Students, Computersand Learning:making the connection презентация


The kind of things that are easy to teach are now easy to automate, digitize or outsource

September 2015
Andreas Schleicher
Director for Education and Skills

Слайд 2The kind of things that are easy to teach are now

easy to automate, digitize or outsource

Слайд 3
Changes in the demand for skills Trends in different tasks in occupations

(United States)

Mean task input in percentiles of 1960 task distribution

Source: Autor, David H. and Brendan M. Price. 2013. "The Changing Task Composition of the US Labor Market: An Update of Autor, Levy, and Murnane (2003)." MIT Mimeograph, June.

Слайд 4Robotics

Слайд 5Google Autonomous Vehicle
>1m km,
one minor accident,
occasional human intervention

Слайд 6Augmented Reality

Слайд 7A lot more to come
3D printing
Synthetic biology
Brain enhancements

Слайд 8
The Race between Technology and Education
Inspired by “The race between technology

and education”
Pr. Goldin & Katz (Harvard)

Industrial revolution

Digital revolution

Social pain

Universal public schooling




Social pain


Слайд 9Digital skills of 15-year-olds

Слайд 18

Strong performance in in digital reading
Low performance in digital reading

Average performance in

digital reading

Fig 3.1

Слайд 19Countries doing better/worse in digital literacy than in print reading?

performance in digital reading is higher than their expected performance

Students' performance in digital reading is lower than their expected performance

Source: Figure 3.7

Score-point difference

Performance that would be expected based solely on print-reading

Слайд 20Overall browsing activity Average rank of students in the international comparison of

students taking the same test form

Percentile rank

Source: Figure 4.5

The index of overall browsing activity varies from 0 to 100, with:
0 indicating no browsing activity (no page visits beyond the starting page) and;
100 indicating the highest recorded level of browsing activity (page visits) for each test form.

Слайд 21Classification of students based on their overall browsing activity
Source: Figure 4.6

of students with no browsing activity (limited computer skills or unwilling ness to engage with assessment tasks)

No browsing activity: students with no navigation steps recorded in log files

Limited browsing activity: some navigation steps recorded, but index of overall browsing activity equal to 10 or lower

Moderate browsing activity: index of overall browsing activity between 10 and 75

Intensive browsing activity: index of overall browsing activity higher than 75

Слайд 22Think, then click: Task-oriented browsing Average rank of students in the international

comparison of students taking the same test form

Percentile rank

Source: Figure 4.7

The index of task-oriented browsing varies from 0 to 100. High values on this index reflect long navigation sequences that contain a high number of task-relevant steps and few or no missteps or task-irrelevant steps.

Слайд 23Classification of students based on the quality of their browsing activity

Figure 4.8

Percentage of students whose Internet browsing is mostly unfocused

Mostly unfocused browsing activity: students for whom the sum of navigation missteps and task-irrelevant steps is higher than the number of task-relevant steps

No browsing activity: no navigation steps recorded in log files

Insufficient or mixed browsing activity: the sum of navigation missteps and task-irrelevant steps is equal to the number of task-relevant steps or lower, and the index of task-relevant browsing is equal to 75 or lower

Highly focused browsing activity: index of task-relevant browsing higher than 75

Слайд 24Explained variation in the digital reading performance of countries and economies


10.4 %

4.4 %

4.9 %

Source: Figure 4.9

Слайд 25Relationship between digital reading performance and navigation behaviour
OECD average
R² =


Source: Figure 4.10

Percentile rank

Слайд 26

Strong performance in in computer-based assessment of mathematics
Low performance in computer-based

assessment of mathematics

Average performance in computer-based
of mathematics
Fig 3.10

Слайд 27Relative success on mathematics tasks that require the use of computers

to solve problems Compared to the OECD average

Better-than-expected performance on tasks that do not require the use of computers to solve mathematics problems

Better-than-expected performance on tasks that require the use of computers to solve mathematics problems

Odds ratio
(OECD average = 1.00)

Source: Figure 3.13

Слайд 28
Young adults (16-24 year-olds)
All adults (16-65 year-olds)
Digital problem solving skills of




Слайд 29Students’ use of computers

Слайд 30Access to computers at home
Source: Figure 1.1


Слайд 31Access to computers at home: Change between 2009 and 2012
Source: Figure 1.1


The share of students with at least one computer at home (1) or with 3 or more computers at home (2) is not significantly different in 2009 and 2012.

