Wealth, Poverty and Life Satisfaction in Transition Societies Ukraine презентация


Sergii Golovashchenko, PhD, associate professor National University of Kiev-Mohyla Academy, Ukraine

Слайд 1Wealth, Poverty and Life Satisfaction in Transition Societies

Odessa, Ukraine
10 July –

23 July 2011

HESP Regional Seminar for Excellence in Teaching

Слайд 2Sergii Golovashchenko, PhD, associate professor
National University of Kiev-Mohyla Academy, Ukraine

Слайд 3Long-term objectives:
Analysis and mastering of the theoretical data obtained during

the summer session. The main point is:
In what way I can connect economic, sociological, anthropological data to study the influence of religion on the level of SWB and LS?
During the project period
Short-term objectives:
Model-page: “Images of happiness in the sacred texts of world religion: comparative analysis”
During the year

Sergii Golovashchenko,
PhD, associate prof. Philosophy
and religious study Dpt.

Слайд 4Виктория Константинова, профессор Игорь Лыман, профессор
Бердянский государственный педагогический университет

Слайд 5Ближайшие планы в рамках проекта ReSET:
Включение блоков, посвященных удовлетворенности жизнью, в

опросники устноисторических экспедиций, проводимых студентами БГПУ;
Освещение проблематики, созвучной с тематикой ReSET, в монографии «История Запорожской епархии» (И.Лыман);
Акцентирование внимания на вопросах стремления к социальному и экономическому равенству в монографии «Северное Приазовье в условиях анархического социального эксперимента (1917 – 1921 годы)» (И.Лыман);
Изучение вопросов богатства, бедности и удовлетворенности жизнью в рамках проекта «Образ города глазами украинского населения Южной Украины (1861 – 1934 годы)» (В.Константинова);
Включение модуля, посвященного изучению уровня благосостояния, удовлетворенности жизнью, в программу курса «Устная история» (В.Константинова);
Популяризация опыта ReSET по междисциплинарному подходу к изучению проблематики в рамках курса для магистрантов «Методология и методы научного исследования» (И.Лыман);
Использование возможностей ReSET для активизации международного сотрудничества.

Слайд 6Нетудыхата К.Л., к.э.н., доцент
Черноморский государственный университет

Слайд 7Отражение тематики проекта в:
 Преподавательской деятельности
Научной деятельности
Повышении квалификации преподавателей ВУЗов города.

Преподавательская деятельность:

отражение тематики проекта в курсах: Государственное регулирование экономики, Экономика-2
- разработка нового модуля в рамках курса Экономика-2.
использование интерактивных методов преподавания в проведении совместного социально-экономического исследования удовлетворенности жизнью студентов.

Слайд 8Научная деятельность:
- исследование региональной динамики неравномерности, богатства и бедности в Украине

в условиях роста и кризиса.
- исследование удовлетворенности жизнью студентов на основе ежемесячного мониторинга (предполагает определение факторов, которые обуславливают удовлетворенности жизнью с использованием анализа панельных данных).

Повышение квалификации преподавателей ВУЗов города
- Проведение регионального семинара в рамках конференций университета

Слайд 9Pysarenko M.M., PhD in Economical Sciences, Associate professor
University “Ukraine”, Kyiv, Ukraine

Слайд 10Academic Activity:
New teaching methods (group discussions, group discussions based on the

interdisciplinary approach);
To reshape “Marketing” for undegraduate students
New topics of the course work;
New topics to the list of topics recommended for the bachelor final thesis;
New topics of individual tasks for students of correspondent department;

Слайд 11Research work:
Personal research work:
Subjective and objective poverty in Ukraine;
Estimation of regional

and state programs based on international experience;
Satisfaction from the job and position;
Downshifting in Ukraine;
I plan to write several articles to the top Ukrainian economic journals and to participate at the national and international conferences;
Research work of students (student conferences; field work)

Слайд 12Ulyana Shchurko (Tkachuk),
PhD in economics, Management faculty
Lviv Institute of management,


Слайд 13Ulyana Shchurko (Tkachuk) Lviv Institute of Management, Lviv, Ukraine
Articles, abstracts on the

projects’ topic (well-being, life satisfaction, economy of happiness)
During the year
(Role of moral principles, cultural-religious environment in LS level, influence on happiness level)
Common researches, articles with other countries’ participants /exchange
During the year


Слайд 14New model-page in HR-management course
(stages of life satisfaction

– included into ‘Motivation’ topic – Maslow model)
1st semester, 2011
Bachelor's and Master’s diploma works on the topic of the project
During the year
Collection of works of Master’s degree students
(within the course ‘Methodology of scientific researches’)
2nd semester
Lectures of the ReSet resource faculty for the students
During the year


Ulyana Shchurko (Tkachuk) Lviv Institute of Management, Lviv, Ukraine

Слайд 15Lviv Academy of Commerce, Ukraine

Слайд 16Research aspects:
Dissertation paper “Effect estimation of capital inflow to posttransitional economies”

main aspects which could be researched: influence of capital inflow to life satisfaction(articles and abstracts).
The main goals: to finish the research work, to pre-defend thesis, to defend.

