Onsite SEO in 2015: An Elegant Weapon for a More Civilized Marketer презентация


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Слайд 2
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Слайд 3Remember When…

Слайд 4We Had One Job

Слайд 5Perfectly Optimized Pages

Слайд 6The Search Quality Teams Determined What to Include in the Ranking


Слайд 7They decided links > content

Слайд 8By 2007, Link Spam Was Ubiquitous

This paper/presentation from Yahoo’s spam team

in 2007 predicted a lot of what Google would launch in Penguin Oct, 2012 (including machine learning)

Слайд 9Even in 2012, It Felt Like Google Was Making Liars Out

of the White Hat SEO World

Via Wil Reynolds

Слайд 10Google’s Last 3 Years of Advancements Erased a Decade of Old

School SEO Practices

Слайд 11They Finally Launched Effective Algorithms to Fight Manipulative Links & Content



Слайд 12And They Leveraged Fear + Uncertainty of Penalization to Keep Sites


Via Moz Q+A

Слайд 13Google Figured Out Intent

Rand probably doesn’t just want webpages filled with

the word “beef”

Слайд 15They Looked at Language, not Just Keywords

Oh… I totally know this


Слайд 17They Predicted When We Want Diverse Results

He probably doesn’t just want

a bunch of lists.

Слайд 19They Figured Out When We Wanted Freshness

Old pages on this topic

probably aren’t relevant anymore

Слайд 21Their Segmentation of Navigational from Informational Queries Closed Many Loopholes

Слайд 22Google Learned to ID Entities of Knowledge

Слайд 23And to Connect Entities to Topics & Keywords

Via Moz

Слайд 24Brands Became a Form of Entities

Слайд 25These Advancements Brought Google (mostly) Back in Line w/ Its Public


Via Google

Слайд 26During These Advances, Google’s Search Quality Team Underwent a Revolution

Слайд 27Early On, Google Rejected Machine Learning in the Organic Ranking Algo


Datawocky, 2008

Слайд 28Amit Singhal Shared Norvig’s Concerns About ML

Via Quora

Слайд 29In 2012, Google Published a Paper About How they Use ML

to Predict Ad CTRs:

Via Google

Слайд 30Susan Wojcicki, Google SVP, at All Things Digital, 2012

“Our SmartASS system

is a machine learning system. It learns whether our users are interested in that ad, and whether users are going to click on them.”

Слайд 31By 2013, It Was Something Google’s Search Folks Talked About Publicly



Слайд 32

As ML Takes Over More of Google’s Algo, the Underpinnings of

the Rankings Change

Via Colossal

Слайд 33Google is Public About How They Use ML in Image Recognition

& Classification

Potential ID Factors (e.g. color, shapes, gradients, perspective, interlacing, alt tags, surrounding text, etc)

Training Data (i.e. human-labeled images)

Learning Process

Best Match Algo

Слайд 34Google is Public About How They Use ML in Image Recognition

& Classification

Via Jeff Dean’s Slides on Deep Learning; a Must Read for SEOs

Слайд 35Machine Learning in Search Could Work Like This:

Potential Ranking Factors (e.g. PageRank,

Topic Modeling, QDF, Clicks, Entity Association, etc.)

Training Data (i.e. good & bad search results)

Learning Process

Best Fit Algo

Слайд 36

Training Data (e.g. good search results)
This is a good SERP – searchers

rarely bounce, rarely short-click, and rarely need to enter other queries or go to page 2.

Слайд 37

Training Data (e.g. bad search results!)
This is a bad SERP – searchers

bounce often, click other results, rarely long-click, and try other queries. They’re definitely not happy.

Слайд 38The Machines Learn to Emulate the Good Results & Try to

Fix or Tweak the Bad Results

Potential Ranking Factors (e.g. PageRank, TF*IDF,
Topic Modeling, QDF, Clicks, Entity Association, etc.)

