on my mind

3. Nobody likes me


We’ve come a long way since pong

7. Psychic powers

5. Go native or go home

6. One-stop- shop

8. Location, location, location


Слайд 33Nobody likes me

Слайд 34We want a social experience

Слайд 35Mobile daily active users hit 469 million on average for June


Mobile-only user count grew from 189 in Q1 to 219 million Q2 last year. 


Слайд 36Sixty percent of the 200 million active users log in via

a mobile device at least once every month.


Слайд 37Share relevant content that’s unique to your experience

Слайд 38Be a part of the social conversation

Leverage mobile apps to create


Слайд 39
Make your brand more popular

Слайд 40
1. It’s an app attack!

2. Money on my mind

3. Nobody likes me


We’ve come a long way since pong

7. Psychic powers

5. Go native or go home

6. One-stop- shop

8. Location, location, location


Слайд 41We’ve come a long way since pong

Слайд 42Use gamification to drive interaction

Слайд 43Incentivize –

Your app should be fun!

Слайд 44Engage – Encourage users to take action

Слайд 45Recognize – Make it memorable

Слайд 46Reward – We love to win!

Слайд 47
1. It’s an app attack!

2. Money on my mind

3. Nobody likes me


We’ve come a long way since pong

7. Psychic powers

5. Go native or go home

6. One-stop- shop

8. Location, location, location


Слайд 48Go native or go home

Слайд 49“The biggest mistake we made as a company was betting too

much on web (HTML5) as opposed to native.”

-Mark Zuckerberg CEO, Facebook

Слайд 50What’s the difference?
Native apps…
Live on device
Work offline
Integrate device features (camera, GPS,

and contacts)
Provide a snappier experience
Push notifications

Слайд 51The major players prefer native

Слайд 52Cvent has 200 app developers
1/3 Android
1/3 Apple
1/3 Web

Слайд 53The user experience is important

Слайд 54Better for security

Слайд 55Deliver a better performance on all devices

Слайд 56
It’s an app attack!

Money on my mind

Nobody likes me

We’ve come a long

way since pong

Psychic powers

Go native or go home

One-stop- shop

Location, location, location


Слайд 57One-stop-shop

Слайд 5836% of marketers surveyed used digital marketing point solutions that were

not well integrated or unified

Forrester Research

Слайд 59Marketers who follow this path will fail to drive the digital

marketing performance they expect

Слайд 60Align single point solutions to provide a consistent client experience

Слайд 61Enterprises adopting the platform approach are seen as closest to best-in-class


Слайд 62Meet all of your needs with one platform

Слайд 63
1. It’s an app attack!

2. Money on my mind

3. Nobody likes me


We’ve come a long way since pong

7. Psychic powers

5. Go native or go home

6. One-stop- shop

8. Location, location, location


Слайд 64Psychic powers

Слайд 67What was the first phone with iTunes?

Слайд 69Are Google glasses a totally new innovation?

Слайд 77
#DxMASummit 2015?

Слайд 7982% of people like reading content from brands when it’s relevant

Marketing Association

Слайд 81Deliver relevant content to users

Слайд 8294% of marketers surveyed stated that personalization is critical to current

and future success


Слайд 83But fewer than 15% of businesses implement personalization on mobile

Слайд 86
It’s an app attack!

Money on my mind

Nobody likes me

We’ve come a long

way since pong

Psychic powers

Go native or go home

One-stop- shop

Location, location, location


Слайд 87Location, location, location!

Слайд 88Facebook, Google, Yelp, Instagram, Twitter, and other popular apps use location-enabled

features to boost engagement

Business Insider

Слайд 89Why stand in line?

Слайд 9094% of smartphone owners search for local information
Business Insider

Слайд 91Why waste time searching?

Слайд 9289% of consumers want some sort of personalized mobile communications from

brands and retailers


Слайд 93Use location and context to make things easier and better

Слайд 94Don’t “advertaze” with only proximity

Слайд 95
1. It’s an app attack!

2. Money on my mind

3. Nobody likes me


We’ve come a long way since pong

7. Psychic powers

5. Go native or go home

6. One-stop- shop

8. Location, location, location


Слайд 96Thank you!

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Это сайт презентаций, докладов, проектов, шаблонов в формате PowerPoint. Мы помогаем школьникам, студентам, учителям, преподавателям хранить и обмениваться учебными материалами с другими пользователями.

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