Bachelor Thesis Defense презентация

TERMS Nominal exchange rate Pd – domestic price level Pf – foreign price level Real exchange rate Currency Pair EUR

Слайд 1Bachelor thesis defense
The impact of foreign currency exchange rate on

foreign trade: Case study of the Republic of Kazakhstan


Слайд 2TERMS
Nominal exchange rate
Pd – domestic price level

– foreign price level

Real exchange rate

Currency Pair
EUR – is a base currency
USD – is quote currency



EUR/USD 1.2500 1EUR = 2500USD

Слайд 3Appreciation
Graph shows appreciation of national currency, which causes fall in

net export and leads to decline in both GDP and price level.

(Source: Made by author, based on sources from the Internet.)

Слайд 4Depreciation
Graph shows depreciation-caused net export’s rise which leads to the

increase in both GDP and price level.

(Source: Made by author, based on sources from the Internet.)

Слайд 5Exchange rate systems
(Source: Personal made, representation of exchange rate regimes)

Слайд 6Foreign exchange interventions
Support domestic export to boost domestic economy

Influence the exchange rate of the domestic currency
Stabilize the exchange rate and to correct misbalance.

Слайд 7

Objectives and reasons of foreign trade
Optimum allocation and utilization of

Production and consumption
Promotes World Peace
Raises Standard of Living of the people
Ensures quality and standard goods

Слайд 8Historical Currency Exchange Rate Development
Collapse of Soviet Union in

1993 total collapse of Ruble
November 15, 1993, national currency of Kazakhstan3
In early 2014 – devalue tenge
2014 Russian Ruble began to fall
August of 2015 the country decided to float the currency freely

Слайд 9Currency pair KZT and USD

Слайд 10List of imported markets for a product exported by Kazakhstan (2016)

(Source: ITC)

Слайд 11Top potential export products of Republic of Kazakhstan
(Source: ITC’s calculations based

on country data)

Слайд 12Export strategy of Republic of Kazakhstan
“National Export Strategy of Kazakhstan”

for 2018-2022.
Aims to achieve strategic goals determined by so-called “Kazakhstan 2050”
Double export in non-oil sectors by the year 2025 comparison with 2015
Proposed to setup increase of the scope of non-resource based products export for 1.5 times by 2022 in comparison with 2015,
Increase export of non- resource based goods to the countries of important contribution to the economy strategy.
Sole operator or “Sole windows”
To speed up the process of mutual application of the electronic declaration of goods

Слайд 13Tables of exports to EUU
(Source: Eurasian Economic Commission)

Слайд 14Tables of exports to non-EUU members
(Source: Eurasian Economic Commission)

Слайд 15Tables of Total exports to EUU and non-EUU members
(Source: Eurasian

Economic Commission)

Слайд 16The foreign trade balance
(Source:; Agency of Statistic of the

Republic of Kazakhstan)


Слайд 18Reference
Currency Pair KZT and USD tenge/

of appreciation
Currency depreciation depreciation.asp
Development of foreign tarde in Kazakhstan 47244652104
Foreign trade balance of Kazakhstan
Reason for foreign trade (Political Stability and Economic Performance

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