Education’s continuing journey презентация

“Get a better education" was one of the top 10 most popular New Year’s resolutions for 2014. - Source: USA.Gov, “Popular New Year's Resolutions,” October

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Education’s continuing journey
Spring semester insights for digital marketers

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“Get a better education" was one of the top 10 most

popular New Year’s resolutions for 2014.


Source: USA.Gov, “Popular New Year's Resolutions,” October 2014

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Everyone wants to be better, which is why 47% of New

Year’s resolutions
involve self-improvement or education.

- University of Scranton, 2012

Source: University of Scranton, Journal of Clinical Psychology, January 2014

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53% of New Year’s resolutions involve saving money for long-term goals.

Of this, 35% are saving for college.

Source:, Fidelity 2014 New Year Financial Resolutions Study

Слайд 5Source: Online vs Traditional Education, Yahoo! Consumer Pulse, 2013 - Q6.Why

did you choose to pursue your degree(s)/certification(s)? Please select all that apply. (Base: done/doing any 'online/traditional' qualification, n=1214)

According to a recent Yahoo! Consumer Pulse survey, 57% of people pursue a degree or certification to help them get a better job.

Слайд 6Through 2019, not-for-profit colleges and universities will experience steady growth
Source: IBISWorld

Industry Report 61131a, Colleges and Universities in the US, Lucas Isakowitz, October 2014

Projected annualized growth rate of government funding over the next five years to 2019.

Industry revenue is projected to grow an average of 3% per year over the five years to 2019.

Further implementation of online courses will reduce costs and provide access to new markets.

Слайд 7For-profit universities will continue to grow, but at a slower rate


student loans expected to go into default over the next 20 years (US Department of Education)

For-profit universities are projected to see an annualized growth of 1.2% over the five years to 2019.

Source: IBISWorld Industry Report 61131b, For-Profit Universities in the US, Sally Lerma IBISWorld, September 2014

Laws governing industry operators are expected to increase during the next five years.

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Mixed drivers will contribute to the slow growth of for-profit universities


unemployment rate
An improving labor market will cause more individuals to enter jobs rather than schools.

Controversy afoot
The quality of education has come under scrutiny as many students cannot find gainful employment after graduating.

Online services
Growth of online courses continues to broaden the industry’s customer base.

Source: IBISWorld Industry Report 61131b, For-Profit Universities in the US, Sally Lerma IBISWorld, September 2014.

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The economy is returning to pre-recession levels
Source: IBISWorld Business Environment Report,

National unemployment rate, September 2014

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The percentage of services conducted online continues to grow
Source: IBISWorld Business

Environment Report, Percentage of services conducted online, August 2014

Слайд 11Digital education is brighter than ever
Source: Top 10 eLearning Statistics

for 2014 Infographic, Dec 1, 2013

About 4.6 out of 10 college students are taking at least one course online.

By 2019, roughly 50% of college courses will be offered online.

Слайд 12Researching education providers is largely done online
Source: Online Prospect Expectations: A

Study of Prospective Student Experiences Online and Where Schools Fall Short, Velocify/PossibleNOW December 2013.

Nearly 60% of students have performed more than 10% of their higher education research on a mobile device.

Almost all prospective students have used the Internet to research higher education institutions.

Слайд 13Students’ ownership of digital devices exceeds the general adult population
*Pew Research

Center; Source: EDUCAUSE: ECAR Study of Undergraduate Students and Information Technology, 2013.










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58% of students own three or more Internet-capable devices.
Sources: ECAR

Study of Undergraduate Students and Information Technology, September 2013

Слайд 15Windows is the most popular OS in desktop and laptop devices


ECAR Study of Undergraduate Students and Information Technology, September 2013

Слайд 16Students use technology to prepare for education and work
According to a

recent survey, students use technology to:

Source: ECAR Study of Undergraduate Students and Information Technology, September 2013

achieve their academic outcomes

prepare for future educational plans

prepare for the workplace

Слайд 17Higher education is being impacted by technology trends

Moving beyond MOOCs* to

flipped classrooms**

Better WiFi Support

Degrees in big data analytics

Smartphones/ tablets as a common platform

Social platforms for collaborative work

*MOOCs: Massive Open Online Courses; **Flipped classrooms: Allow students to view lectures and content at home freeing up class time to discuss and understand concepts; Source: “5 technology trends poised to rock higher education”, April 2014

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Yahoo Bing Network performance trends

Слайд 19Mobile searches were more aggressive. There was a strong January opening

and March end, with an average 26% year over year increase.

Year over year, PC/Tablet search volume has remained consistent with last year’s volume.

Education searches are growing on Mobile

Source: Microsoft internal analytics, January-March 2013, 2014. Owned & Operated, US, EN.

Слайд 20Steady search volumes and growing clicks and click-through-rates indicate improved monetization

efficiency in the Yahoo Bing Network marketplace.

