Herr James Champollion. The Keeper of the Faculty of Foreign Languages презентация

Слайд 1Herr James Champollion

Слайд 2The Keeper of the Faculty of Foreign Languages
Let us introduce you

Herr James Champollion. He is a personification of our faculty.
He is friendly to everybody.
James takes part in different spheres of faculty’s life. Now he’ll show you how it is all works.

Слайд 3Sphere of Activities
Evince your intelligence
Display your talent
Demonstrate tenacity
Show generosity

new friends

Слайд 4Reach Your Aims
Our students are bright and gifted
You should be hard-working

to reach your goals, and our wise lecturers help you with it

Слайд 5They have attained success. Now it is your turn!

Слайд 6Your High Point
Our students take part in different competitions
The most popular

among them is phonetic contest, where students show their drama and phonetic skills
The most active students participate in the interfaculty occasions. For example, To Light Up the Stars, «КВН» and Mr/Mrs of Leningrad State University named after Pushkin.
Furthermore, we’ve got special and marvelous celebration – New Year

Слайд 8Meetings with Friends
On our faculty you can enjoy meetings with your

friends and even with foreign guests.
It can help you to improve your language skills and, moreover, to make new acquaintance of many interesting people.

Слайд 9One of Our Meetings

Слайд 10Useful and Helpful Languages
Moreover, our students are open-hearted.
They come forward

with different initiatives and always ready to give anybody a helping hand.

Слайд 12Our Friends
In our university students from different faculties are friends.
They support

each other, compete with each other and take part in different activities together.

Слайд 14Happy Anniversary!
Recently our university has celebrated a 25 year anniversary. It

is important event for our faculty.
Our university has become a center of high education and science in our region.
We wish our university development, diligent and bright student and to achieve success in different scientific contests.

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