Training Data (i.e. good & bad search results)

Learning Process

Best Fit Algo

Слайд 39Deep Learning is Even More Advanced:

Dean says by using deep learning,

they don’t have to tell the system what a cat is, the machines learn, unsupervised, for themselves…

Слайд 40

We’re Talking About Algorithms that Build Algorithms
(without human intervention)

Слайд 41Googlers Don’t Feed in Ranking Factors… The Machines Determine Those Themselves.


Ranking Factors (e.g. PageRank, TF*IDF,
Topic Modeling, QDF, Clicks, Entity Association, etc.)

Training Data (i.e. good search results)

Learning Process

Best Fit Algo

Слайд 42

No wonder these guys are stressed about Google unleashing the Terminators

Via CNET & Washington Post

Слайд 43What Does Deep Learning Mean for SEO?

Слайд 44Googlers Won’t Know Why Something Ranks or Whether a Variable’s in

the Algo

He means other Googlers.
I’m Jeff Dean. I’ll know.

Слайд 45The Query Success Metrics Will Be All That Matters to the


Long to Short Click Ratio

Relative CTR vs. Other Results

Rate of Searchers Conducting Additional, Related Searches

Metrics of User Engagement on the Page

Metrics of User Engagement Across the Domain

Sharing/Amplifcation Rate vs. Other Results

Слайд 46The Query Success Metrics Will Be All That Matters to the


Long to Short Click Ratio

Relative CTR vs. Other Results

Rate of Searchers Conducting Additional, Related Searches

Metrics of User Engagement on the Page

Metrics of User Engagement Across the Domain

Sharing/Amplifcation Rate vs. Other Results

If lots of results on a SERP do these well, and higher results outperform lower results, our deep learning algo will consider it a success.

Слайд 47We’ll Be Optimizing Less
for Ranking Inputs

Unique Linking Domains
Keywords in Title
Anchor Text


Page Load Speed

Слайд 48And Optimizing More for Searcher Outputs

High CTR for this position?
Good engagement?

amplification rate?

Low bounce rate?

Strong pages/visit after
landing on this URL?

These are likely to be the criteria of on-site SEO’s future…

People return to the site
after an initial search visit

Слайд 49OK… Maybe in the future. But, do those kinds of metrics

really affect SEO today?

Слайд 50Remember Our Queries & Clicks Test from 2014?

Via Rand’s Blog

Слайд 51Since then, it’s been much harder to move the needle with

raw queries and clicks…

Слайд 52

Case closed! Google says they don’t use clicks in the rankings.

Linkarati’s Coverage of SMX Advanced

Слайд 53But, what if we tried long clicks vs.
short clicks?

Note SeriousEats, ranking

#4 here

Слайд 54

11:39am on June 21st,
I sent this tweet:

Слайд 5540 Minutes & ~400 Interactions Later

Moved up 2 positions after 2+

weeks of the top 5 staying static.

Слайд 5670 Minutes & ~500 Interactions Total

Moved up to #1.

Слайд 57Stayed ~12 hours, when it fell to #13+ for ~8 hours,

then back to #4.

Google? You messing with us?

Слайд 58

Via Google Trends, we can see the relative impact of the

test on query volume

~5-10X normal volume over 3-4 hours

Слайд 59BTW – This is hard to replicate. 600+ real searchers using

a variety of devices, browsers, accounts, geos, etc. will not look the same to Google as a Fiverr buy, a clickfarm, or a bot. And note how G penalized the page after the test… They might not put it back if they thought the site itself was to blame for the click manipulation.

Слайд 60The Future:
Optimizing for Two Algorithms

Слайд 61The Best SEOs Have Always

Optimized to Where Google’s Going

Слайд 62Today, I Think We Know,
Better Than Ever, Where That Is

Welcome to

your new home, the User/Usage Signals + ML Model Cabin

Слайд 63
We Must Choose How to Balance Our Work…

Слайд 64Hammering on the Fading Signals of Old…

Слайд 65

Or Embracing Those We Can See On the Rise

Слайд 66

Classic On-Site
(ranking inputs)
New On-Site
(searcher outputs)
Keyword Targeting
Relative CTR
Short vs. Long-Click
Content Gap Fulfillment

& Loyalty

Task Completion Success

Quality & Uniqueness

Crawl/Bot Friendly

Snippet Optimization

UX / Multi-Device

Слайд 675 New(ish) Elements of Modern, On-Site SEO

Слайд 68
Punching Above Your Ranking’s Average CTR

Слайд 69Optimizing the Title, Meta Description, & URL
a Little for KWs, but

a Lot for Clicks

If you rank #3, but have a higher-than-average CTR for that position, you might get moved up.

