Hiring Truly Driven Salespeople презентация

Kevin Gaither VP of Inside Sales, uSamp President, Los Angeles Chapter of AA-ISP @kevinsgaither #salesdrive Got Questions? @kevinsgaither

Слайд 1Hiring Truly Driven Salespeople
Tips, Tactics and Techniques

Слайд 2Kevin Gaither
VP of Inside Sales, uSamp

President, Los Angeles Chapter of AA-ISP




Слайд 3Costs of Mis-Hires
*Phone Works 2010 Inside Sales Compensation Study
** Bridge Group

2010 Inside Sales Metrics and Compensation Study
*** Never Hire a Bad Salesperson Again, Dr. Chris Croner
****Topgrading for Sales, Dr. Brad Smart


Слайд 4Agenda
Begin with the End in Mind – The Benchmark
Drive! – Components

and Sample Questions
Free Offer


Слайд 5The Salesperson Benchmark
Do Not Try to Clone Your Top Performer!
Begin with

the End in Mind
Brainstorm & Collaborate
Hone & Define
Develop Your Questions

“If the job could talk, it would clearly define the knowledge, hard skills, people skills,
behavior and culture needed for superior performance. “ – Bill Brooks, The Brooks Group


Слайд 6The Components of Drive?
Need for Achievement

Слайд 7Sample Qs – Need for Achievement
What kinds of sacrifices have you

had to make to be successful?
Tell me about a few times where you exceeded expectations or went beyond the call of duty?
What’s the toughest goal you’ve ever set for yourself? How do you plan to top it?


Слайд 8Sample Qs - Competitiveness
When was the last time you were competitive?

do you rank on the sales team? May I have permission to contact your boss to ask about your rank?
How would your manager rank your competitiveness compared to your peers? What makes your manager see you as competitive?


Слайд 9Sample Qs - Optimism
Think back to the last time you lost

a deal, what did you do to recover?
Describe a sale where your persistence really paid off. Another time.
When was the last time a customer got under your skin?
Tell me about a time when YOU got a result even though it upset somebody


Слайд 10Free Offer
Tweet at me @kevinsgaither
Ask for the Inside Sales Sample Benchmark

send you my sample Inside Sales Benchmark with
20 characteristics
Definitions of characteristics and
Nearly 80 sample questions you can use


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