Graduate Program Assessment. Dianne Horgan. Tom Rhodes. Grad College презентация

Keep it SIMPLE Some Examples Outcomes are pretty easy (from Walvoord, 2004)

Слайд 1Graduate Program Assessment Dianne Horgan Tom Rhodes Grad College

Слайд 2Keep it SIMPLE Some Examples Outcomes are pretty easy
(from Walvoord, 2004)

Слайд 3
Engage in independent and critical thinking by obtaining

significant understanding of the primary and secondary areas of concentration, including minors
Develop publishable research of the highest standards under supervision of a faculty mentor
Become an expert in an area of research, fully prepared to independently continue in future positions in academia, industry or government laboratories

Слайд 4MFA in Dance
The MFA in dance offers course work which enables students

to gain skills and knowledge in these areas. At the end of the degree program, students will be able to:

Perform at a professional level in diverse styles of dance including ballet, jazz and/or modern dance. (Performance emphasis)
Choreograph at a professional level in diverse styles of dance (Choreography emphasis)
Understand and develop scholarly research techniques and be familiar with the written and verbal skills necessary and appropriate for the field
Articulate a personal aesthetic
Teach a dance technique class as well as an academic class.
Solve problems creatively.

Слайд 5Measures are harder
Dance performance is assessed through faculty feedback during technique

classes, after performances & by individual meetings & is graded through studio classes & ensemble work.
Choreography is assessed through close faculty mentoring of graduate choreography projects (DNC694A Masters Project in Dance & DNC909 Masters Report) as well as through classes which explore the craft of choreography (DNC545A&B Advanced Choreography, DNC596E Seminar in Music & Dance Collaborations).
Writing & verbal skills are developed & assessed through the formal research class (DNC596A Critical Issues in Dance), written proposals for Master's Projects & the Final Project Proposal & writing assignments in course work (DNC546A Careers in Dance, DNC696A Graduate Forum, DNC555 Biomechanics for Dancers, DNC595A Teaching Methods of Dance, DNC596E Seminar in Music & Dance Collaborations & DNC591 001, 002 Preceptorships). The large lecture preceptorship (DNC591 002) is particularly valuable to the student as it affords them the opportunity to mentor & grade undergraduate writing assignments.
The student's personal aesthetic is developed & assessed throughout their plan of study through close mentoring by the faculty. The assessment of the personal aesthetic is further evaluated through the final project & the final oral examination which are conducted by a committee of faculty.
Students develop teaching skills & are assessed on their pedagogical knowledge through specific course work including DNC595A Teaching Methods of Dance, DNC591 001 Preceptions in Teaching Methods of Dance & DNC591 002 Preceptorship in a Large Lecture class. Teaching Methods of Dance gives the student fundamental knowledge in teaching ballet, jazz & modern dance at the beginning level. The Teaching Methods Preceptorship enables them to develop advanced knowledge & skills in a specific dance discipline & to apply this knowledge & these skills in a classroom setting. DNC591 002, the large lecture preceptoship enables the student to develop skills & knowledge for teaching a large academic lecture class. in addition graduate students are given the opportunity to teach at least one course (studio or academic) during their time of study.

Слайд 6From Masters of Accounting Program:
Gainful Employment - The student will:

professional demeanor in all classroom and community affairs
Be engaged before graduation in pursuit of employment opportunities Good outcomes, but who measures? Who collects the data?
Oral & Written Communication - The student can:
Provide constructive and supportive feedback to peers
How are these data collected?

Слайд 7Direct measurement is good
Student performance such as exam or project
Set of

criteria by which to evaluate the performance
Analysis and interpretation of the results
Feedback loop for improvement/decision making

Слайд 8
Make your criteria explicit
Expert judgment is OK: make criteria

A rubric can help
Only collect data that someone will use
Build on what you’re doing now
Results should lead to action

Слайд 9A simple grid Goals: 1. publishable research 2. ethical principles 3. teach

Слайд 10Results should lead to ACTION Don’t bother with data that won’t lead

to action

Слайд 11
Data for assessment: So easy a caveman can do it

Слайд 12

The Dawning of the Age of Mosaic

Слайд 13Better information for decision making

Richer data
Real time data
Consistent data
Easy to use/gather/disseminate

Слайд 14Dashboards Instantly Updated
Canned Reports
APR info
Accreditation data
Standard survey data
Or unique for your

We can help you build them through Analytics (BI)
Got your own database? You can add to BI
Drill down capabilities

Слайд 15Sample Program Dashboard
Median Time to Degree: 6.5 yrs
Completion Rate: 36%

Слайд 16Reports from Student Profile
Any of the hundreds of attributes can be

made into unique reports for your program
All sorts of bio/demographic data
What was is SIS and Matrix PLUS:

Слайд 17Some of MY Favorites
Years to degree (from first enrollment)
Enrollment term count

(# of terms student has been enrolled)
Student milestones
Grad college’s: POS, committee appointment, Comps, Adv to Candidacy, IRB, etc
YOURS: internships, core courses, qualifying exams, finger print, etc

Слайд 18Others
Any & all tests (SAT, GRE, TOEFL, GMAT, etc)
HS GPA, rank

Financial awards
All majors/minors/options
Academic load
First and last enrollment
Catalog year

Слайд 19You Can Add Your Own Milestones
Acad Advising module will go live

in AUGUST for graduate programs
Grad Coordinators now going to ‘testing’ to learn and to provide info to set up milestones and other aspects of Acad Advising.
We can add your unique milestone such as qualifying exams, internships, etc.

Слайд 20Comparison and National data
Will continue to post:

UA Data

Programs Assessment
National Data Sources
Point-in-Time Application, Admit and Enrollment Data

Слайд 21MyGradColl Resources
Student Roster
Training Documentation
Signup for Testing or Training (grad college)
Plus Tom

& Dianne happy to consult with you on grad program assessment

Слайд 22Mosaic Resources

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