Via Philip Petrescu on Moz

Слайд 70Every Element Counts

Does the title match what searchers want?
Does the

URL seem compelling?

Do searchers recognize & want to click your domain?

Is your result fresh? Do searchers want a newer result?

Does the description create curiousity & entice a click?

Do you get the brand dropdown?

Слайд 71Given Google Often Tests New Results Briefly on Page One…

It May

Be Worth Repeated Publication on a Topic to Earn that High CTR

Shoot! My post only made it to #15… Perhaps I’ll try again in a few months.

Слайд 72Driving Up CTR Through Branding Or Branded Searches May Give An

Extra Boost

Слайд 73#1 Ad Spender
#2 Ad Spender
#4 Ad Spender
#3 Ad Spender
#5 Ad Spender

Слайд 74With Google Trends’ new, more accurate, more customizable ranges, you can

actually watch the effects of events and ads on search query volume

Слайд 75
Beating Out Your Fellow SERP Residents on Engagement

Слайд 76Together, Pogo-Sticking & Long Clicks Might Determine a Lot of Where

You Rank (and for how long)

Via Bill Slawski on Moz

Слайд 77What Influences Them?

Слайд 78Speed, Speed, and More Speed

Delivers the Best UX on Every Browser

Visitors to Go Deeper Into Your Site

Avoids Features that Annoy or Dissuade Visitors

Content that Fulfills the Searcher’s Conscious & Unconscious Needs

An SEO’s Checklist for Better Engagement:

Слайд 79

Via NY Times
e.g. this interactive graph that asks visitors to draw

their best guess likely gets remarkable engagement

Слайд 80e.g. Poor Norbert does a terrible job at SEO, but the

simplicity compels visitors to go deeper and to return time and again

Via VoilaNorbert

Слайд 81e.g. Nomadlist’s superb, filterable database of cities and community for remote


Via Nomadlist

Слайд 82
Filling Gaps in Your Visitors’ Knowledge

Слайд 83Google’s looking for content signals that a page will fulfill ALL

of a searcher’s needs.

I think I know a few ways to figure that out.

Слайд 84ML models may note that the presence of certain words, phrases,

& topics predict more successful searches

Слайд 85e.g. a page about New York that doesn’t mention Brooklyn or

Long Island may not be very comprehensive

Слайд 86If Your Content Doesn’t Fill the Gaps in Searcher’s Needs…

e.g. for

this query, Google might seek content that includes topics like “text classification,” “tokenization,” “parsing,” and “question answering”

Those Rankings Go to Pages/Sites That Do.

Слайд 87Moz’s Data Science Team is Working on Something to Help With


The (alpha) tool extracts likely focal topics from a given page, which can then be compared vs. an engines top 10 results

Слайд 88In the meantime, check out
Alchemy API
Or MonkeyLearn

Слайд 89
Earning More Shares, Links, & Loyalty per Visit

Слайд 90Pages that get lots of social activity & engagement, but few

links, seem to overperform…

Слайд 91

Google says they don’t use social signals directly, but examples like

these make SEOs suspicious

Слайд 92Even for insanely competitive keywords, we see this type of behavior

when a URL gets authentically “hot” in the social world.

Слайд 93I suspect Google doesn’t use raw social shares as a ranking

input, because we share a lot of content with which we don’t engage:

Via Chartbeat

Слайд 94Google Could Be Using a Lot of Other Metrics/Sources to Get

Data That Mimics Social Shares:

Clickstream (from Chrome/Android)

Engagement (from Chrome/Android)

Branded Queries (from Search)

Navigational Queries (from Search)

Rate of Link Growth (from Crawl)

Слайд 95But I Don’t Care if It’s Correlation or Causation;
I Want to

Rank Like These Guys!

