3 Recruiting Trends You Need to Know And how to build them into your 2015 budget and strategy презентация


Слайд 1 3 Recruiting Trends You Need to Know
And how to

build them into your 2015 budget and strategy


Слайд 2Meet your presenters

Слайд 3Today’s webcast agenda
How to prepare for these trends in your 2015


Top recruiting trends from LinkedIn surveys and data

All sources LinkedIn surveys or data unless otherwise stated


Слайд 4Based on the largest survey of talent acquisition leaders in the

world, LinkedIn’s 4th annual study

recruiting leaders




Слайд 5Based on LinkedIn’s 2015 Global Recruiting Trends survey
4 trends to build

into your 2015 plan


Слайд 6Based on LinkedIn’s 2015 Global Recruiting Trends survey
4 trends to build

into your 2015 plan


Career-centered online media are top sources of quality hires

Prepare for growth and investment in 2015


Improved candidate and job matching expected to reshape recruiting


Employer brand considered important but resourcing lags


Слайд 7Percent of recruiting leaders projecting an increase in 2015
Talent acquisition set

to intensify


Слайд 8Percent of recruiting leaders projecting an increase in 2015
Talent acquisition set

to intensify


Слайд 9Percent of recruiting leaders projecting hiring increase in 2015
Most regions are



Слайд 10Percent of recruiting leaders projecting hiring increase in 2015
Most regions are



Слайд 11North American and Asian CXO’s are most optimistic
Percent of CXOs projecting

increase in overall staffing levels


Слайд 12The global economy is expected to pick up speed … strengthening

to 3.4 and 3.5 percent in 2015 and 2016, respectively.

World Bank Global Economic Prospects, June 2014


Слайд 13Biggest obstacles to landing talent in 2015 will be competition &


% global companies


Слайд 14Prepare to compete for talent in 2015
Next steps for your strategic


Inform your executives about increasing competition for top talent

Use data to quantify talent pools and supply-demand


Слайд 15Based on LinkedIn’s 2015 Global Recruiting Trends survey
4 trends to build

into your 2015 plan


Career-centered online media are top sources of quality hires

Prepare for growth and investment in 2015


Improved candidate and job matching expected to reshape recruiting


Employer brand considered important but resourcing lags


Слайд 16
Of global talent leaders believe they’re not doing a great job

tracking ROI on sources of hire


Слайд 17% ranking as top metric for tracking recruiting team performance
Quality is

the most valuable hiring metric


Слайд 18‘Career-centric’ online media are core sources
Quantity of hires: top sources
Quality of

hires: top sources


Слайд 19‘Career-centric’ online media are core sources
Quantity of hires: top sources
Quality of

hires: top sources


Слайд 20Percent ranking each source of hire in top 4 for ‘quality


Professional networks now a top source of quality hires


Слайд 21LinkedIn’s talent ecosystem continues to scale
Average open jobs (000s)
LinkedIn Members (millions)

Слайд 22LinkedIn’s talent ecosystem continues to scale
new members in the past

12 months

Average open jobs (000s)

LinkedIn Members (millions)




Слайд 23Get value from your online sources in 2015
Next steps for your

strategic planning

Focus on ‘career-centric’ sites, rather than broad-appeal sites

Optimize job descriptions for online distribution, search, and recommendation

Measure ROI to across sources of hire to determine your investment strategy


Слайд 24Based on LinkedIn’s 2015 Global Recruiting Trends survey
4 trends to build

into your 2015 plan


Career-centered online media are top sources of quality hires

Prepare for growth and investment in 2015


Improved candidate and job matching expected to reshape recruiting


Employer brand considered important but resourcing lags


Слайд 25Percent of recruiters saying that ‘employer brand’ …
Case for increased investment

in employer brand






Слайд 26% ranking channel as most effective in promoting employer brand
Top 4

channels for promoting employer brand


Слайд 27
of job applicants viewed an employee’s LinkedIn profile
in the last

6 months


Слайд 28Boosting employer brand investment in 2015
Next steps for your strategic planning

employer brand budget against other talent and HR investments — is employer brand funded in line with priorities?

