Daddy knows a lot,
but Mommy knows
искажение правописаний и идиом:
Happy tree friends,
(вместо Happy Three friends)
In Guus we Trust (вместо In God we Trust)
Лингвистическая экспертиза надписей
Pray about everything – Worry about nothing
Friends don’t let friends get a dog,
See No Evil Hear No Evil Speak No Evil
At my age I’ve seen it all, done it all, heard it all, I just can’t remember it all
He rules the roost… but I rule the rooster
Well do things my way,
Not as innocent as I look
Let’s monkey around
Don’t bug me!
Kiss my shiny pink!
I like to hump things!
I’m not the devil
Money can’t buy happiness
I’ll be dance…
The more people I meet…The more I like my dog
Born to fish…Forced to work
Happiness is yelling Bingo
Why so serious?
Do I Look Like a People Person?
What boyfriends?
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