Features of shopping in England and Russia презентация

Слайд 1Features of shopping in England and Russia

Слайд 2The world is changing rapidly and irrevocably. Together with the change

of generations and whole eras of change and the worldview of humanity, social and moral values, lifestyle and norms of behavior. This is a natural process that develops in its harmonious laws. Considerable place in this rapidly changing world is given to this social phenomenon as "shopping".

Слайд 3What is the shopping?
Shopping called

shopping. This word comes from the English shopping, which means "to shop". With the advent of the abundance of goods in stores, many women (and sometimes men) just lose control and buy everything you need and don't need.
Shopping becomes a new sport, psychotherapy, admission to certain social circles, etc. many women use shopping as a way to soothe, so if any trouble, they immediately rush to the store. Purchase produce a relaxing effect. Man gets some pleasure from buying things and trying to mitigate the negative impact on soul various life factors.

Слайд 4Advantage of shopping in England
First, it is important to say that

England is home to the most original and unusual designers. In this country supports young emerging talented stylists and designers who make unusual design clothes at average prices. All these things are sewn not EN masse, but individually. Some things are available almost in a single copy.
Second, if, for example, in Italy for a person with irregular shape or figure is not model; looks quite difficult to find things designers basically sew sizes 40-46, then in England in the shops women`s clothes available in large sizes. This is due to the fact that the British themselves are mostly middle and large figure, a standard figure of a woman here somewhere in the 46 Russian size. Another feature of shopping in England is that sales and discounts in stores come here all year round. In addition to fixed-time seasonal sales — June-August and late November — February, during the year in different stores and large shopping malls are off-season sales. These discounts can last 2-3 weeks and up to 50 %. Only, each store decides on the conduct of such sales.
Shopping in England is especially attractive because you always advise the sellers that they will not stand behind you, waiting for you buying something. They can always seek advice or advice, and you will always get a polite and comprehensive answer. Such exceptional service and a variety of privileges for customers turn into higher prices for goods.
Most of the money on shopping on the Internet spend in the UK over the age of 55 years.

Слайд 5The main shopping areas of England

1. Kensington High Street. Many large

and small clothing stores.
2. Regent Street. Also a wide variety of shops, especially famous of which fabric store and major toy store.
In London, three of the main largest shopping center:
1."London Pavilion". Very large shopping center. Location: Piccadilly Circus, W1.
2. The "Whiteley's". It is in this Mall is the largest cinema in London. Location: Queensway, Bayswater, W2.
3. "Trocadero". A distinctive feature of the center is the so-called "Oriental supermarket". Here is the exhibition "World of Guinness". Location: PiccadillyCircus, W1.
4. "Contemporary Applied Arts". Huge selection of modern products and a huge bookstore. Location: 43 Earlham street, WC2.

Слайд 6Markets
For full joy is willing to do shopping in London there

are active markets. As in other large cities, the markets are busy here and crowded. You can buy everything, and cheaper than in stores.
Some shopping areas have their own specialization. For example:
1. Charing Cross Road. District, selling mostly books.
2. Tottenham Court Road. A place abounding video and radio.
3. Hatton Garden. Huge selection of jewelry products.

Слайд 7Advantage of shopping in Russia
Is an entertainment shopping, appeared

in our country not so long ago, so we are still not satiated and ready to go shopping all free time, trying on every other thing. Numerous studies in recent years showed that out of the passions of his contemporaries, the second place is “shopping”.

In Russia the buyer is sharper than perhaps in many other parts of the world with a developed retail market, may feel that shopping is not only a process to meet its own needs – financial or emotional. It was here, because of the nature of market, mentality, history and a range of societal practices, shopping is a process of class identity, and his party is often a person constituting a request not to identity (or in front for compliance with the codes of their social group) as a private class. The willingness of the buyer to spend more and buy the best due to great representation on the Russian commodity market luxury category.

Many buyers attracted to getting goods from afar. The goods arrived from another city, much nicer to receive than one that is available to any neighbor or friend. The opportunity to purchase something that none of the environment there, a lot of fun. Thanks to shopping on the Internet, people pleasing themselves, console, encourage, cajole, relieve stress.

Слайд 9Shopman is it a disease?
Psychologists say: cunning shopmania lies

primarily in the fact that in Russia it is still not considered a disease. People absolutely do not want to contact the experts for quality assistance. But if there is no demand, no supply. Now there are no therapists specialized in the disease. For comparison: in Europe, for shopaholics there are even special clinics. As a result of pathological the buyer is left alone with his problem. And then it all depends on the willpower of each shopman. The success of the fight against disease is directly related to the fact, learn whether magazinethey people negative response to a simple question: do I need this thing, really?

Слайд 10Conclusion
Based on my research, I came to the conclusion

that shopping, that is, the process of shopping, has its own characteristics, which depend not only from the place of its Commission, but also on age and gender accessories those who commit it.
Proved not only the positive side of shopping, which is to stimulate mental activity, increase in life expectancy and in reducing stress, but also its negative sides. The ease with which shopping relieves stress, a dangerous escalation of this method a habit and then an addiction. Convinced, perhaps unconsciously, that "this helps" in the future if it fails or the problem people run to the store and spend pointless money. There is a risk that such actions can spiral out of control. And then a cure as any, however, medication abuse, becomes the source of new problems. What, according to the researchers as to the positive effect of shopping, and are more susceptible to negative women as the more emotional half of humanity.
In the course of any shopping, wherever he happens to be a sense of proportion in England or Russia.

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