St Petersburg State University презентация

University Embankment

Слайд 1St Petersburg State University

Слайд 2University Embankment

Слайд 3The long red-and- white building is the main building of St

Petersburg State University (architect Trezzini, 1732). It’s one of the oldest buildings in the city, designed in the early 18th century for the 12 ministries of Peter I known as "Twelve Collegia”.

Слайд 4In 1819 the University of St Petersburg was founded. Many outstanding

Russian scientists, writers, public figures were among its graduates: Mendeleyev, the founder of the periodic table of elements; physiologists Pavlov, Mechnikov, Sechenov, writers Turgenev, Chernyshevsky, Nekrasov and others.
Here Lenin passed his exams as an extern student of the Law department in 1891.
For more than 290 years, St Petersburg State University has been committed to advancing science and training highly qualified professionals.



Слайд 5St. Petersburg University is the second oldest and the second largest

university in Russia. It is considered to be one of the best schools in the country. It has 16 departments with more than 30 thousand students. SPbU is one of the leading one universities.
On the left there is a monument to the 18 th Russian scientist Lomonosov.

Слайд 6The SPbU has two campus complexes: the one is in the

Basil Island and the second is in the Old Peterhof.

Слайд 7Thanks for your attention!

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