Leverage your employees as ambassadors, their profiles are another brand touch point

Create a social & content program to stay top of mind with candidates; Partner with marketing

Create a consistent candidate experience across all sources of hire


Слайд 29Based on LinkedIn’s 2015 Global Recruiting Trends survey & research
4 trends

to build into your 2015 plan


Career-centered online media are top sources of quality hires

Prepare for growth and investment in 2015


Improved candidate and job matching expected to reshape recruiting


Employer brand considered important but resourcing lags


Слайд 30Percent of recruiters ranking something as a top 3 ‘long lasting’


Recruiting leaders believe these 3 trends are here to stay


Слайд 31Most companies recruit passive candidates

61% Global Average
48% Netherlands
41% Belgium
72% US
83% China

are willing to talk to a recruiter


Слайд 32

Top ‘up-and-coming’ trend for selected geographies
Different countries see a different future

for recruiting

Australia, India, South Africa
Improved candidate & job matching

USA, Canada, Mexico & Brazil
Improved candidate & job matching

Germany, Italy, Netherlands
Recruiting becoming more like marketing

Remote workforce options

Using “big data” to predict future talent needs


Слайд 33…but matching candidates to jobs has global appeal
Improved candidate and job


Improved candidate and job matching

Improved candidate and job matching

Recruiting becoming more like marketing

Recruiting becoming more like marketing

Improved candidate and job matching

Improved candidate and job matching

Improved candidate and job matching

Improved candidate and job matching

Using "big data" for predicting future talent needs

Recruiting becoming more like marketing

Recruiting becoming more like marketing

Recruiting becoming more like marketing

Improved candidate and job matching

Using "big data" for predicting future talent needs

Using in-house marketing to advertise our employee experience

Recruiting becoming more like marketing

Focusing on referrals as a primary source of talent

Using "big data" for predicting future talent needs

Improved candidate and job matching

Defining and measuring the quality of our hires

Defining and measuring the quality of our hires

Proving ROI for our recruiting tools

Defining and measuring the quality of our hires

Improved candidate and job matching

Proving ROI for our recruiting tools

Defining and measuring the quality of our hires

Proving ROI for our recruiting tools

Proving ROI for our recruiting tools

Recruiting becoming more like marketing

Upcoming Trend #1

Upcoming Trend #2

Upcoming Trend #3












Слайд 34…but matching candidates to jobs has global appeal
Improved candidate and job


Improved candidate and job matching

Improved candidate and job matching

Recruiting becoming more like marketing

Recruiting becoming more like marketing

Improved candidate and job matching

Improved candidate and job matching

Improved candidate and job matching

Improved candidate and job matching

Using "big data" for predicting future talent needs

Recruiting becoming more like marketing

Recruiting becoming more like marketing

Recruiting becoming more like marketing

Improved candidate and job matching

Using "big data" for predicting future talent needs

Using in-house marketing to advertise our employee experience

Recruiting becoming more like marketing

Focusing on referrals as a primary source of talent

Using "big data" for predicting future talent needs

Improved candidate and job matching

Defining and measuring the quality of our hires

Defining and measuring the quality of our hires

Proving ROI for our recruiting tools

Defining and measuring the quality of our hires

Improved candidate and job matching

Proving ROI for our recruiting tools

Defining and measuring the quality of our hires

Proving ROI for our recruiting tools

Proving ROI for our recruiting tools

Recruiting becoming more like marketing

Upcoming Trend #1

Upcoming Trend #2

Upcoming Trend #3











Improved candidate and job matching


Слайд 35LinkedIn matching: right jobs, right talent, right time
Reach passive candidates across

multiple channels


Слайд 36Sneak preview for 2015: Company fit & search visualization in LinkedIn


Recruiter Search

Company fit &
search visualization

Company fit

Prioritizes candidates based on:
Similarities to your employees
Likelihood to engage with recruiters
Behavioral interest in your company

Search visualization

Visual interactions and insights
Data visualization for hiring managers


Слайд 37Plan for a world of better job & candidate matching
Use industry-standard

titles and keywords to ensure your jobs are search optimized

Analyze top performers at your company to identify attributes of quality hires so you can prioritize candidates to target

Next steps for your strategic planning


Слайд 38Based on LinkedIn’s 2015 Global Recruiting Trends survey
4 trends to build

into your 2015 plan


Слайд 39Three practical steps for 2015 planning

Слайд 40 Newly released: 2015 US Recruiting Trends
Based on the largest survey

of talent acquisition leaders in the world
Download now: http://linkd.in/1sNpqvi


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