Basic terms used in the industry of meat and meat products презентация

Vocabulary Sheep – мелкий скот Brains, kidneys, breast – мозги, почки, грудинка culinary destination – кулинарное назначение mutton – баранья лопатка grouse, partridges – рябчики, куропатки char-grilled – на углях cinnamon,

Слайд 1Basic terms used in the industry of meat and meat products

Слайд 2Vocabulary
Sheep – мелкий скот
Brains, kidneys, breast – мозги, почки, грудинка
culinary destination

– кулинарное назначение
mutton – баранья лопатка
grouse, partridges – рябчики, куропатки
char-grilled – на углях
cinnamon, cloves – корица, гвоздика
features – особенности
veal dairy - телятина молочная
without deep cuts - без глубоких надрезов
for forequarter - для передней четвертины
dirt – загрязнения
blood clots – сгустки крови
boning – обвалка

Слайд 3trimming – жиловка
chuck – лопаточная часть
neck – шейная часть
spinal ribs –

спинно-реберная часть
lumbar – поясничная часть
posterior pelvic – заднетазовая часть
shoulder and shoulder of – плечевая и заплечевая часть
breast area (ribs) – грудная часть (грудинка)
the undercut portion - подлопаточная часть
tenderloin – вырезка
bacon and eggs-яичница с беконом
baked ham-буженина

Слайд 4roast beef-ростбиф
roast chicken-жареный цыплёнок
chicken breast-куриная грудка
chicken wings-куриные крылышки
chicken legs-куриные ноги
tenderloin (steak)

— филе (постное)
veal — телятина
rib eye (steak) — стейк без костей (нежное)
sirloin (steak) — стейк без костей (большой кусок)
spare ribs — ребрышки
baked / fried — жареный
broiled / roast — приготовленный на гриле

Слайд 5Selection and grading of manufacturing-meat from cattle. Beef carcass schematic

shank-задняя часть
Round-круглая часть
Flank-боковая часть
front shank-передний хвостовик
rib set-набор ребер
Forelimb-передняя часть

Слайд 6Similar to pork, valuable meat cuts (choice cuts) from beef are

usually excluded from further processing and marketed as fresh meat.

Слайд 8Meat is an important food commodity which provides nutrients essential for

A variety of different textures, colours and flavours of meat are available for you to choose.
This module contains an overview of the origin, structure and composition of different types of meat.

Слайд 9Type of meat

Cattle (beef)


Sheep (lamb)

Слайд 10 Horse (horse meat) poultry (chicken meat)

fish (fish products)

Слайд 11The structure of meat
Animal flesh consists of muscle tissue or fibres,

connective tissue and fatty (adipose) tissue.
Lean meat is the muscle tissue of animals.
Muscle cells comprise of:
the red protein called myoglobin
(similar to the blood pigment haemoglobin)

Слайд 12What’s the connection?
Meat muscle is made up of bundles of

muscle fibres held together by creamy white connective tissue.

Tendons join the muscle (made up of bundles of muscle fibres, surrounded by connective tissue) to the bones of animals.

Слайд 2011
Muscle fibres and cooking
Connective tissue is made up of two

proteins called collagen and elastin.

The connective tissue in and around the muscle fibres and tendons is mostly collagen. When meat is cooked, the collagen becomes soft and soluble, and forms gelatine.

Слайд 2011
Muscle fibres and cooking
This is much more elastic connective


It is yellow in colour and remains tough, even when cooked. The ligaments which join two bones together are mostly made up of elastin.

Слайд 15Muscle fibres
Fine muscle fibres
These tend to come from the muscles

of young animals, or in older animals from the muscles which do least work.

They contain little collagen and are tender even when cooking times short, e.g. grilling.

Muscle fibres are very small – and can only be seen under a microscope. The length of muscle fibres varies.

Слайд 16Fat – visible fat
Fat is found in meat underneath the skin

(subcutaneous fat) and between the muscles (intermuscular fat) and is a creamy-white colour.
This type of fat is called visible fat.
Visible fat (called suet) is also found around the animal’s organs, such as the kidneys.

Visible fat

Слайд 17The colour of meat
The colour of meat is largely due to

the red protein called myoglobin and some haemoglobin (blood) left in the muscle. Some muscles contain more of these red pigments than others.
Colour differences can be due to age and exercise, but are mainly due to the metabolism of the species and the function of the particular muscle.
Meat from muscles which have been used a lot and are from older animals is usually a darker colour.

Слайд 18Summary
Which animal meat are used for food?
What is in the muscle

tissue of animals?
From which is connective tissue?
What determines the color of the meat?
From what is lean?

Слайд 19Eat right!

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