Слайд 32Internet access at home (PISA 2012)
Source: Figure 1.2


Слайд 33Internet access at home: Change between 2009 and 2012
Source: Figure 1.2

Note: White

symbols indicate differences between PISA 2009 and PISA 2012 that are not statistically significant.

Слайд 34Bridging the social divide

Слайд 35Access to the Internet at home and students' socio-economic status


PISA index of economic, social and cultural status (ESCS)

Source: Figure 5.2


1. The difference between the top and the bottom quarter of ESCS is not statistically significant.

Слайд 36Early exposure to computers % of students who first used a computer

when they were 6 years or younger

The PISA index of economic, social and cultural status (ESCS)

Source: Figure 5.4


Слайд 37Early exposure to computers, by gender % of students who first used

a computer when they were 6 years or younger

Source: Figure 5.5


1. The difference between boys and girls is not statistically significant.

Слайд 38Percentage of students with access to the Internet at school, but

not at home

Source: Figure 5.7


1. The difference between socio-economically advantaged and disadvantaged students is not statistically significant.

Слайд 39Common computer leisure activities outside of school, by students' socio-economic status OECD

average values and values for selected countries

Source: Figure 5.8

Слайд 40Relationship among analogue skills, socio-economic status, and performance in computer-based assessments


Figure 5.10

in (print) reading

in digital reading

PISA index of economic, social and cultural status

Direct effect: 0.5%

Digital reading
(Overall effect: 12.0%)

Indirect effect: 11.5%

in (paper-based) mathematics

in computer-based mathematics

PISA index of economic, social and cultural status

Direct effect: 0.1%

Computer-based mathematics
(Overall effect: 12.1%)

Indirect effect: 12.0%

Слайд 41Time online

Слайд 42Time spent on line in school and outside of school
Minutes per


Source: Figure 1.5

Percentage of students spending at least 4 hours on line, during weekend days

Слайд 43Feeling lonely at school, by time spent on the Internet outside of

school during weekdays

% of students who agree with the statement « I feel lonely at school »

Source: Figure 1.8

1. The difference between moderate and extreme Internet users is not statistically significant.

Слайд 44Students arriving late for school, by time spent on the Internet outside

of school during weekdays


Source: Figure 1.9

1. The difference between moderate and extreme Internet users is not statistically significant.

Слайд 45Technology in teaching and learning

Слайд 46Number of students per school computer (PISA 2012)

Students per computer
Source: Figure 2.14

Слайд 47Number of students per school computer: Change between 2009 and 2012

Students per


Source: Figure 2.14

Слайд 48Number of students per school computer

Students per computer
Source: Figure 2.14

Слайд 49Number of students per school computer: Change between 2009 and 2012

Students per


Source: Figure 2.14

Слайд 50Use of computers at school` Percentage of students who reported engaging in

each activity (OECD average)

During a typical school day:

At least once a week:

Source: Figure 2.16


Слайд 51Use of ICT at school % of students who reported engaging in

each activity at least once a week

Source: Figure 2.1


Слайд 52Use of ICT at school % of students who reported engaging in

each activity at least once a week

Source: Figure 2.1


Слайд 53Index of ICT use at school
Source: Figure 2.3

Mean index

Слайд 54Change between 2009 and 2012 in the share of students using

computers at school


Source: Figure 2.4

Слайд 55Students and teachers using computers during mathematics lessons Percentage of students who

reported that a computer was used in mathematics lessons in the month prior to the PISA test


