Privacy in the Digital Age презентация

Background Surveys of U.S. adults – post-Snowden Privacy issues are jumbled together in people’s heads and don’t unpack easily: Sur-veillance Sous-veillance Co-veillance

Слайд 1Privacy in the Digital Age
Lee Rainie (@lrainie)
Director, Internet, Science, and Technology

Pew Research Center
WAN-IFRA – World Media Policy Forum

Слайд 2

Слайд 3Background
Surveys of U.S. adults – post-Snowden
Privacy issues are jumbled together in

people’s heads and don’t unpack easily:

Слайд 4The balance of
forces has shifted in
the networked
age. People are

“public by
default and
private by effort.”
-- danah boyd

Слайд 5Personal information online % of adult internet users who say this information

about them is available online

Слайд 6Who users try to avoid % of adult internet users who

say they have used the internet in ways to avoid being observed or seen by …

Слайд 72. Privacy is not binary / context matters

Слайд 113. Personal control / agency matters

Слайд 144. Most accept that certain trade-offs are
part of

the bargain

Слайд 15
55% “agree” or “strongly agree” with the statement: “I am willing

to share some information about myself with companies in order to use online services for free.”

Слайд 175. The young are more focused on
networked privacy

than their elders

Слайд 18Those ages 18-29 are more likely than older adults to say:

take steps to limit the amount of personal information available about them online—44% of young adult internet users say this.
They change privacy settings – 71% of social networking users ages 18-29 have changed privacy settings on their profile to limit what they share with others online.
They delete unwanted comments – 47% social networking users ages 18-29 have deleted comments that others have made on their profile.
They remove their name from photos – 41% of social networking users ages 18-29 say they have removed their name from photos that were tagged to identify them.

Слайд 19Young adults are the most likely to have had major problems

with personal information and identity

Слайд 206. Many know they do not
know what is going

on ….
Those who know the most
are more worried
and wary

Слайд 227. Many are resigned – some are even hopeless –

their trust is fading

Слайд 24How confident are you that your records at these places will

remain private and secure?

Слайд 25Changes in laws would help

8. Changes in law could make a


Слайд 2668% of internet users believe current laws are not good enough

in protecting people’s privacy online.
64% believe the government should do more to regulate advertisers, compared with 34% who think the government should not get more involved.

Слайд 27When asked if they feel as though their own efforts to

protect the privacy of their personal information online are sufficient, 61% say they feel as though they “would like to do more,” while 37% say they “already do enough.”
88% of adults “agree” (49%) or “strongly agree” (39%) that it would be very difficult to remove inaccurate information about them online. 

Слайд 29Thank you! Lee Rainie @lrainie @pewinternet @pewresearch

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