My sport. Familiarity with the sport презентация

ENTRY. Hello, I kostin Pavel, I am 18 and I have connected the life with sports. !

Слайд 1familiarity with the sport.
My sport.

Слайд 2ENTRY.
Hello, I kostin Pavel, I am 18 and I have connected

the life with sports.


Слайд 3I started from childhood.
I love to play sports.
 I like it.

Слайд 4Sports
When I went to the first grade I started ballroom dancing,

football and Cycing

Слайд 5Dancing.
I will tell more in details

Слайд 6My parents wanted me to go to ballroom dancing
at first I

didn't want to do, but throughout my little career dancer , I dragged.
I dance For about 9 years
For 9 years I danced with many people.
I often change the partner.
I went to various competitions
Occupied prize-winning places
This is a very beautiful sport, and very heavy
You win the Republic Cup, prize-Winner of the championship of Russia.


Слайд 7Dancing.
A year ago we had to say goodbye to the dance

because of exam preparation

I wanted to get back but I didn't have enough time

Слайд 8Football
Let's talk about football.

Слайд 9In football I played for the team of his school
We won

all the tournaments we took part in
In 5th grade I was called in school sports
But I refused, because it was small
After I continued to play in the team to 8th grade
Then our team broke up
And I only played street football with friends

Слайд 10



I love to ride my bike

Слайд 11I live in the forest, so every morning I went in

the woods and the pond.
Where are bathed and Napping before a productive day.
my friend and I cycled around the city every day
I only rode a bicycle with my brother this year

Слайд 12The End.
the work performed Pavel Andreevich K.

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