#CULTUREcode презентация

Who Are We? We are HOSTING. Our MISSION is to provide the best customer experience for mid-size enterprises running business-critical applications in the cloud, supported by the industry’s best

Слайд 1#CULTUREcode

Слайд 2Who Are We?


Our MISSION is to provide the best

customer experience for mid-size enterprises running business-critical applications in the cloud, supported by the industry’s best team.

Слайд 3What makes our culture what it is?

Each and every one

of them make our #CULTURECode.

Clockwise: Engineers at lunch, Matt and Shawna at our Holiday Event, KY Office Home Brew.

Слайд 4 “People are ALWAYS the difference in the success of a services

business” -A. Zeile CEO Clockwise: Fedy and Scott Cinco De Mayo Days, Kate and Bree in style, Aaron rockin’ his day, and Paul and Jess on Beer Friday.

Слайд 5What helps us achieve our Mission?

“We run out into the street

— fully equipped to embrace any challenge we’re confronted with.”
-L. Beasley, HOSTING employee

OUR PEOPLE move our values forward — every day and in every way.

Слайд 6“CULTURE eats strategy for breakfast” –P. Drucker Clockwise: TOPS cooking breakfast, Jersey

Day in Denver (GO AVS!), Bike Building in KY.

Слайд 7How do we support our customers?
OUR PEOPLE are smart.

Lots of people with

lots of bright ideas work at HOSTING.

Collectively, we’re a powerhouse for our customers. We’re always looking for new ways to help them achieve cloud success.

Слайд 8Why do people like working here?
OUR PEOPLE’S people are
our people


That’s right. Your family is our family. We care about our team just like they were our own kids. Because of that, we make sure we offer great benefits — healthcare, vision, dental, life insurance and a 401K match to help you take care of yourself and your loved ones.
Oh, and our fantastic Paid Time Off package means you can actually hang with your people.

HOSTER Frank Condon hangin’ with his family.

Слайд 9 “Culture is what happens when no one is looking.” - Unknown Clockwise: Bill

& Doug the Dynamic Duo , Executive Project Coordinators Angela and Tina, and Don teaching future HOSTERS about the PC.

Слайд 10Why do people stay at HOSTING?
OUR PEOPLE grow personally and professionally.


-Skills Training
-Bell Leadership
-Rafting Offsites

Whatever gives you balance and helps you expand your mind — HOSTING supports it.
We offer Tuition Reimbursement and Technical Skills Training so you can grow professionally.
Mental fitness is great – but we  know you need a work life balance. So, we offer yoga at the office, softball and other sponsored athletic events…
Get a team together and live it up!

Слайд 11What is it like in the office?
OUR PEOPLE are fun.

All of our

offices have cool team events and activities that take the stress out and the edge off.
Salsa competitions, Monday morning coffee socials, Margarita parties, Whiskey Wednesdays,  catered lunches, pancake breakfast by the TOPS team…
Oh, and our COO calls himself the Chief Drinking Officer (and he’s super fun to be around!)  

Above: Chief Drinking Officer and Partner in Crime, View from our Bar
Below: You guessed it, an office prank!

Слайд 12“People are the source of our strength.” -A. Zeile, CEO Clockwise: Thanks

For Giving in TX, Piñata Party in Delaware, and a C-Levels Meeting… Gingham Style!

Слайд 13What’s your take on Corporate Philanthropy?
OUR PEOPLE give back to the


Our recent Bring Your Child to Work day was a hit. HOSTING volunteers helped future HOSTERS develop websites, take apart and reassemble servers, make customer service calls and play Ping Pong and take a yoga class — and they all had a blast doing it. 
We also work at local food banks, build care packages for Women’s Shelters, and participate in Habitat for Humanity events. 
HOSTING encourages every opportunity you have to get involved in your community.

One of our Bring Your Child to Work Participants, developing a website!

Слайд 14One of OUR PEOPLE made this video and we find it pretty inspiring,

hope you will too!  

“A company name

cannot achieve greatness, only its culture can do that.”
-L. Beasley, Hosting employee

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