Great Customer Experiences Moving beyond digital marketing to build the ultimate customer experience презентация


Me?? Nope, that’s me #SYMNA | @sliewehr

Слайд 1Sitecore Symposium N. America
September 9, 2014
#SYMNA | @sliewehr
A Conversation with Univision A

conversation with Univision October 22, 2013

Great Customer Experiences

Moving beyond digital marketing to build the ultimate customer experience

Слайд 2

that’s me

#SYMNA | @sliewehr

Слайд 3#SYMNA | @sliewehr

Слайд 4“A customer’s holistic perception of a company and its offerings based

on all of the customer’s interactions with the company…”

Customer Experience

#SYMNA | @sliewehr

Слайд 5a constituent
an employee
a customer
a prospect
a student
a patient
a donor
a voter
A “customer” is…

| @sliewehr

Слайд 6The failure of a single interaction threatens a customer’s entire perception

of a brand.

#SYMNA | @sliewehr

Слайд 7Who cares?
#SYMNA | @sliewehr

Слайд 8of consumers say they have switched business to a competitor due

to poor customer experience


#SYMNA | @sliewehr

Слайд 9Consumers have voice and choice
#SYMNA | @sliewehr

Слайд 10…and ubiquitous access to knowledge
#SYMNA | @sliewehr

Слайд 11Facilitated by technology innovation
#SYMNA | @sliewehr

Слайд 12#SYMNA | @sliewehr
June 28, 2007

Слайд 13“Brands that view the consumer empowerment phenomenon as an opportunity will


What we used to counsel…

#SYMNA | @sliewehr

Слайд 14“Brands that view the consumer empowerment phenomenon as an opportunity will


…what we say now



#SYMNA | @sliewehr

Слайд 15Strategic inflections

Source: Based on Andy Grove, Only the Paranoid Survive, 1996


Strategic Inflection Point

New Paradigm

Old Paradigm

Слайд 16“Dissonance gap”

Source: Based on Andy Grove, Only the Paranoid Survive, 1996


New Paradigm

Dissonance Gap

Слайд 17#SYMNA | @sliewehr

Слайд 18Time
Customer Experience Quality
Improve today’s
Transform the
Sustain cultural
Customer-focused transformation
#SYMNA | @sliewehr

Слайд 19 CxP
– CxE
#SYMNA | @sliewehr

Слайд 20Customer’s Perceived Experience
– Customer’s Expected Experience
Customer Satisfaction


Слайд 21Marketers must evangelize internally…
#SYMNA | @sliewehr

Слайд 22…to avoid the fate of a Catfish
#SYMNA | @sliewehr

Слайд 23Catfish: Someone who pretends to be someone they’re not using Facebook

or other social media to create false identities.
- Urban Dictionary

#SYMNA | @sliewehr

Слайд 24NEWSFLASH: Your customers don’t want to engage with you…
#SYMNA | @sliewehr

Слайд 25…but they will quickly disengage.
#SYMNA | @sliewehr

Слайд 26The shift to Outside-In
#SYMNA | @sliewehr

Слайд 27So what are the ingredients?
#SYMNA | @sliewehr

Слайд 281. Awareness
#SYMNA | @sliewehr

Слайд 29“The greatest enemy of progress is not stagnation, but false progress.”


Sydney J. Harris

#SYMNA | @sliewehr

Слайд 302. Value
#SYMNA | @sliewehr

Слайд 313. Consistency
#SYMNA | @sliewehr

Слайд 32So how do we start?
#SYMNA | @sliewehr

Слайд 331. Don’t be afraid – just jump
#SYMNA | @sliewehr

Слайд 342. Get smart
#SYMNA | @sliewehr

Слайд 353. Iterate
#SYMNA | @sliewehr

Слайд 36
Scott Liewehr, President and Principal Analyst | @sliewehr @just_clarity
#SYMNA | @sliewehr

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