Where Did We Go Wrong?
Troy Tuttle, KCP
Principal Consultant, Owner
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Where Did We Go Wrong?
Troy Tuttle, KCP
Principal Consultant, Owner
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“Command and Control never left”
“Started with a tool instead of a mindset”
“Reverted to old habits when the coach left”
Recipes lead to Cargo Cult Agile
The behavior of the parts are interdependent
Each part has an effect on the behavior of the whole
and none has an independent effect on it
- Dr. Russ Ackoff
- W. Edwards Deming
- Vanity Fair: “Microsoft’s Lost Decade” Aug. 2012
How many system conditions are misattributed to “team dysfunctions”?
(Google “Microsoft stack ranking”)
“A bad system will defeat a good person every time.”
- W. Edwards Deming
Ignorance about how the work works
is a systems condition
“We have experienced profound cultural changes”
But these companies weren’t
trying to change their culture.
They were just doing Lean-Agile
and the culture changed.
How did that happen?
Group’s understanding
of their environment
To affect the visible aspects of culture,
we must change that understanding
We have to unlearn first as an organization
to affect our organizational culture.
Why are retrospectives valuable for our organization?
Systems thinking and complexity theory
are examples of theory that inform our practices.
Use that knowledge to affect your Agile adoption
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