Features of primary language classroom management презентация


Слайд 1
Day 8
Features of primary language classroom management

Слайд 2
Session 1: Types of language classroom question and correction techniques

Слайд 3Questions relating to issues in this session?

Why are questions crucial in

all learning ? What specific extra purpose do they serve in language classrooms?
How can we categorise types of classroom question?
What are crucial features in differentiating questions?
How can Ts vary question interaction patterns?
How and when do teachers correct answers?

Слайд 4Teachers typically ask between 300-400 questions per day
Questioning is crucial

managing the class
engaging students with content
encouraging participation
increasing understanding.
promoting formative assessment.
The quantity of questions asked needs to be considered in relation to:
general time constraints
keep teacher talking time to a minimum
their effectiveness in maximising learner contributions.

Слайд 5EFL: Types of questions

Слайд 6Language teacher questions
convergent question
hypothetical question
probing question
procedural question
display question
divergent question
concept checking question


to move lesson stages/activities along
to elicit a range of learner language
to check learners have understood
to explore learner answers further
to focus on language meaning and forms
to promote learner speculation
to elicit a simple correct answer
to elicit something the teacher does not know answer to.

Слайд 10Error Correction

Correction symbols Some teachers use prompts for correction while speaking. Some

well-known examples are:
Make a ‘T’ with fingers to illustrate missing ‘the’.
Show a small word missing by holding thumb and forefinger close together.
Cross hands over to show wrong word order.

… can you add to this list.

Слайд 11Returning to our question…

How can we categorise types of classroom question?


a concrete example to another teacher of the different types of language classroom question we have seen this session.

Слайд 12
Session 2: Using story input

Слайд 13Questions relating to issues in this session
Why do young learners find

stories so engaging?
How can features of stories be exploited pre-,while- and post-listening/reading?
How can Ts modify language when storytelling?
What’s the impact of accompanying story listening with viewing?

Слайд 14Tiddler ‘story’
[W] Listening to an animal story with illustrations

e.g. ‘Tiddler’. Teacher reads the story modified to class language level.
[I] Listening to instructions for drawing, making and decorating different fish.
[P] Writing captions (bubbles) of things learners remember from the story or fish might say.

Слайд 15Key class phases in story activity
pre-teaching/eliciting vocabulary
introducing characters
story-telling setting: mat,

props, hats, puppets, signs, etc.
images, animation, reinforcing language
listening and reading along
audience participation/pantomime
character empathy/voice consolidation
consolidating language
drama, craft, display

Слайд 16Bike stories: Curious George and other bikes
[W] Learners turn illustrations of

a bike story ‘My new bike’ and suggest language for each picture.
[D] Teacher introduces some key words from the story: curious surprise animal show newspaper www.youtube.com/watch?v=eX7Jv_1YsuE
[W] Whole class watches animation ‘Curious George rides his bike’ and listen to teacher tell story.  
[P] Learners work in pairs and make up and write captions for different sequences in the story.
[W] Teacher tells the story with animation again and learners shout out captions i.e. what ‘Curious George’ says/is thinking.
[W] Learners write out a selection of captions for a class story display.

Слайд 17Returning to our question

How can Ts modify language when storytelling?

Discuss with

another delegate features that made the stories we heard accessible to learners.

Слайд 18

Session 3: Craft activities and display

Слайд 19Questions related to issues in the session

What are the different learning

style/mode preferences typically exhibited by learners?
How can teachers effectively address these in activities?
What type of language does performing craft activities particularly involve.
What purposes can organised classroom display serve?

Слайд 20Audio, visual and kinaesthetic learners
Learning styles are simply different preferences in

the ways of learning.

If teachers develop their teaching styles and provide a variety of tasks in these different styles, learning will become more effective and efficient.

Слайд 21Audio learners like teachers that:
use role plays as part of their

encourage classroom discussions
encourage learners to work in groups
give time for learners to ask questions
include reading passages aloud in their teaching
makes learners recall facts by reciting things – rhymes, mnemonics, etc.
do not need absolute silence in the classroom.

Audio, visual and kinaesthetic learners

Слайд 22Visual learners like teachers that:
use pictures and videos
draw on the board

learners to visualise a scene, or successful outcome
gives learners time to sketch out ideas or to take notes
encourages use of coloured pens
likes to have a colourful classroom.

Audio, visual and kinaesthetic learners

Слайд 23Kinaesthetic learners like teachers that:
encourage good note-taking (when watching videos, listening

to explanations or going through examples)
use activities that include moving around the classroom
use sticky-notes and flash cards for noting and sorting ideas
encourage learning by doing, not just sitting.

Audio, visual and kinaesthetic learners

Слайд 24What’s in a task?
visual learners
auditory learners
kinaesthetic learners

Look at the

activities. Sort them according to which ones would appeal more to:

Слайд 25Making finger/potato/hand puppets
a simple hand [bag] puppet

Слайд 26Making a traditional hat

Слайд 27Display
Display as stimulus - designed to arouse interest in a particular

concept or theme; cross-curricular links, develop aesthetic sense

Display as information - designed to inform; provide reinforcement; act as resource, prompt

Display as celebration - designed to present children's work to a wider audience. validate work, sense of community, achievement and respect

Слайд 28Key elements in display
imagination: think big and out of the

effort: think planning and resourcing
structure: think background, focus, visibility
organisation: think timing and process

Refresh, update and move on.

Слайд 29Primary Display Internet inspiration
Find ‘display’ images from real classrooms that might

be used to inspire teachers related to these actual displays in the curriculum

Spring in Kazakhstan
Underwater ocean scene
Puppet/mobile displays
Classroom rules/signs display

Слайд 30Returning to our earlier questions

What was the main motivational ‘purpose’ behind

each display found on the internet ?

What type of language did our craft activities typically involve.

Слайд 31

Session 4: Cross-curricular learning

Слайд 32Questions related to this session

Why use content/activities from other subjects ?

curricular concepts be taught in English?
What are some ways in which we can teach collaboratively?
What additional steps are involved in cross-curricular lessons?

Слайд 33Collaborative teaching


Слайд 34Science
[P] Listening to instructions for cutting out, vehicle outlines, making body

of vehicle and showing how many people are inside.
[P] Visiting teacher’s moving parts shop and requesting the things needed to make rest of vehicle. 
[P] Writing out labels in the form of flags for to put on learner vehicles, e.g. Tom and Tina’s tractor.
[W] Saying where your vehicle can get to (vehicles rolled down a gentle slope and along a flat surface). Rest of class asked: Can it?

Слайд 35Cross-curricular primary tasks
Listening, measuring and completing a graph about how long

learner’s step is.
Activity framework, worksheet and graph template :


Art and Design

[I] Watching a demonstration and following instructions on how to wrap present. Silent video presentation which teacher pauses and prompts with language.
[I] [f] Listening to instructions to make decorations to stick on wrapped presents e.g. Draw a star. Colour the star purple. Now give instructions for display.

Слайд 36Simple Maths/Science focuses within the English Curriculum

Halving and doubling bingo

Sink or


Making representations from shapes

Слайд 37Returning to our question

Why use content/activities from other subjects ?

Make a list of reasons with another teacher.

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