The Tester Role & Scrum презентация

Introduction – This presentation This presentation outlines my views on a tester’s place in the Scrum Framework This is based on my experiences in my context, and may or may

How do Testers fit into the Scrum


Слайд 2Introduction – This presentation
This presentation outlines my views on a tester’s

place in the Scrum Framework

This is based on my experiences in my context, and may or may not be applicable to you

Слайд 3Scrum Framework [1]

Слайд 4The Tester Role
How do we define the Tester role?
Do we need

to define the Tester role?

Competence, not role, is the key in this discussion

Слайд 5Generalizing Specialists (or Specializing Generalists) [2]

Competence defines what you do – not role

Слайд 7How to use Test Competence?
If you have competence within test, what

can you use that competence for?

Testing? Obviously.

Something else?

Слайд 8Agile Test Quadrants [3]

Слайд 9Code & Architecture Design
By supporting developers and software architects, someone with

test competence can help create better designed software

Acceptance Criteria


Test Automation

Слайд 10Acceptance Criteria
Given / When / Then
Writing good Acceptance Criteria requires a

testing skillset

Слайд 11Testability [5]

Слайд 12Test Automation
With competence both in test and in automation a person

can add value through test automation

Слайд 13Coaching & Retrospectives
Someone with test competence should also coach the other

members of the Scrum Team to improve their competence in this area

During the Sprint Retrospectives someone with test competence could also provide a different perspective on what went well and what needs to be improved for future sprints

Слайд 14KEY MESSAGE #2
Testing is infused into everything & test competence can

be valuable in many activities

Слайд 15Who tests what? (Simplification)
Someone with System Competence
Someone with Test Competence
Someone with

Test Competence

Слайд 16KEY MESSAGE #3
Handling complexity is key component in test competence

Слайд 17Competence not Role
Everyone is a tester, but not everyone has the

competence to handle those complex testing problems

Focus on your competence and continuously develop it – don’t put any value in what your role is called

Слайд 18Test Competence in a Scrum Team
The Development Team is responsible for

Each developer is responsible for testing whatever he/she develops
But sometime they may need some help

If the team dumps all their testing on you, the team is not working properly and this should be brought to the Scrum Master’s attention

But with Test Competence you are in a unique situation to help other members of the team to investigate complexity
Help the team with complex test problems
Allow and support the team to handle simple and complicated test problems themselves

Слайд 19KEY MESSAGE #4
As someone with test competence you are an important

part of the Scrum Team, that can support the team in unique ways

Слайд 20Conclusion
Competence defines what you do – not role

Testing is infused into

everything & test competence can be valuable in many activities

Handling complexity is key component in test competence

As someone with test competence you are an important part of the Scrum Team, that can support the team in unique ways

Слайд 21References
[1] The Scrum Guide
[2]To combine … or not
[3] Agile Testing Quadrants

Acceptance Criteria
[5] Heuristics of SoftwareTestability

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