La Tomatina презентация

Observed by Bunol, Valencia, Spain Date Last Wednesday in August Frequency Annual 2017

Слайд 2
Observed by Bunol, Valencia, Spain

Last Wednesday in August
Frequency Annual
2017 August 30

Слайд 3History
The first tomato fight was in 1945.
The holiday was banned in

the Spanish State period under Francisco Franco, but returned in the 1970s.
In 2002 La Tomatina of Bunol was declared a Festivity of International Tourist Interest by the Secretary Department of Tourism due to its success.

Слайд 4Description

Usually, the fight lasts for an hour, after which the whole

town square has been covered with tomato paste.

Слайд 5Rules of festival
The tomatoes have to be squashed before throwing to

avoid injuries.
No other projectiles except tomatoes are allowed.
Participants have to make way for trucks and lorries.
After the second shot indicative of ending the tomato hurl, no tomatoes are be thrown.

Слайд 6
Since 2013, the capacity of La Tomatina is regulated by selling

tickets for the event.
In 2015, it is estimated that almost 145 000 kg of tomatoes were thrown.

Слайд 7In other countries
Costa Rica

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