The Future Of Digital: 2014 презентация

Содержание Tony Danova Senior Research Analyst BI Intelligence

Слайд 1A Research Service By Business Insider

The Future Of Digital: 2014

Слайд 2
Tony Danova
Senior Research Analyst
BI Intelligence

Слайд 3There are now nearly 3 billion people online
Source: International Communication Union,


Слайд 4Four billion to go
Source: International Communication Union, Google

Слайд 5Attention is shifting to digital, especially mobile
Source: eMarketer, April 2014

Слайд 6This is a generational shift
Source: Ofcom

Слайд 7One law of media…

Слайд 8Money follows eyeballs.

Слайд 9Ad spending is moving to digital (and mobile)
Source: IAB, U.S. Census

Bureau, Strategy Analytics, BI Intelligence estimates

Слайд 10Print ads have fallen off a cliff
Source: Newspaper Association Of America

Слайд 11Google is now bigger than all newspapers, magazines
Source: Google, NAA, PIB

Слайд 12 Google now dwarfs “big media”
Source: Company Filings, BI Intelligence estimates

Слайд 13Google is almost half the size of all global TV advertising

Google, PWC

Слайд 14For many years TV folks have (rightly) laughed off digital concerns

Слайд 15Time to stop laughing.

Слайд 16Ratings are falling…
Source: Nielsen

Слайд 17Pay TV subscriptions are dropping…
Source: Leichtman Research Group

Слайд 18Facebook reaches more young people than free TV
Source: Nielsen, January 2013

Слайд 19Netflix now has more US subscribers than HBO
Source: Netflix, SNL Kagan

Слайд 20YouTube reaches more 18-34s than any cable network

Слайд 21Digital video revenue is no longer a joke…
Source: BI Intelligence estimates,

Company Filings

Слайд 22iTunes and Netflix already dwarf small cable networks
Source: News Reports, Company


Слайд 23YouTube is closing in on broadcast-network revenue
Source: News Reports, BI Intelligence

estimates, Company Filings

Слайд 24(Some) live sports are now being streamed
Source: Ooyala 2014

Слайд 25TV now has to share attention with digital
Source: Millward Brown, 2014

Слайд 26So, eyeballs are leaving TV

Слайд 27But, so far, TV money is hanging in there

Слайд 28TV still massive, digital video still a blip
Source: Nielsen, IAB

Слайд 29So no worries in TV land?

Слайд 30Yes, worries.

Слайд 31It’s a generational shift — look what Millennials are doing
Source: Ofcom

Слайд 32Money follows eyeballs…
Source: Mary Meeker, IAB, eMarketer

Слайд 33So it’s only a matter of time.

Слайд 34What’s going on in digital?

Слайд 35Smartphone sales are still booming
Source: IDC, Strategy Analytics, BI Intelligence estimates

Слайд 36Tablets have carved out a chunk of PC sales
Source: Gartner, IDC,

Strategy Analytics, Company Releases

Слайд 37“Phablets” are replacing small smartphones
Source: BI Intelligence estimates

Слайд 38Nearly half of TVs are now connected
Source: Leichtman Research Group, BI

Intelligence estimates

Слайд 39“Wearables” are overhyped but growing
Source: BI Intelligence estimates

Слайд 40Cars are increasingly connected
Source: SBD, GSMA

Слайд 41300 million PCs are still sold each year
Source: Gartner, IDC, BI

Intelligence estimates

Слайд 42Should you be “mobile only?”

Слайд 44It’s a “multi-screen” world
Source: Gartner, IDC, Strategy Analytics, Company Filings, BI

Intelligence estimates

Слайд 45You should be “mobile, too.”

Слайд 46~60% of online devices are now smartphones or tablets
Source: BI Intelligence


Слайд 47We spend an hour a day on our smartphones
Source: Experian Marketing

Services, May 2013

Слайд 48We spend ½ hour on tablet each time we use it

Google, August 2012

Слайд 49More than ¼ of Internet traffic is mobile
Source: StatCounter, BI Intelligence


Слайд 50Mobile has extended the digital day to 18/7
Source: Google Analytics, Business


Слайд 51Each device has a different “prime time”
Source: comScore, Telefonica, Macquarie Capital

(USA), December 2011

Слайд 52Where are we in the
mobile device cycle?

Слайд 53Developed mobile markets are nearing maturity
Source: comScore

Слайд 54The action is now in China, India, and emerging markets
Source: Mediacells

via The Guardian

Слайд 55China is already twice the size of the US market
Source: China

Internet Network Information Center

Слайд 56Prices are dropping fast
Source: BI Intelligence estimates

Слайд 57iPhone sales growth has slowed (iPhone 6 will help)
Source: Company Filings

Слайд 58Chinese companies sell ~25% of smartphones in world
Source: Canalys, IDC, Strategy

Analytics, BI Intelligence, Company Reports

Слайд 59Global tablet growth has hit a wall
Source: IDC, Strategy Analytics, BI

Intelligence estimates

Слайд 60(iPad now experiencing “negative growth”)
Source: Apple

Слайд 61Why have tablet sales cratered?

Слайд 62Long upgrade cycle
Phablet cannibalization
Need keyboard for serious input

Слайд 63What about the
platform war?