PC and Tablet education clicks grew in January and March

Source: Microsoft internal analytics, January-March 2013, 2014. Owned & Operated, US, EN.

Слайд 21Mobile campaigns are becoming more effective – clicks are growing at

a faster rate than searches.
January 2014 grew 117% year-over-year.

Mobile click-through-rates increased for each month, at rates ranging from 37% to 58%.

Mobile education clicks continue to grow

Source: Microsoft internal analytics, January-March 2013, 2014. Owned & Operated, US, EN.

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January through March 2014 saw these top education searches…
Source: Microsoft internal

data analysis: 1/1/2014-3/31/2014. Owned & Operated, US; PC + Tablet Only

Слайд 23

Drive even better performance with Ad Extensions
Sitelink Extensions
Improve click-through rate

(CTR) and conversions by providing direct access to site content.


lift in click-through-rates

Location Extensions

Mobile users are more likely to be searching for a location on their mobile device, rather than on desktop or a tablet.


lift in click-through-rates

Call Extensions

Connect customers quickly to your representatives with tap to call.


unique searchers

Source1: Source: comScore Explicit Core Search (custom), June 2014; Source:  Microsoft internal data

Слайд 24
Yahoo Bing Network audience behaviors

Слайд 25Source: comScore Plan Metrix, US, February 2014, custom measure created using

comScore indices and duplication. February 2014 data was used to reflect spring semester season.

Changing jobs

Compared to Google, the Yahoo Bing Network audience is more likely to have planned to change jobs/careers in the next 12 months

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Source: comScore Plan Metrix, US, February 2014, custom measure created using

comScore indices and duplication. February 2014 data was used to reflect spring semester season.

Compared to Google, the Yahoo Bing Network audience is more likely to use their mobile device almost every day to access job listings

Looking for jobs

Слайд 27Source: comScore Plan Metrix, US, February 2014, custom measure created using

comScore indices and duplication. February 2014 data was used to reflect spring semester season.

Interested in educational services

Compared to Google, the Yahoo Bing Network audience is
33% more likely to have bought online educational classes (for credit) offline in the last 6 months
7% more likely to have searched for other literary or other educational products online in the last 6 months

Слайд 28Source: comScore Plan Metrix, US, February 2014, custom measure created using

comScore indices and duplication. February 2014 data was used to reflect spring semester season.

Applying for an education loan

Compared to Google, the Yahoo Bing Network audience is
16% more likely to have applied online for an education loan in the last 6 months
8% more likely to have searched online for information on an education loan in the last 6 months

Слайд 29Source: comScore Plan Metrix, US, February 2014, custom measure created using

comScore indices and duplication. February 2014 data was used to reflect spring semester season.

Compared to Google, the Yahoo Bing Network audience is more likely to:
Have attended graduate school, no degree
Have attended college, no degree
Have attended high school, no degree

Being a student

Слайд 30Source: comScore Plan Metrix, US, February 2014, custom measure created using

comScore indices and duplication. February 2014 data was used to reflect spring semester season.

Compared to Google, the Yahoo Bing Network audience is
8% more likely to be a part-time college student

Attending college part-time

Слайд 31Source: comScore Plan Metrix, US, February 2014, custom measure created using

comScore indices and duplication. February 2014 data was used to reflect spring semester season.

Attending college full-time

Compared to Google, the Yahoo Bing Network audience is more likely to be a full-time college student

Слайд 32
Help your search ads get smarter
with Bing Ads ad copy research

Слайд 33Ad Title
Ad Description
Here’s how to read a heatmap
Our study results show

that an education provider ad with “online” in the title and “time” in the description has high ad quality.

Слайд 34Education providers
Ad performance heatmap
Ad Title
Ad Description

Слайд 35Top 5 word combos in education provider ad copy

All Devices
Top performing

ad copy across all devices included “online” words such as “degree(s) online” and “apply online” in the title and “time”-related words such as “part-time,” “per hour,” or “hour” in the ad description.

Слайд 36Top education provider ad copy word combos by device
Mobile Phones

Top performing

ad copy on mobile devices included those ad titles mentioning recruitment-related words, such as “hiring” or “hired,” combined with ad descriptions that contained pricing in the details such as dollar amounts, “$__ hour,” “affordable,” or “paying.”

Слайд 37Sitelink deep link analysis

“Recruitment” was a top performer when featured in

Sitelink Extension ads and is a relatively untapped opportunity. “Learning,” “Find,” “Price/Pricing,” and “Jobs” also perform well, with “Price/Pricing” the most underutilized by advertisers. Take advantage of these phrases before they become known tips.

Total Impressions Generated: 269 Million, Total Ads Analyzed = 248,000; Analysis Period: January-March, 2014.

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Слайд 39
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