These Five Countries are Driving Netflix’s European Growth презентация

Netflix is growing.

Слайд 1These Five Countries are Driving Netflix’s European Growth

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Netflix is growing.

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As of Q2 2015, the company has 41 million paid members

in the U.S., its largest market.

Source: Netflix.

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And the company said it just added 2.37 million international subscribers

in the second quarter.

Source: Netflix.

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That brings its total subscriber numbers to 65 million, with 23

million of those being international users.

Source: Netflix.

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And according to data from Digital TV Research, part of that

growth is coming from the U.K., Sweden, the Netherlands, France, and Germany.

Слайд 7
By the end of this year, the U.K. should have 4.9

million Netflix subscribers.

Source: eMarketer.

Слайд 8And the other four countries should have a total of 5.4

million subscribers by that same time.

Source: eMarketer.

Слайд 9This means that by the end of 2015 Netflix should have

more than 26 million international subscribers — an increase of 57% year-over-year.

Source: eMarketer.

Слайд 10That would give Netflix about 69.9 million subscribers worldwide, which is

a 28% subscriber increase year-over-year.

Слайд 11But Netflix has its eye on even more expansion.

Слайд 12Earlier this year the company said it wants to bring its

service into 200 countries by the end of 2016.

Слайд 13Which would be a huge increase over the current 50 countries

the company operates in.

Слайд 14So far, it appears Netflix is on the right track.

Слайд 15The company said this week that…

Слайд 16“Our international segment is growing at a rapid pace. We did

not add additional markets in Q2 but saw continued improvement across existing markets.”

Source: Netflix.

Слайд 17But as the company expands, Netflix’s international markets will operate at

a loss, until 2017.

Слайд 18So as the company builds out its services in Europe, and

around the world, don’t expect big profits from those subscriptions just yet.

Слайд 19Because Netflix is playing the long game with its international endeavors.

Слайд 20

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