Give away the farm to get the ranch Why you should teach your clients to do your job презентация


I’m Mendel GoDaddy Evangelist @ifyouwillit |

Слайд 1Give away the farm to get the ranch

Why you should teach

your clients to do your job

Слайд 2I’m Mendel
GoDaddy Evangelist @ifyouwillit |

Слайд 3What’s on tap?
The perfect client relationship.
How your clients find you.
How you

find your customers.
A new approach.

Tweet: @ifyouwillit | #wcmpls

Слайд 4What makes a perfect client relationship?
tPhoto Credit: - The Mandarin

via Compfight

Слайд 5Mutual trust and respect.
Tweet: @ifyouwillit | #wcmpls

Слайд 6Passion.
Tweet: @ifyouwillit | #wcmpls

Слайд 7Willingness to learn.
Tweet: @ifyouwillit | #wcmpls

Слайд 8Engagement & Communication.
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Слайд 9Vision.
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Слайд 10Partnership.
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Слайд 11
How your clients find you.
Photo Credit: - jmso via Compfight

Слайд 12Simplified buying process
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Слайд 13Your customer’s buying
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Слайд 14Your client discovers you here.
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Слайд 15
How do you find clients?
Photo Credit: - mr.skeleton via Compfight

Слайд 16

Typical tools for finding clients.
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Слайд 17Finding clients can be hard!
Photo Credit: CWhatPhotos via Compfight
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Слайд 18Once work starts, there are questions.

Слайд 19Many questions.

Слайд 20About the website...

Слайд 21“How do I add a new menu item?”
Tweet: @ifyouwillit | #wcmpls

Слайд 22“Can I edit this website myself?”
Tweet: @ifyouwillit | #wcmpls

Слайд 23“How do I add my menu to my website?”
Tweet: @ifyouwillit |


Слайд 24And about your craft...

Слайд 25“That’s such a simple change, why does it cost so much?”

@ifyouwillit | #wcmpls

Слайд 26“That takes how many hours? I can’t believe it takes that


Tweet: @ifyouwillit | #wcmpls

Слайд 27“C’mon, aren’t you going to cut me a break?”
Tweet: @ifyouwillit |


Слайд 28How do we answer these questions?

Слайд 29“How do I add a new menu item?”
Education: How to create

a page and menu item

Tweet: @ifyouwillit | #wcmpls

Слайд 30“Can I edit this website myself?”
Education: What is WordPress?
Tweet: @ifyouwillit |


Слайд 31“How do I add my menu to my website?”
Education: How to

create a page and upload an image or PDF

Tweet: @ifyouwillit | #wcmpls

Слайд 32“That’s such a simple change, why does it cost so much?”

Scope and effort

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Слайд 33“That takes how many hours? I can’t believe it takes that


Education: Effort

Tweet: @ifyouwillit | #wcmpls

Слайд 34“C’mon, aren’t you going to cut me a break?”
Education: Development as

a professional craft.

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Слайд 35What if we could...

Слайд 36teach as a part of the sales process?
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Слайд 37create an understanding of core industry / trade concepts?
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Слайд 38level up client knowledge while prospecting and onboarding?
Tweet: @ifyouwillit | #wcmpls

Слайд 39Spoiler alert: We can!
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Слайд 40
Lets create a workshop.

Слайд 41Find an audience in your vertical.
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Слайд 42

Finding an audience
Chamber of commerce group
Trade association
Neighborhood business association
SMB organization
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| #wcmpls

Слайд 43Design the workshop to address common questions.
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Слайд 44Anatomy of a class
Common Questions:
Can I edit this website myself?
How do

I add a new menu item?
How do I add my menus to my website?
That’s such a simple change, why does it cost so much?
That takes how many hours? I can’t believe it takes that long!
C’mon, aren’t you going to cut me a break?

Class curriculum

What is WordPress?
WordPress basics (building a site):
Setting up your first site.
Pages & posts
Uploading images / PDFs
What’s a plugin?
What’s a widget?
What’s a theme?
For more information: Community resources
For additional help: Your website / contact

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Слайд 45Find a free venue at a coworking location, library, etc.
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| #wcmpls

Слайд 46Advertise the workshop to those within the vertical you serve.
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| #wcmpls

Слайд 47

List all expectations
Supplies needed
Financial obligation (for cost of hosting and domain)

will and won’t be covered
What will be completed during the event
Length of event

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Слайд 48Exchange contact details.
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Слайд 49Follow up!
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Слайд 50
Something interesting has happened.

Слайд 51Aligned yourself as an expert.
Tweet: @ifyouwillit | #wcmpls

Слайд 52You’ve become the goto.
Tweet: @ifyouwillit | #wcmpls

Слайд 53You’ve established new meaningful relationships.
Tweet: @ifyouwillit | #wcmpls

Слайд 54You’ve spent $0
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Слайд 55The moral?

Слайд 56Humans love the feeling of empowerment.
Tweet: @ifyouwillit | #wcmpls

Слайд 57Solve for client empowerment and new business will come easily.

@ifyouwillit | #wcmpls

Слайд 58Lets talk Q & A
Tweet: @ifyouwillit | #wcmpls

Слайд 59I’m Mendel @ifyouwillit

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