Слайд 64We have a winner!

Слайд 65Apple is strong in the US, where it’s a two-horse race


Слайд 66But, globally, it’s an Android world

Слайд 67~85% of smartphones run Google’s Android
Source: IDC, Strategy Analytics, BI Intelligence


Слайд 68~65% of tablets run Android
Source: BI Intelligence estimates

Слайд 69~70% of all new computing gadgets run Android
Source: Gartner, IDC, Strategy

Analytics, Company Filings, BI Intelligence estimates

Слайд 70Android used to lag Apple
badly with app developers.

Слайд 71Not anymore.

Слайд 72Android “fragmentation” problem is improving
Source: Google

Слайд 73Android now more popular with developers than iOS
Source: Developer Economics, Q3


Слайд 74Android will soon overtake iOS in app revenue
Source: Jana, App Annie,

BI Intelligence estimates

Слайд 75Android is catching up to iOS in developer payouts
Source: Jana, App

Annie, BI Intelligence estimates

Слайд 76Android now generates more global ad traffic than iOS
Source: Opera Mediaworks

Слайд 77The key digital media trends…

Слайд 78Mobile

Слайд 79Most digital growth is now mobile
Source: comScore, April 2014

Слайд 80Messaging apps are exploding
Source: Company Statements, News Reports, BI Intelligence estimates

Слайд 81Social networks and sharing are exploding
Source: BI Intelligence estimates based on

data from company filings, comScore, Global Web Index, Totem and news reports

Слайд 82Mobile video is booming…
Source: Cisco, 2013

Слайд 83Mobile video has enabled the rise of the YouTube stars
Source: Company


35 million viewers

8 million viewers

1 million viewers

Слайд 84Social and music are now mostly mobile
Source: Company Filings

Слайд 85Mobile is driving all of Facebook’s growth
Source: Company Filings

Слайд 86Mobile is now a third of eCommerce traffic
Source: Monetate

Слайд 87PayPal powers $30 billion in mobile payments
*PayPal counted a small

portion of Braintree’s transaction volume as its own in the last 12 days of Q4 2013.

Source: PayPal

Слайд 88Venmo is (finally) replacing friend-to-friend payments
Source: PayPal, BI Intelligence

Слайд 89Ad growth is mobile, social, video, native, programmatic
Source: BI Intelligence estimates

based on data from BIA/Kelsey, IAB, IDC, and Magna Global

Note: Formats overlap. Mobile includes all ad formats that appear on mobile.

Слайд 90Mobile is a “green field”
Source: eMarketer

Слайд 91Social is booming
Source: BI Intelligence estimates, BIA/Kelsey

Слайд 92“Display” ad spending is still respectable, but…
Source: Company Filings, BI Intelligence


Слайд 93Growth is shifting to “native”…
Source: BI Intelligence estimates, IAB

Слайд 94And “programmatic”
Source: BI Intelligence estimates, Magna Global, IDC

Слайд 95Google is still the digital advertising king
Source: Company Filings
Note: Based on

GAAP revenue.

Слайд 96Google’s YouTube dominates digital video and video ads
Source: Company Filings, BI

Intelligence estimates

Слайд 97Google’s Chrome browser is crushing Firefox and IE
Source: StatCounter

Слайд 98Google’s Android has peak-Windows-like market share
Source: IDC, Strategy Analytics, BI Intelligence


Слайд 99In Europe, Google has peak-Windows-like search share
Source: StatCounter

Слайд 100Basically, Google is swallowing the world…
Source: Google, 2014 Is An Estimate

Слайд 101(And people are noticing!)
Source: StatCounter

Слайд 102(For Microsoft, DOJ attack was the beginning of the end)
Source: StatCounter

Слайд 103Have Google and Facebook won?

Слайд 104Not necessarily.

Слайд 105Money follows eyeballs.

Слайд 106Search click growth is finally decelerating
Source: Google

Слайд 107US desktop search queries are now shrinking
Source: comScore
Note: Explicit user initiated

search queries only.

Слайд 108“No one uses Facebook anymore” — Gen Z-er
Source: Piper Jaffray

Слайд 109Why do teens love Instagram?

Слайд 110What’s Tumblr for?

Слайд 111What about phone calls? Do people talk anymore?

Слайд 112Digital is the medium for the new generation.

Digital will grow

for decades.

Слайд 113So, what’s next?

Слайд 114Connected cars — we spend 1.2 hours a day in them

Bureau Of Labor Statistics

Слайд 115Wearables (someday)
Source: BI Intelligence estimates

Слайд 116Smartwatches, like Apple Watch, should do okay
Source: BI Intelligence estimates

Слайд 117Fitness bands will remain niche
Source: NPD Group, BI Intelligence estimates; Annual

Data From April Through March

Слайд 118“Internet of Things” — 20B connected devices by 2020
Source: BI Intelligence


Слайд 119We’ll fill our houses with smart devices
Source: ABI Research, TechNavio, Pike

Research, BI Intelligence estimates

Слайд 120And companies will buy them by the billions
Source: BI Intelligence estimates

Слайд 121Gain access to all BI Intelligence reports,
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Слайд 122Thank You!

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