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Basically, Google is swallowing the world… Source: Google, 2014 Is An Estimate

Слайд 1A Research Service By Business Insider

Слайд 2Basically, Google is swallowing the world…
Source: Google, 2014 Is An Estimate

Слайд 3Google is now bigger than all newspapers, magazines
Source: Google, NAA, PIB

Слайд 4 Google dwarfs “big media”
Source: Company Filings, BI Intelligence estimates

Слайд 5Google is almost half the size of all global TV advertising

Google, PWC

Слайд 6Google makes all other digital ad platforms “also rans”
Source: Company Filings

Based on GAAP revenue.

Слайд 7Google’s Chrome browser is crushing Firefox and IE
Source: StatCounter

Слайд 8Google’s Android has peak-Windows-like market share
Source: IDC, Strategy Analytics, BI Intelligence


Слайд 9In Europe, Google has peak-Windows-like search share
Source: StatCounter

Слайд 10And people are noticing!
Source: StatCounter

Слайд 11(For Microsoft, DOJ attack was the beginning of the end)
Source: StatCounter

Слайд 12Almost all of Google’s revenue still comes from ads
Source: Google

Слайд 13Mostly search, lots of display, some video…
Source: Google, BI Intelligence estimates

Слайд 14Search clicks still growing fast but now decelerating
Source: Google

Слайд 15US desktop search queries are now shrinking
Source: comScore
Note: Explicit user initiated

search queries only.

Слайд 16But Google utterly dominates mobile search
Source: RKG

Слайд 17Remember when Google bought revenue-less YouTube?
Source: RKG

Слайд 18Now, YouTube dominates digital video
Source: comScore

Слайд 19YouTube also dominates digital video ads
Source: Company Filings, BI Intelligence estimates

Слайд 20YouTube is closing in on broadcast-network revenue
Source: News Reports, Company Filings,

BI Intelligence estimates

Слайд 21YouTube is even becoming meaningful to Google’s revenue!
Source: BI Intelligence estimates,

Credit Suisse

Note: Google does not break out revenues for its specific services.

Слайд 22Remember when Android was a little science project?
Source: Google

Слайд 23Now Android is the dominant global device platform
Source: Gartner, IDC, Strategy

Analytics, Company Filings, BI Intelligence estimates

Слайд 24Android fragmentation is becoming less of a problem
Source: Google

Слайд 25Android surpassed iOS mobile traffic this year
Source: Net Applications, August 2014

Слайд 26Android users now consume more ads than Apple users
Source: Opera Mediaworks

Слайд 27Android users are even catching up to Apple in eCommerce
Source: Monetate

Слайд 28Google’s apps are now among the most-used
Source: comScore; September 2014, Age

18+, US Data

Слайд 29Google Play is catching up to Apple’s App Store in revenue

App Annie, Jana, BI Intelligence estimates

Apple App Store

Google Play

Слайд 30Google Play is paying out more and more to developers
Source: App

Annie, Jana, BI Intelligence estimates

Слайд 31Google Play will be ~7% of Google’s revenue this year
Source: BI

Intelligence estimates, Credit Suisse

Note: Google does not break out revenues for its specific services.

Слайд 32Google is so wildly successful that it’s throwing money at the


Source: Google

Слайд 33Cute!
Source: Edudemic

Слайд 34(Some) connected cars will be a huge market
Source: SBD, GSMA
We Are


Слайд 35Smart glasses (If at first you don’t succeed…)
Source: Wikipedia

Слайд 36Smart contact lenses
Source: Google

Слайд 37(Some) wearables poised to grow rapidly
Source: BI Intelligence estimates

Слайд 38Home snooping devices
Source: BI Intelligence estimates

Слайд 39 Huge growth expected for Internet of Things
Source: BI Intelligence Estimates

Слайд 40Super-fast Internet
Source: The Atlantic

Слайд 41Drones and robot projects, like “Project Wing”
Source: The Atlantic

Слайд 42And balloons bringing Internet access to everyone!
Source: The Atlantic

Слайд 43Gain access to all BI Intelligence reports,
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Слайд 44
Tony Danova
Senior Research Analyst
BI Intelligence

Слайд 45Thank You!

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