Future is coming! презентация

How do gadgets change our life? Your life would not be so great if your do not buy and make use of different gadgets and devices. For example, we

Слайд 1Future is coming!

Kargalova Tamara
11 A

МОУ «СОШ №1 г. Гурьевска»
Руководитель Конивцова С.Н.

Слайд 2How do gadgets change our life?
Your life would not be

so great if your do not buy and make use of different gadgets and devices. For example, we all got used to have mobile phones and PCs which can be found in every house. Today people even have laptops with the help of which you can store and work just traveling form one country to another be train or by plane and that’ s not all… Let’s talk about things which make our life easier. GADGETS!

Слайд 3Kitchen Gadgets- What Kind to Buy?
by Kitchen Utensils on March 26,

2009It can be confusing
when it comes to knowing what kitchen gadgets to buy.  Of course, it depends on whether it is for you or as a gift for somebody.  Things like cutlery, cookware and tableware are something everybody uses, but other kitchen gadgets are considered more personal and are typically considered the cook’s tool ensemble.
large and sharp for chopping or butchering. The basic kitchen gadgetry can involve cutlery, since it seems there is a different knife for every purpose.  Knife sets can come in steak knife sets, or custom cutlery sets that can be very small for paring, or
There can be a wide range in prices, because of quality, materials used and craftsmanship.  For example, some of the ceramic knives are expensive but hold a sharp blade forever.  They are more expensive than traditional metal cutlery, but don’t rust, however, they can chip or the tip break off when dropped.

Слайд 4Baby Bidou MP3 Player

Babies have their fair share of gadgets that

most parents have come to find necessary.  Things like baby monitors and even sterilizing lights for their bottles.  One thing that some parents might also find handy is an MP3 player specifically for the baby.  It’s easily debatable that it’s really not necessary for a child that young, but if you like having your baby listen to music then it might make things easier.

Слайд 5Faux Panning Security Camera

Keeping people out of your property can sometimes

be as simple as giving the illusion of security.  Even if you can’t afford a top of the line security system, this fake one looks real enough to fool most people.  It might be overkill for most homes, but small businesses could definitely use them.  They could even be used to get people to quit breaking into your garage.

Слайд 6Cydle P29A accompanies you on your travels
by Edwin - on December

29, 2009
Do you do plenty of traveling throughout the year? If the answer is in the affirmative, then you might want to consider getting the new Cydle P29A as your faithful mobile sidekick. Meant to kickstart the budding mobile TV revolution, the Cydle P29A will be introduced formally to public eyes at CES 2010 which is happening next week. Just in case you have not heard about Cydle, they are an emerging leader in car-based multimedia systems and is also one of South Korea’s biggest consumer electronics companies. This multi-functional device boasts a multimedia player and subscription-free Mobile TV to keep you entertained on the road, where we will take a closer look at it in the extended post.

Слайд 7Sonim XP2 Spirit comes to Europe
by Edwin - on February 17,

Mention Sonim and what comes to your mind? Chances are those who are more well versed in the world of cellphones would be able to relate that brand name to a handset which is well known for its ruggedness. Well, Mobile World Congress 2010 in Barcelona, Spain, was the platform where Sonim decided to announce the availability of their brand new XP2 Spirit which will hit Europe. This rugged 3G-capable cellphone might be rugged, but at least it sports a pretty face to debunk myths that everything tough and rugged will need to compromise in terms of design. Being the latest handset in the Xtreme Performance series, the Sonim XP2 Spirit is also the company’s maiden 3G cellphone, so if you pick this up, who knows – it could be a valuable artifact a few generations down. Let us take a closer look at what the Sonim XP2 Spirit can offer right after the jump.

Слайд 8You & Me Wall Clock keeps track of other time zones

Ally - on January 14, 2010
If you’re in a long distance relationship, doomed to spend a fortune on phone bills and traveling expenses, then this would make for a cute Valentine’s Day gift.  Instead of just showing your current time, it shows the time of your significant other too.  It would make it easier to figure out when to call and be a constant reminder that the one you love is in a whole different time zone.

Слайд 9Thanks for attention!

Слайд 10Источники информации
Википедия — свободная энциклопедия
Многоязычный проект по созданию полноценной и точной

со свободно распространяемым содержимым. ru.wikipedia.org
Coolest Gadgets - reporting on the latest cool gadgets
Reporting on all the latest cool gadgets in the ongoing quest for the coolest gadget. Electronic GadgetsElectronic Gadgets - Coolest Gadget of the WeekElectronic Gadgets - Coolest Gadget of the Week - Wacky Gadgets
Gift Ideas - Latest gadgets, birthday presents, cool gift ideas ...
Gift Ideas, Gadgets, Boys Toys, Christmas, Gifts, Birthday Presents & Shopping, a Great UK Gadget Shop. The latest gadgets, gizmos, novelties and gift ideas ... www.gadgets.co.uk

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