British Actors презентация

Charles Dance Walter Charles Dance was born in Birmingham, England on 10 October 1946. In 1975 Charles Dance was invited to join the prestigious Royal Shakespeare Company. He

Слайд 1British Actors
Овсянникова М.В.
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МОУ «Антонятская основная общеобразовательная школа»

Слайд 2Charles Dance
Walter Charles Dance was born in Birmingham, England on 10

October 1946.

In 1975 Charles Dance was invited to join the prestigious Royal Shakespeare Company.
He made numerous appearances, including Fortinbras/Reynolds in Hamlet, Catesby in Richard III, The Changeling, Oliver in As You Like It, Lancaster in Henry V, Williams in Henry V, Buckingham in Henry VI Part II and others.

Слайд 3Joseph Fiennes
Joseph Alberic Fiennes was born on 27th May 1970 in

Salisbury, Wiltshire, England. 

Слайд 4Jerome Flynn
Jerome Patrick Flynn was born on 16th March 1963 in

Ide Hill, near Sevenoaks, Kent.

Слайд 5Richard E. Grant
Richard E. Grant was born in Mbabane, Swaziland on

5th May 1957 and is 6'2". 
His actual name is Richard Grant Esterhuysen.

Слайд 6Nigel Havers
Nigel Havers was born on 6th November 1949 in London,

England.   He is the son of the late Lord Michael Havers, former Lord Chancellor and Attorney General.

Слайд 7Jonathan Hyde
Jonathan Hyde, born on 21st May 1947 in Brisbane Australia,

is a highly acclaimed classical actor who has appeared in numerous roles with both the Royal National Theatre and the Royal Shakespeare Company.  His roles with the RSC include: As You Like It; Romeo and Juliet; Merchant of Vencie; Antony and Cleopatra; King Lear; The Roaring Girl and Swan Down Gloves.

Слайд 8Sir Derek Jacobi
Derek George Jacobi was born in Leytonstone, East London,

England on 22nd October 1938.

Слайд 9Robert Lindsay
Robert Lindsay was born Robert Stevenson on 13th December 1949

in Ilkeston, Derbyshire, England.

Слайд 10Alastair Mackenzie
Alastair Mackenzie, was born in Perth, approximately 20 miles away

from where his current hit television series Monarch of the Glen is filmed in Scotland's Cairngorms. Before he became an actor his jobs included working in a bar, a cleaner, a painter and a cook.
He started off in theatre in Glasgow but left home at the age of 18 and moved to London. It wasn't until he returned to his homeland that he realised just how much Scotland was in his blood and is now considering moving back.

Слайд 11Liam Neeson
William John Neeson was born on 7th June 1952 in

Ballymena, Northern Ireland.

Слайд 12Peter O'Toole
Peter Seamus O'Toole was born on 2nd August 1932 in

Connemara, County Galway, Ireland. 

Слайд 13Nathaniel Parker
Nathaniel Parker was born in London, England on 18th May

1962 and is the son of the former British Rail chairman, Sir Peter Parker.

Слайд 14Corin Redgrave
Corin Redgrave was born on 16th July 1939 in London,


Слайд 15Martin Shaw
Martin Shaw was born on 21st January 1945 in Birmingham,


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