You Don’t Have a Talent Problem. It’s Your Culture. презентация

Natalie Baumgartner, Ph.D. Board member, American Psychological Association 10+ years advising companies of all sizes on company culture and talent @ask_dr_nat

Слайд 1
You Don’t Have a Talent Problem.
It’s Your Culture.


Слайд 2

Baumgartner, Ph.D.

Board member, American Psychological Association

10+ years advising companies of

all sizes on company culture and talent



Слайд 3What if you could
quantify culture
so that you could measure and improve



Слайд 41.

Understand what culture really is.

Слайд 5

how you do things
Culture is
in your company.

Слайд 6Don’t ask
employees what your culture is.


Слайд 7≠ culture


Слайд 8
By the time they enter the workforce, people are
who they


Слайд 9
Actual Culture:
How your people
are wired.

Слайд 10Aspirational Culture:
What you write on your
website and your walls.


Слайд 112.

There’s no single “right” culture.

So let's find yours!

Слайд 12Identify your employees’
core values.


Слайд 13Identify your employees’
core values.

(Core values are very personal.)

Слайд 143.

Align your culture with everything you do.

Слайд 15
Use your own
tools to
people who fit the culture.

Слайд 16
Use culture to
your people.

Слайд 17
Your culture drives

Слайд 18
Actively managing your culture lets people
be their best.

Слайд 19

Quantify your company culture by distilling the core

values of your employees.

If there’s a gap between what your culture is today and where you want it to be, understand the gap.

Align everything you do around the culture you want to have: hiring, development and engagement.

Слайд 20
Free tools for you! (Just tweet or email us.)

Слайд 21

Let’s talk!

Baumgartner, Ph. D



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