Here’s Why Google and Microsoft Are Fighting Against Qualcomm and Verizon’s New LTE Technology презентация

A new LTE technology Qualcomm, Verizon, and wireless carriers, are pursuing a new LTE technology called LTE Unlicensed, or LTE-U. The new tech allows LTE signals to use unlicensed airwaves that

Слайд 1Here’s Why Google and Microsoft Are Fighting Against Qualcomm and Verizon’s

New LTE Technology

Слайд 2A new LTE technology
Qualcomm, Verizon, and wireless carriers, are pursuing a

new LTE technology called LTE Unlicensed, or LTE-U. The new tech allows LTE signals to use unlicensed airwaves that are typically reserved for things like garage door openers, wireless baby monitors, and Wi-Fi signals.

Image Source: Qualcomm.

Слайд 3Better connections
Verizon and Qualcomm want to tap into LTE-U because it

will help offload some of the LTE signals from cellular networks, which should help improve data speeds.

Слайд 4“Unlicensed spectrum is going to be an important part of providing

a better mobile broadband experience for our customers.” — David Young,Verizon’s vice president of public policy

Source: Bloomberg.

Слайд 5The flip side
Google, Microsoft, and other tech and cable companies aren’t

exactly excited about LTE-U. They claim that the new technology can hijack the unlicensed airwaves for its own use, forcing Wi-Fi signals to sit and wait until the airwaves are free again.

Image Source: Google.

Слайд 6“We are concerned that any technology that makes use of a

licensed control channel will use that channel to give it priority access to the medium, and in this case degrade the performance of services delivered over Wi-Fi and other technologies that rely exclusively on unlicensed spectrum.” — Michael Daum, Microsoft’s technology policy strategist

Source: Microsoft.

Слайд 7Conflicting data
Qualcomm and Verizon say they have proof that LTE-U doesn’t

interfere with Wi-Fi signals, while Microsoft and Google have data showing the exact opposite.

Image Source: Qualcomm.

Слайд 8More testing needed
Microsoft and Google are calling for more testing of

LTE-U before its allowed to be implemented, and have started lobbying the Federal Communications Commission for a temporary block on LTE-U. But so far, the FCC has said that LTE-U is something that the tech and wireless companies need to figure out on their own.

Слайд 9“Folks, you’ve got to come together and resolve this in a

broad-based standard.” — Tom Wheeler, FCC chairman

Слайд 10LTE-U’s future is up in the air
The same organization that sets

Wi-Fi standards, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (or IEEE), may ask Qualcomm and carriers to submit their technology for testing. But if all of the company’s can’t come to a resolution, then the FCC may eventually get involved.

Слайд 11

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