Extraordinary jobs презентация

Слайд 1
Extraordinary jobs
Adopted:Serikkyzy Aknur
Prepared:Sagimbayeva Gulnur

Слайд 2

Слайд 3Mostly employers look for specialists with expertise in conventional and familiar

to us all industries: Economics, medicine, engineering and the like. But there are many others, not known to most people the most extraordinary and strange professions, which few people heard, and certainly no one knows, where they teach professional fishing ants show a master class in pulling the brain out of the head of the slaughtered animal and explain how to sell dreams. On these and many other odd jobs we will tell you in the continuation of the article.

Слайд 4Catcher ants The catcher must catch the ants in the anthill best

individuals, which subsequently serve for procreation on artificial ant farms

Слайд 5Professional Amateur sleep One of the hotels in Helsinki last year, was

looking for someone who would be able to test the comfort of its rooms and to share experiences in the blog. Also, in addition to love to sleep, a potential employee should be fluent in Finnish and English.

Слайд 6

Merchant dreams
Postal clerk dreams of becoming one night a great actor.

Businessman wants to manage multi-ton structure. A psychiatrist wants 20 days off to meet 20 girls from 20 different countries. However, remember that the minimum cost of the dream is us $ 150,000.

Слайд 7Standing in line Frankly, you can enjoy for the Brits. Appeared in

the country office, promising citizens that they will not stand in queues. For them it will make a specially trained "stoyalschik".

Слайд 8Writer predictions for cookies Popular throughout the feast the cookies with the

predictions require regular and proper preparation of these predictions. The author must have a good imagination, because prophecy must be clear, interesting, diverse and unusual. At first glance, the work seems easy, but try to come up with at least a hundred of these predictions!

Слайд 9

Thank you for attention!

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