Danil feedback feb презентация

Please remove this feature we don’t need this at all

Слайд 1Danil Feedback Feb 9th 2017

Слайд 2Please remove this feature we don’t need this at all

Слайд 3
Please update favicon to this logo

Слайд 4Insert a line underneath heart icon. Reduce the size of ‘recent

posts’ – reduce by 30%

For Reference ONLY

Слайд 5When I try and share the coca cola image on facebook

the red image does not appear in facebook. Can you fix?

Слайд 6In both of these examples instead of just sharing the URL

there is a headline shared as well. Is it possible for the headline of the blog post and URL to be shared?

On facebook share image, headline and URL
On Twitter share image, headline and URL
On LinkedIn share image, headline and URL

Слайд 7Browsers:
Its not working on Chrome desktop

Слайд 8Submit Blog Post

Please left align the Post Comment Button. When

the user clicks SUBMIT show a pop up saying ‘ Thanks For Your Comment

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