Mobile App Testing…at a glance. презентация

How comfortable are you on a bike without a helmet? Writing code without tests is like riding a bike without a helmet. You might feel free and indestructible for

Слайд 1Mobile App Testing…at a glance.

Слайд 2 How comfortable are you on a bike without a

helmet? Writing code without tests is like riding a bike without a helmet. You might feel free and indestructible for now, but one day you’ll fall and it’s going to hurt.

Слайд 3
Ensures Optimum Performance

Ensures Application performance on network

Ensures Stability of application on

desired mobile devices & networks

Reduces time & Cost to market the application with highest quality

Highest levels of quality and user experience

Testing Assures

Слайд 4Does it works

Functions as Planned

Meets the customers requirement

Primary goal of

your testing efforts is not to find errors.

Goal in testing should be to understand the quality of your offerings.

Testing Goals

Слайд 5Common Features of Web and Mobile Testing
Browser compatibility checks
Evaluation for different

screen resolutions
Similar instruments (emulators of browsers/ devices)

It is not hard for a web tester to switch to mobile devices

Слайд 6See how your development app will perform in a real-world environment

by installing and testing it directly on android, iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch.

Слайд 7Test in Real-Time
Plug in your mobile device (iPad, iPhone, android and

iPod) touch to use Xcode’s graphical debugger, or collect real-time performance data in Instruments’ timeline view. These powerful optimization tools allow you to quickly identify and address any performance issues.

Слайд 8With your app running on a mobile devices (iPad, iPhone, android

and iPod) touch, you can test the performance of your app connected to a Wi-Fi or carrier’s network for a real-world user experience.

Test Over the Air

Слайд 9Critical Factors of Mobile Testing

Use of emulators and actual devices
Use of

test automation

Слайд 10Choosing Testing Strategy
Testing can be done using
Real Device


Слайд 11 Real devices have the advantage of having all of the

limitations and quirks present in the actual client hardware.
Hardware Exceptions handling is possible e.g. low battery, power-offs, insufficient memory, etc.

Testing with real devices is incredibly expensive.
Real handsets are not designed with testing in mind so limited processing power and storage of the handsets does not allow on-board diagnostic software to be loaded.

Real Device

Слайд 12Emulator
Emulated devices are easier to manage one can switch device

types by simply loading a new device profile.

Emulators run on more powerful PCs/servers and designed with testing in mind.

Emulated devices are cost effective.

Emulated devices lack the quirks and faults that only the real device can provide

Hardware Exceptions handling is not possible e.g. low battery, power-offs, insufficient memory, etc.

Слайд 13Let’s summarize
Mobile application testing is:
Easy to perform – it

can be described with a check-list, there is no complex functionality.
Easy to plan – coverage is defined by exploring current usage stats.
Inexpensive – we can use emulators, online services and use Friends&Family approach.

Challenging – variety of models and OS versions.

Слайд 14

Mobile Pundits

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