Fire Safety Quiz презентация

Слайд 1Fire Safety Quiz

Слайд 2Most fires happen at night while you’re asleep. True or False?

Слайд 3Answer: True

Слайд 42. If your clothes catch fire, you should stop, drop, and…

b) roll
c) cough
d) wave

Слайд 5Answer: b) roll

Слайд 63. Once a fire breaks out, how much time do you

have to escape?

a) as little as 1 minute
b) 3 minutes
c) 5 minutes
d) 10 minutes

Слайд 7Answer: a) as little as 1 minute

Слайд 84. If you see fire and smoke in the hallway when

you open your bedroom door, you should

a) go back into your room and close the door
b) run toward your escape route

Слайд 9Answer: a) go back into your room and close the door

Слайд 105. Circle which of the following things you SHOULD do in

a fire.

a) hide under a bed or in a closet
b) stay as close to the ground as possible
c) take an elevator to escape the fire faster
d) be sure to close doors behind you as escape

Слайд 11Answer: b) stay as close to the ground as possible and d) be sure

to close doors behind you as escape

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