CoDeSys CNC functionality презентация

Слайд 1CoDeSys CNC functionality
Overview CNC functionblock

Слайд 2SMC_NCDecoder
This function block is part of the CoDeSys SoftMotion library "SM3_CNC.library".

The function block SMC_NCDecoder is used to convert a CNC program (Din 66025, G-Code), which has been created within the CNC-Editor, into a list of SoftMotion-GEOINFO-structure objects. In each cycle one line of the program will be decoded.

Слайд 3SMC_CheckVelocities
This function block is part of the CoDeSys SoftMotion library "SM3_CNC.library".

The module checks the track speed of the particular path segments. If the OutQueue has not been created by the editor, but by the IEC program (e.g. by SMC_NCDecoder), this module has to be called straight before each call to the interpolator.
The main task of this function is to check the path for sharp bends and to reduce the velocity to zero at these bends.

Слайд 4SMC_Interpolator
This function block is part of the CoDeSys SoftMotion library. The

SMC_Interpolator function block is used to convert a continuous path described by SMC_GEOINFO-objects into discrete path position points taking into account a defined velocity profile and time pattern. Afterwards, these position points will typically be transformed by the IEC-program (e.g. to drive-axis-positions) and sent to the drives.

Слайд 5SMC_Trafo (Kinematic X Y Z portal system)

XYZ portal system

Слайд 6SMC_Trafo (Kinematic portal system with tool offset)

portal system
with tool offset

Слайд 7SMC_Trafo (Kinematic H-prtal system)

H-portal system

If you want to move in

the drives A und B must be moved
in parallel; for a pure x-movement they have to be contrary rotated.

Слайд 8SMC_Trafo (Kinematic scara)

scara system

scara system

Слайд 9SMC_Trafo (Kinematic tripod)


Слайд 10SMC_Controlaxisbypos
This function block is part of the CoDeSys SoftMotion library. It

can be employed to write target positions to a drive structure and to test the structure for jumps. It is mostly used in context with CNC and SMC_Interpolator. For direct control of the axis’ set values, one of the function blocks staring with SMC_Follow* should be used.

Слайд 11SMC_ReadNCFile
This function block is part of the 3S-Smart Software Solutions GmbH

CoDeSys SoftMotion library. It will read a NC-ASCII-file from the file system of the controller, in order to make it available for the SMC_NCDecoder. Thus at runtime a NC program can be read in and realized.

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