Source: Figure 2.7

Слайд 56Relationship between the change in ICT use at school and increased

access to laptops at school

Access to laptop computers at school increased;
share of students doing individual homework
on a school computer increased

Source: Figure 2.17

Слайд 57Relationship between computer use in mathematics lessons and students' exposure to

various mathematics tasks

OECD average


Source: Figure 2.18

OECD average

OECD average

OECD average


Слайд 58Computer use and learning outcomes

Слайд 59Number of computers available to students and expenditure on education
Source: Figure


Слайд 60Trends in mathematics performance and increase in computers in schools
Fewer computers More


Fewer computers More computers

Expected number of computers per student, based on per capita GDP

Source: Figure 6.3

Слайд 61Trends in mathematics performance and increase in computers at school
Expected number

of computers per student, based on per capita GDP

Fewer computers More computers

Source: Figure 6.3

Слайд 62Students who use computers at school only moderately score the highest

in reading

Source: Figure 6.5

Relationship between students’ skills in reading and computer use at school
(average across OECD countries)

OECD average

Highest score

Print reading

Digital reading

Students with a value above 1 use chat or email at least once a week at school, browse the Internet for schoolwork almost every day, and practice and drill on computers (e.g. for foreign language or maths) at least weekly

Most students with a value above 0 use email at school at least once a month, browse the Internet for schoolwork at least once a week, and practice and drill on computers (e.g. for foreign language or maths) at least once a month

Слайд 63Source: Figure 6.5
Students who use computers at school only moderately score

the highest in reading

OECD average

Слайд 64Frequency of computer use at school and digital reading skills OECD average

relationship, after accounting for the socio-economic status of students and schools

Score points

Source: Figure 6.6

Index of task-oreinted browsing

Слайд 65Performance in digital reading, by frequency of browsing the Internet for

schoolwork at school After accounting for the socio-economic status of students and schools

Score points

Source: Figure 6.6

Слайд 66Students who do not use computers in maths lessons score highest

in mathematics

Source: Figure 6.7

Relationship between students’ skills in reading and computer use at school
(average across OECD countries)

Paper-based mathematics

Computer-based mathematics

Highest score

OECD average

Слайд 67Computer use in mathematics lessons and performance in computer-based mathematics OECD average

relationship, after accounting for the socio-economic status of students and schools

Score points

Source: Figure 6.8

Expected score points

Слайд 68Digital reading performance, by index of ICT use outside of school

for schoolwork

Source: Figure 6.9

OECD average

Слайд 69Frequency of computer use outside of school for schoolwork and digital

reading skills OECD average relationship, after accounting for the socio-economic status of students and schools

Score points

Source: Figure 6.10

Index of task-oreinted browsing

Слайд 70Students who use computer outside of school for leisure moderately score

the highest

Source: Figure 6.11

Relation between students’ skills in reading and computer use outside of school for leisure (average across OECD countries)

OECD average

Print reading

Digital reading

Слайд 71Digital reading performance, by index of ICT use outside of school

for leisure

Source: Figure 6.11

OECD average

Слайд 72Frequency of ICT use outside of school for leisure and digital

reading skills OECD average relationship, after accounting for the socio-economic status of students and schools

Score points

Source: Figure 6.12

Index of task-oreinted browsing

Слайд 73Teaching practices and computer use in math lessons (OECD average)
Mean index
Source: Figure


Слайд 74Students who use computer outside of school for schoolwork moderately score

the highest

Source: Figure 6.9

Relation between students’ skills in reading and computer use outside of school for schoolwork (average across OECD countries)

OECD average

Print reading

Digital reading

Слайд 75Mean mathematics performance, by school location, after accounting for socio-economic status


Most teachers value 21st century pedagogies…

Percentage of lower secondary teachers who "agree" or "strongly agree" that:

Слайд 76Mean mathematics performance, by school location, after accounting for socio-economic status


…but teaching practices do not always reflect that

Percentage of lower secondary teachers who report using the following teaching practices "frequently" or "in all or nearly all lessons"

Слайд 77Mean mathematics performance, by school location, after accounting for socio-economic status


Teachers' needs for professional development

Percentage of lower secondary teachers indicating they have a high level of need for professional development in the following areas

Слайд 78The potential of technology
To gain the benefits of collaborative planning, work,

and shared professional development strategies
To open up pedagogical options
To give extra attention to groups of learners

To give learners a sense of belonging & engagement
To mix students of different ages
To mix different abilities and strengths
To widen pedagogical options, including peer teaching

To allow for deeper learning
To create flexibility for more individual choices
To accelerate learning
To use out-of-school learning in effective & innovative ways

Inquiry, authentic learning, collaboration, and formative assessment
A prominent place for student voice & agency

Слайд 79Expand access to content
As specialised materials well beyond textbooks, in

multiple formats, with little time and space constraints
Support new pedagogies with learners as active participants
As tools for inquiry-based pedagogies and collaborative workspaces
Collaboration for knowledge creation
Collaboration platforms for teachers to share and enrich teaching materials
Make it faster and more granular
Automatise data-intensive processes

Technology can amplify innovative teaching

Слайд 80Experiential learning
E.g. remote and virtual labs, project-based and enquiry-based pedagogies
Hands-on pedagogies

E.g. game development
Cooperative learning
E.g. local and global collaboration
Interactive and metacognitive pedagogies
E.g. real-time assessment

Using digital technology

Слайд 81Mobilise innovation

Слайд 82Education is a heavily personalised service, so productivity gains through technology

are limited, especially in the teaching & learning process
Impact of technology on educational delivery remains sub-optimal
Over-estimation of digital skills among teachers AND students
Naïve policy and implementation strategies
Resistance of teachers AND students
Lack of understanding of pedagogy and instructional design
Low quality of educational software and courseware

Some conclusions

Слайд 83Some new developments seem to be more promising:
Highly interactive, non-linear courseware,

based on state-of-the-art instructional design
Sophisticated software for experimentation, simulation
Social media to support learning communities and communities of practice among teachers
Use of gaming in instruction
Concerted influence on the ‘education industry’

Some conclusions

Слайд 84Make costs and benefits of educational innovation as symmetric as possible

supports innovation
(except for their own children)
The benefits for ‘winners’ are often insufficient to mobilise support, the costs for ‘losers’ are concentrated
That’s the power of interest groups
Need for consistent, co-ordinated efforts to persuade those affected of the need for change and, in particular, to communicate the costs of inaction

Some conclusions

Слайд 85Given the uncertainties that accompany change, education stakeholders will always value

the status quo.
Successful innovations…
are good at communicating the need for change and building support for change
tend to invest in capacity development and change-management skills
develop evidence and feed this back to institutions along with tools with which they can use the information
Are backed by sustainable financing
Teachers need to be active agents, not just in the implementation of innovations, but also in their design

Some conclusions

Слайд 86

Thank you

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Twitter: SchleicherEDU

and remember:
Without data, you are just another person with an opinion

Слайд 87Using log-file data to understand what drives performance in PISA (Case


Слайд 88Relationship between long reaction time on Task 2 in the unit

SERAING and low performance in reading Across countries and economies

Source: Figure 7.4



Слайд 89Success from perseverance Percentage of students who succeed on Task 3 in

the unit SERAING, by time spent on the task


Source: Figure 7.6

Слайд 90Navigation behaviour in Task 2 in the unit SERAING

Source: Figure 7.9

Слайд 91Quality and quantity of navigation steps in Task 2 in the

unit SERAING, by performance on the task OECD average values

Source: Figure 7.10

Navigation steps

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