Rid the Organization of an Inconsistent Culture to Improve Employee Engagement Don’t let a confusing culture leave your employees in disarray. Whether or not an organization has intentionally created a culture, a culture exists. Unintentional cultures th презентация


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let a confusing culture leave your employees in disarray.
Whether or not an organization has intentionally created a culture, a culture exists.
Unintentional cultures that are organically grown often have incongruent policies, practices, and programs.
These unintentional, undefined cultures are unhealthy because there is no dominant culture for leaders to consciously align decisions with.
31% of corporate cultures are unhealthy, leading to high levels of disengagement.
There are four different types of organizational culture – your organization likely has characteristics of more than one.
84% of disengaged employees work in an unhealthy corporate culture.
An unhealthy culture results in:
High expenses related to things that don’t matter to employees
A poor reputation in the market
Lost productivity and poor performance
Poor employee commitment
62% of engaged employees work in a healthy corporate culture.
Culture has the second greatest impact, after Employee Empowerment, on employee engagement, and employee engagement drives performance, retention, and creativity. With the cost of hiring top talent rising, investing in culture is an eventual cost savings. 
Healthy cultures fuel employee performance. When employees like where they work, they’re more likely to be productive and focus on their work.
If the culture is strongly defined and positive for the organization, likeminded personalities are more likely to apply and unsuited candidates will stay away.
Changing culture is not an easy step-by-step process. It involves multiple stakeholders and a lot of time. It can take many years to successfully change an organization’s culture. This doesn’t mean it can’t be done. Use Info-Tech’s research as a starting point.
Ultimately, every organization is different – if a subculture is working, let it be! If it’s not working, find out why.

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Слайд 7http://hr.mcleanco.com/research/ss/hr-rid-the-organization-of-an-inconsistent-culture-to-improve-employee-engagement

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