Oksana Vasylytsya, postgraduate student, professor assistant of International economic relations department, Lviv Academy of Commerce, Lviv, Ukraine

Слайд 17Study aspects:
New Module-paper of life satisfaction in “International Relation Theory” course.

Course consists of four meta-theories of international relations: mercantilism, liberalism, marxism, realism, Activity of national governments and Main questions of modern international relations. It will be useful to introduce topic of life satisfaction.

Oksana Vasylytsya, postgraduate student, professor assistant of International economic relations department, Lviv Academy of Commerce, Lviv, Ukraine

Слайд 18Natalya Cherkas, PhD in economics International Economic Relations Department Lviv Academy of Commerce,

Lviv, Ukraine

The introduction of theoretical background of life satisfaction and income inequity study in the courses “International Economic Relations” and “International Relation Theory”
The implementation of the project goals to the undergraduate teaching
Future research plans
Providing and participation in regional seminar.

Слайд 19The course “International Economic Relations:
The cycles of lectures “National models of

economic development”: Scandinavian, Anglo-Saxon, Continental, Mediterranean, CEE, Asian, Latin-American, African.
The orientation of economic development: socio-economic development or GDP increasing;
Comparing NIS countries to various models of economic development;
The classification of the different social models according to their efficiency and equity (the highest employment rate and relatively low poverty rate);
Empirical estimation of correlations on happiness, financial satisfaction and life satisfaction;
Social security in Welfare State;
Labour market indicators and standards of living. Employment rates and probability of escaping poverty;
Public social expenditures and economic performance. Efficiency and effectiveness of social spending.

Слайд 20The undergraduate teaching:
The implementation of human-oriented criteria of economy’s efficiency

evaluation into my existing course.
The involvement of students into research on the topic (conferences).
Perfect topics for undfergraduate student research (socio-economic and human development indicators of well-being and economic growth)

Nataliya Cherkas, PhD in economics International Economic Relations Department Lviv Academy of Commerce, Lviv, Ukraine

Слайд 21Future research plans:
The empirical research of the influence of macroeconomic indicators

(consumer price index, exchange rate, budget balance, sovereign debt, current account, manufactured export, innovative development, etc.) on the human development factors and income inequality

Nataliya Cherkas, PhD in economics International Economic Relations Department Lviv Academy of Commerce, Lviv, Ukraine

Слайд 22Fleychuk Maria,
FD in economics, prof. of International Economic
Relations Department Lviv Academy

of Commerce, Lviv, Ukraine

Scientific activity:
monograph “STRUCTURAL AND INSTITUTIONAL REFORMS IN THE TRANSFORMATIONAL ECONOMIES” (about 60 of author sheets, in co-authorship);
analytical paper to the Secretariat of President of Ukraine “Influence of transformations on the social and economical development of Ukraine” (NISS);
postgraduate student advising: "Mechanisms of international labor migration regulation in Ukraine“; ““Effect estimation of capital inflow to posttransitional economies”; “Influence of external debt on welfare in posttransitional economies”, “Intellectual security of Ukraine in the circumstances of international economic integration” ;
sociological research of the level of life satisfaction of Ukrainian diaspora representatives and potential international migrants;
Organization of National forum "Youth - the future of Ukraine“ (in cooperation with Zaporizhzhya Institute of Economy and informational Technologies);
“Mathlab” instruments familiarization

Слайд 23GDP per capita, debt per capita in transitional economies Andrusiv R.R.

(candidate thesis)

Слайд 24Effectiveness of external debt attracting on welfare (Data envelopment analysis) Andrusiv

R.R. (candidate thesis)

Досліджувані країни

За вихід беремо показник ВВП на душу населення. За вхід – показники: ВВП, експорт, імпорт, відношення зовнішнього боргу до ВВП (у %), відношення зовнішнього боргу до експорту (у %), відношення зовнішнього боргу до імпорту (у %) та зовнішній борг на душу населення (дол. на одну особу).

Слайд 25Grouping of the countries according to debt pressure on the social

sector (according cluster analisys)

Відповідно до отриманих результатів Україну відносимо до групи країн з досить низьким рівнем заборгованості та низьким рівнем добробуту населення. Польща входить до країн з низьким рівнем боргу на середнім рівнем добробуту населення.

Слайд 26Regression analysis Andrusiv R.R. (candidate thesis) (2 SLS)

Слайд 27Fleychuk Maria,
FD in economics, prof. of International Economic
Relations Department Lviv Academy

of Commerce, Lviv, Ukraine

Educational activity:
module-paper “Intercausality of the shadow economy, corruption
and life satisfaction and happiness in different countries” within discipline
“Illegalization of economic activity”;
methodical approaches to measurement of person economic security
development within discipline “World finance systems”;
advising students within individual work papers and articles preparing;
Advising two master diplomas

Слайд 29Ideas for the regional seminar:


Type - Regional seminar (round-table/conference) 
Date - Aprox. November 2011
Result - Collection of materials
Organizers – participants from Lviv
Place – Lviv, Lviv Academy of Commerce
Participants – local scientific community, authorities, academic representatives, other ReSet participants (Kyiv, Berdyansk, Zaporizhzhya, Mykolayiv etc.)
Lecturers – V.Shevchuk, O.Malynovs’ka etc.
Methods – econometrical and sociological surveys

Слайд 30Thank you for the attention!
Be happy!

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