Слайд 96BTW – Google Almost Certainly Classifies SERPs Differently & Optimizes to

Different Goals

These URLs have loads of shares & may have high loyalty, but for medical queries, Google has different priorities

Слайд 97Raw Shares & Links Are Fine Metrics…

Via Buzzsumo

Слайд 98But If the Competition Naturally Earns
Them Faster, You’re Outta Luck

4 new


2 new shares/day

3 new shares/day

10 new shares/day

Слайд 99And Google Probably Wants to See Shares that Result in Loyalty

& Returning Visits

Слайд 100
New KPI #1: Shares & Links Per 1,000 Visits

Unique Visits
Shares +


Via Moz’s 1Metric

Слайд 101
New KPI #2: Return Visitor Ratio Over Time

Total Visitor Sessions
# of

Returning Visitors

Слайд 102Knowing What Makes Our Audience (and their influencers) Share is Essential


an analysis of the 10,000 pieces of content receiving the most social shares on the web by Buzzsumo.

Слайд 103Knowing What Makes them Return (or prevents them from doing so)

Is, Too.

Слайд 104We Don’t Need “Better” Content… We Need “10X” Content.

Via Whiteboard Friday

“How do we make something as good as this?”

Right Question:
“How do we make something 10X better than any of these?”

Слайд 10510X Content is the Future, Because It’s the Only Way to

Stand Out from the Increasingly-Noisy Crowd


The top 10% of content gets all the social shares and traffic.

Слайд 106

Old School On-Site
Old School Off-Site
Keyword Targeting
Link Diversity
Anchor Text
Brand Mentions
3rd Party Reviews


Quality & Uniqueness

Crawl/Bot Friendly

Snippet Optimization

UX / Multi-Device

None of our old school tactics will get this done.

Слайд 107
Fulfilling the Searcher’s Task (not just their query)

Слайд 108Broad search
Narrower search
Even narrower search
Website visit
Website visit
Brand search
Social validation
Highly-specific search
Type-in/direct visit

of Task

Google Wants to Get Searchers Accomplishing Their Tasks Faster

Слайд 109Broad search
All the sites (or answers) you probably would have visited/sought

along that path

Completion of Task

This is Their Ultimate Goal:

Слайд 110If Google sees that many people who perform these types of


Слайд 111Eventually end their queries on the topic after visiting Ramen Rater…

Ramen Rater

Слайд 112They might use the clickstream data to help rank that site

higher, even if it doesn’t have traditional ranking signals

Слайд 113They’re definitely getting and storing it.

Слайд 114A Page That Answers the Searcher’s Initial Query May Not Be


Searchers performing this query are likely to have the goal of completing a transaction

Слайд 115Google Wants to Send Searchers to Websites that Resolve their Mission


is the only site where you can reliably find the back issues and collector covers

Слайд 116Welcome to the
Two-Algorithm World of 2015

Слайд 117
Algo 1: Google

Слайд 118
Algo 2: Subset of Humanity that Interacts With Your Content

Слайд 119
“Make Pages for People, Not Engines.”

Слайд 120
Terrible Advice.

Слайд 121
Keyword Targeting
Relative CTR
Short vs. Long-Click
Content Gap Fulfillment
Amplify & Return Rates

Completion Success

Quality & Uniqueness

Crawl/Bot Friendly

Snippet Optimization

UX / Multi-Device



Слайд 122
Optimize for Both:
Algo Input & Human Output

Слайд 123Bonus Time!

Слайд 124I’ve Been Curating a List of “10X” Content Over the Last

100 Days… It’s All Yours:



FYI that’s a capital “X”

Слайд 125MonkeyLearn created a tool just for Mozcon to help w/ topic

modeling, keyword extraction, & comparison



Слайд 126Rand Fishkin, Wizard of Moz | @randfish | rand@moz.com

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