Beyond Agile Practices презентация

Challenges to Agile Adoption or Transformation Silent Brainstorm on index cards: In phrases (1 to 5 words) describe your current or past Agile adoption challenges. What is preventing

Слайд 1Beyond Agile Practices
Learning is not compulsory... neither is survival.
- W. Edwards


Where Did We Go Wrong?

Troy Tuttle, KCP
Principal Consultant, Owner @troytuttle

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Слайд 2Challenges to Agile Adoption or Transformation
Silent Brainstorm on index cards: In

phrases (1 to 5 words) describe your current or past Agile adoption challenges.
What is preventing “Agile Success?”

Слайд 3Sad Clown Agile Quotes
“Lack of executive commitment”
“Our culture doesn’t support Agile”

or missing retrospectives”

“Command and Control never left”

“Started with a tool instead of a mindset”

“Reverted to old habits when the coach left”

Слайд 4War Stories
“Cargo Cult Agile”

Many 1st generation Agile attempts simply installed recipes

Recipes lead to Cargo Cult Agile

Слайд 5The Practice and Theory Imbalance
Release Planning
Planning Poker
Continuous Integration

Слайд 6Introducing Systems Thinking
Russell Ackoff, Systems Thinker

Слайд 7What is a System?
A system is a set of parts where:

behavior of each part has an effect on the behavior of the whole

The behavior of the parts are interdependent

Each part has an effect on the behavior of the whole
and none has an independent effect on it

Слайд 8What is a System?

The performance of a system is never the

sum of the performance of its parts;
it’s a product of their interactions.

- Dr. Russ Ackoff

Слайд 9Systems Thinking
PO / Analysts
Corporate Structure
What about individual performance reviews?

Слайд 10Systems Thinking
“To optimize the whole, we must sub-optimize the parts.”

If we

optimize the parts of the system, we will sub-optimize the whole.

- W. Edwards Deming

Слайд 11A Particular System Condition
Microsoft’s Stack Ranking System …
20 – 70 –

10 rule

- Vanity Fair: “Microsoft’s Lost Decade” Aug. 2012

How many system conditions are misattributed to “team dysfunctions”?

(Google “Microsoft stack ranking”)

Слайд 12Bad Systems, Good People
“I should estimate that in my experience most

troubles and most possibilities for improvement add up to the proportions something like this: 94% belongs to the system, 6% special.”

“A bad system will defeat a good person every time.”

- W. Edwards Deming

Слайд 13Other Examples of System Conditions
-- Hermanni Hyytiälä, Reaktor @hemppah

Слайд 14Complexity Theory: Cynefin Framework

Слайд 15Nature of Knowledge Work
How does the work work?
Because we often work

in the complex and
complicated domains, our work is non-deterministic in nature

Ignorance about how the work works is a systems condition

Слайд 16Culture Revisited
“Our culture doesn’t support Agile”
But we have other Lean-Agile experience

reports from the field:

“We have experienced profound cultural changes”

But these companies weren’t trying to change their culture. They were just doing Lean-Agile
and the culture changed.

How did that happen?

Слайд 17What is Culture?
Culture is a pattern of shared tacit assumptions that

was learned by a
group … that has worked well enough to be considered valid and,
therefore, to be taught to new members as the correct way to
perceive, think, and feel ...

--Schein, Edgar H.
The Corporate Culture Survival Guide

Слайд 18Schein’s Three Levels of Culture
Visible structures, behavior, language
Espoused values, goals, philosophies

beliefs, tacit assumptions

Group’s understanding
of their environment

To affect the visible aspects of culture,
we must change that understanding

We have to unlearn first as an organization
to affect our organizational culture.

Слайд 19Balance Practice and Theory

Theory informs practice
Practice informs Theory
Do estimates really help

us deliver predictably?

Why are retrospectives valuable for our organization?

Systems thinking and complexity theory
are examples of theory that inform our practices.

Слайд 20Agile’s Secret Sauce
Agile is not an “execution” strategy….
It’s a learning strategy

your practices with a healthy dose of theory

Use that knowledge to affect your Agile adoption

Слайд 21Beyond Agile Practices
Thank You!
Where Did We Go Wrong?
Troy Tuttle, KCP
Principal Consultant,

Owner @troytuttle

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