Industrial Electronics. Fundamentals of Electric Circuits презентация

Chapter 1 Fundamentals of Electric Circuits Circuit is a current path, it is needed for some electrical equipment by certain Or elements combined in a certain

Слайд 1
Industrial Electronics


Слайд 2
Chapter 1

Fundamentals of Electric Circuits
Circuit is a current path,

it is needed for some electrical equipment by certain
Or elements combined in a certain way up.

Слайд 3
Circuit R, I, U, C, L, etc.

Current I
Voltage V
Charge Q=I*t
Resistance resistor R
Capacitance capacitor C
Inductance inductor L

Слайд 4
Learning Objectives:
Identify the principal elements of electric circuits:

nodes, loops, meshes, branches, voltage and current sources;
Apply Kirchhoff’s laws to simple electric circuits and derive the basic circuit equations.
Compute the power delivered or absorbed by circuit elements.
Apply the voltage and current divider laws to calculate unknown variables in simple series, parallel, and series-parallel circuits.

Слайд 5
§1 Fundamentals of Electric Circuits
The resistor
The inductor
The capacitor
§ 1-1

1. Circuit models(电路模型)

Two active(有源)models

Three passive(无源)models

Слайд 6

The voltage independent source
The current independent source
The ideal voltage source:
Independent Sources

= E – R0 I

V0 = E

Is =

  When R0 = 0, V = E, the source is called ideal voltage source.

R0 = 0

Слайд 7

V0 = IS R0
R0 = ∞
When R0 = ∞ ,

I = IS, the source is called ideal current source.

The ideal current source:

Слайд 8

Dependent (Controlled) Sources

Слайд 9
2. Network variables (网络变量)
The systems of units (单位制) : International system

of units; SI unit
Length [meter] (m) Mass [kilogram] (kg)
Time [second] (s)

(1) Current -- i(t), I ---- (A, mA, μA...)
The net time-rate of transference (传递) of charge is referred to as the flow of current.

(2) Energy (or work) -- w(t) (J)

Слайд 10
(4) Power -- p(t) (W, kW, mW)

The time rate of performing work is defined as power.

Слайд 117

3. Reference directions(参考方向)
(1) Reference directions for current
(2) Reference directions for voltage

: Electron: negatively charged
Direction of current: is defined as the flow direction of positive charge.

Слайд 127

(3) Reference conventions (惯例) for two-terminal elements (R, L, C or

... )

The relative (关联) reference directions

The reference arrow for the current variable enters the terminal, which is identified by the plus sign of the voltage reference polarity markings.

Слайд 13
(4) The reference for power

element, or it is actually generating power and delivering it to some external element.

p(t)>0 the power absorbed by the element.

Слайд 14
§1-2 Ohm's law
Ohm's law states that voltage across many

types of conducting materials is directly proportional to the current flowing through the material.

The resistor is a passive element that cannot deliver power or store energy.

Слайд 15
The current through and voltage across a resistor must

both vary with time in the same manner.

We define a "short circuit" as a resistance of zero ohms.

We define a "open circuit" as an infinite resistance.

Слайд 16
§1-3 Kirchhoff's laws
A point at which three or

more elements have common connection is called a node(节点).

Suppose that we start at one node in a network and move through a simple element to the node at the other…, if no node was encountered more than once, then the set of nodes and elements that we have passed through is defined as a path(路径).

Слайд 17
We define a branch(支路) as a single

path in a network, composed of one simple element (or more elements ) and the nodes at each end of that element.

Kirchhoff's current law --KCL

The algebraic sum of all the currents entering any node is zero.

If the node at which we started is the same as the node on which we ended, then the path is a closed path(闭合路径)or a loop(回路).

Слайд 18
The algebraic sum of all the

currents leaving a node is zero.
or: The algebraic sum of all the currents entering a node must equal the algebraic sum of all the currents leaving the node.

The three equivalent equations

The algebraic sum of all the currents entering any node is zero.

Слайд 19
The KCL may be extended to the supernode.

Слайд 20
A mesh (网孔)is a loop that does not contain other loops.


loops: loop1, loop2, loop3;
2 meshes: loop1, loop2

Слайд 21

KCL: I1 – I2+ I3 + I4 = 0
Known quantities: I1=

9 A, I2 = –2 A,I4 = 8 A.
Determine the current I3 .

9 –( – 2)+ I3 + 8 = 0

I3 = –19 A

Слайд 22
The algebraic sum of the voltage around any closed

path in a circuit is zero.

Kirchhoff's voltage law--KVL


Слайд 23

Voltage divider
Equivalent series resistance

§1-4 Series resistors and voltage divider rule

Слайд 24

Current divider
Equivalent parallel resistance

§1-5 Parallel resistors and current divider rule

Слайд 25

Current divider
Equivalent parallel resistance

Слайд 26
§1-6 Source transformations
The ideal voltage source and a

series resistance comprise a practical voltage source.

A practical current source is defined as an ideal current source in parallel with an internal resistance Rsi.

Слайд 27
We shall define two sources as being equivalent if

each produces identical current and identical voltage in any loads which is placed across its terminals.

Conditions of equivalence:

Слайд 28

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