Anyone can learn to give a great speech. презентация

“To follow the path that other have laid before you is a reasonable course of action; therefore all progress is made by unreasonable men.”

Слайд 1Anyone can learn to give a great speech.

Слайд 2“To follow the path that other have laid before you is

a reasonable course of action; therefore all progress is made by unreasonable men.”

Слайд 3Authenticity is key

Слайд 4A Clear Idea
The Best Speeches Include

Слайд 5The Best Speakers Include
A Relevant

Слайд 6A Pitch Deck
The Best Speakers Include

Слайд 7Use body language that makes you appear comfortable

Слайд 8
They will sense your nerves

like a shark to blood

Слайд 9Practice beforehand

Слайд 10
Never read your speech

Слайд 11Electrify the Room

Слайд 12"Imagine that your head is being held up by a string,"

says Praeger.

Stand up Straight

Слайд 13Prepare with relaxation

Слайд 14
Lead with an anecdote

Слайд 15Keep it simple
"People don't remember much
of what they hear"

Слайд 16Keep it Short
Was one of the great marketers of all time

Слайд 17
Make Your Own Path

Слайд 18Webpage
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