from Collections презентация

Слайд 1from Collections
to Connections
TED talks and the Library

Слайд 2
Chrystie Hill
Phil Klein

Слайд 7
TED Conferences (TED, TEDActive, TEDGlobal)
TEDx Events, Salons, Youth events
TEDLive, TEDxLive Viewing

TED Ed, TED Books, StoryCorps
TED Translations for language learning

Слайд 8

Dream together

Слайд 9
What can TED talks, programs, and TEDx events do for you?

Слайд 10
What is your vision of community and the greatest potential for


Слайд 13TEDx events in Texas, University, Youth, all ages

Слайд 14TEDx events in Texas

Слайд 15
TEDx events in Texas

Слайд 16v

TEDx Live video events

Слайд 17TED Ed
TED-Ed is a free educational website for teachers and learners.

We are a global and interdisciplinary initiative with a commitment to creating lessons worth sharing. Our approach to education is an extension of TED’s mission of spreading great ideas. More information at .

Слайд 18
TED-Ed Clubs aims to introduce a school-friendly framework that supports students

in meeting regularly to discuss, pursue and present their big ideas in the form of short TED-style Talks.

We celebrate exceptional student ideas by potentially featuring them at the annual TEDYouth conference or TEDxYouth events.

Слайд 21TEDx Library events

Слайд 22

TEDx Library events

Слайд 23TEDx Library events in Texas

Слайд 24
Library at TEDx events

Слайд 25Take StoryCorps global David Isay’s TED Prize

Слайд 28Libraries
Organize and spread ideas and knowledge
Connect communities
Are conveners
Hold events

Слайд 29TEDx Events
Convene a gathering
Show videos
Present live Talks
Social interaction and activities
Community building

Слайд 58= Volunteers on team
TEDx Events at a Library
X=independently-organized TED event

Слайд 59
= Team
= Volunteers on team

= hired

X=independently-organized TED event
Venue logistics
Venue management

Team Leads



Слайд 60TEDx Event Teams (larger scale) X=independently-organized TED event

Слайд 61What if…
The library is a home for shared insights and insightful


Librarians are curators of ideas
Libraries are community knowledge sharing centers

We liberate ideas from isolation

Слайд 62
What new and important ideas are in your community?

What role

will you play in encouraging insights to be shared?

What potential do local idea sharing events hold for you and your library?

Слайд 63TED Talks, TEDx Events at Libraries
Hold Informal viewing parties
Share TED

talks ( )
Start a TED Ed Clubs at libraries or schools (see
Start at TED book club
Hold StoryCorps (download the mobile app)
Partner with local TEDx events (
TEDx Library events (apply for a free license
TEDLive viewing parties (apply for a free license

Слайд 64from Collections
to Connections
TED talks and the Library

Слайд 65
Chrystie Hill
Phil Klein

Слайд 67TEDxColumbus 2009

Слайд 68TEDxRainier 2011

Слайд 72Thank you!

Chrystie Phil

Слайд 73Appendix
TEDx organizer resources are online at
A global community of organizers

is eager to support also.

Слайд 74To Manage a TEDx Event

Слайд 75To Manage a TEDx Event

Слайд 76To Manage a TEDx Event

Слайд 77To Manage a TEDx Event

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Что такое

Это сайт презентаций, докладов, проектов, шаблонов в формате PowerPoint. Мы помогаем школьникам, студентам, учителям, преподавателям хранить и обмениваться учебными материалами с другими пользователями.

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