Here’s Why You Hate Your Smartphone Carrier презентация

It’s not exactly a secret that most of us are frustrated with our wireless providers.

Слайд 1Here’s Why You Hate Your Smartphone Carrier

Слайд 2
It’s not exactly a secret that most of us are frustrated

with our wireless providers.

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And chances are, you’ve considered switching wireless carriers at some point.

Слайд 4But do you know why?

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Despite what you may think, it’s probably not because they have

poor customer service.

Слайд 6And the reasons vary depending on which carrier you’re with.

Слайд 7According to a Consumer Intelligence Research Partners report, Sprint and T-Mobile

customers leave because of poor network quality.

Source: CIRP.

Слайд 8And Verizon and AT&T customers are most likely to leave because

they believe their bills are too high.

Source: CIRP.

Слайд 9And while all of those reasons seem like they’d make users

switch carriers frequently, that’s not actually the case.

Слайд 10Despite all the threats we make about switching carriers…

Слайд 11
We actually don’t follow through that often.

Слайд 12Nearly 4 out of 5 consumers stick with their carrier when

they upgrade their device.

Source: CIRP.

Слайд 13You’re actually more likely to switch operating systems or try a

different smartphone brand than jump carriers.

Слайд 14And if you’re a Verizon or AT&T customer, you’re even less

likely to switch carriers than Sprint or T-Mobile users.

Слайд 15So if you’re in the market to change carriers, don’t trick

yourself into thinking its because of customer service.

Слайд 16You probably just don’t like how much you’re paying, or you're

unhappy with the network quality.

Слайд 17Which, of course, are two very legitimate reasons for shopping around.

Слайд 18

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