The study of adsorption-desorption interaction of amino acids with calcium phosphates. Literature review презентация

Relevance Calcium phosphates are part of biogenic and pathogenic mineral formations. Interaction of organic and mineral components is important in such processes of biogenic crystallization, as the formation of bone

Слайд 1The study of adsorption-desorption interaction of amino acids with calcium phosphates

2 year , HHM-601-O
Scientific adviser:
Golovanova O.A.- Professor, Doctor of Geologo-Mineralogical Sciences Position Professor

Omsk State University. F.M. Dostoevsky
Department of Inorganic Chemistry

Omsk 2017

Слайд 2 Relevance
Calcium phosphates are part of biogenic and pathogenic mineral formations.

Interaction of organic and mineral components is important in such processes of biogenic crystallization, as the formation of bone matrix mammals, as well as the emergence and growth of pathogenic entities. There are some assumptions, according to which the basis of the processes of mineralization lies in the adsorption interaction of free amino acids and associated protein molecules with inorganic components of biological liquids. In particular, such processes include adsorption-desorption interaction. The mechanism of their interaction is not fully understood.
In this regard, relevant studies aimed at studying the regularities of adsorption and desorption of amino acids on calcium phosphates.

Слайд 3The purpose of this paper is to study the specific features

of the adsorption-desorption interaction of amino acids with calcium phosphates while varying the pH of the solution.

The synthesis of hydroxylapatite;
Setting up an adsorption and a desorption experiments;
The study of adsorption and desorption of amino acids with varying parameters of the initial solution.

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